Attempts to Roll Back Marriage Equality since the Trump Election.

While Trump himself has been pretty quiet on the subject of same sex marriage and LGBT rights in general, we know that he has surrounded himself with some of the most opprobrious bigots - both religious and those that are just far right-or alt right -ideologues and hate mongers.

There was the recent report - a resulted from a leak from the White House- that an executive order was being drafted to overturn Obamas EO prohibiting discrimination against Federal LGBT employees and contractors. If put in front of Trump, the lazy and incurious plutocrat might have mindlessly signed it. Fortunately, Jerod and Ivanka Kushner- two of the few rational and decent people on his inner circle interceded and it was quashed.

Nevertheless, the knowledge of the anti gay forces lurking in the White House, have , apparently ,emboldened ideological bigots and religious zealots across the country to take new aim at marriage equality.

There are at least three attempts in progress to do so. All have been launched since the election, and I can't help but to believe that they have been inspired and encouraged by the reactionary forces that have gained power and influence recently. No doubt that the prospect of tipping the balance of the Supreme Court is also a factor. Consider:

Tennessee Bill Would Undo Marriage Equality
A bill making its way through the Tennessee state legislature aims to roll back marriage equality in the Volunteer State. But LGBT advocates say the legislation is an unconstitutional attempt to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Pody, who claims God has called him to stop same-sex marriages, introduced House Bill 1412, the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, last September. At the same time, Sen. Mae Beavers, also a Republican, introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

This is really stupid and unconstitutional is light of the Obergefell ruling. What are these people thinking and do they not have anything better to do? Are there not some actual problems to address that they will spent time, money and energy on this??

As written, the bill seeks to declare it "the policy of Tennessee to defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." It requires state officials, including the attorney general, to "defend any state or local government official from any lawsuit" arising from an official's refusal to marry a same-sex couple. The bill also seeks to prevent state and local agencies from implementing any punishment for those violating the Supreme Court's June 2015 ruling that mandated legal marriage equality nationwide.

They cannot possibly get away with this unless they can get Obergefell and Windsor overturned, and that is not happening. Similarly, the City of Houston is trying to undermine the right of same sex partners of city employees to recieve spousal benefits, also in violation of Obergefell:

Amid GOP Pressure, Texas High Court to Hear Challenge to Spousal Benefits

The Texas Supreme Court Friday agreed to hear a case challenging some of the rights gained with marriage equality.
The case involves whether the city of Houston is obligated to provide benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees, The Dallas Morning News reports. In September the high court had declined to hear the case, but justices reversed that decision amid pressure from top Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Then we have this out of Arkansas.
Seriously, Arkansas? Even Trump Knows Same-Sex Marriage Is Done Deal
Guys, you aren’t actually going to even believe this. There are still people trying to get rid of same-sex marriage. If you’re all, “didn’t we already fight about this a long time ago?” you’d be right. Except that news apparently hasn’t hit Arkansas just yet. One of its esteemed legislators just filed a Senate Joint Resolution requesting the United States Congress to start working on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the “union of one man and one woman.” How positively late-90s of him.

Yes, it is unlikely to go anywhere, and even congressional Republicans know that it is unpopular and a colossal waste of time. However, the point is, as I have said, that there has been a flurry of this type of activity since the election. Does anyone deny the obvious connection given that fact that no such attempts to roll back marriage equality in the 18 months or so since the Obergefell ruling were introduced until now.??
GOD defined marriage (one man + one woman for life); NOT the "supreme" court!!

Man and woman defined god as a way to Controll your mind

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More about Regnerus and the pathetic attempts by bigots to prove that gays should not have children

Perkins Cites Debunked Study to Warn of ‘Serious Risks’ of Gay Adoption | Right Wing Watch

In his daily email yesterday, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins attacked a bill that would prohibit adoption programs that receive federal funding from discriminating against same-sex couples. This bill, he says, “would intentionally deprive children of a mother” and expose children to “the serious risks [of] being raised in a homosexual home.”

Perkins’ evidence for these “serious risks” is, of course, the thoroughly debunked Regnerus Study.

The New York Times' earliest report is a good example of strong reporting that set the proper context. While being careful to say that there is a little bit of actual research attached to the study, writer Benedict Carey made it clear that the study did not even remotely apply to the debate to which its supporters wished to apply it. Carey noted the flawed sample (e.g. "About half the study participants with a gay parent, as defined in the study, were born out of wedlock and half into a traditional family that broke up. Many lived with the gay parent sporadically;" "Just three of those who had lesbian mothers lived out their entire childhood with that parent, Dr. Regnerus said; none of those whose fathers had had a same-sex relationship lived full time with their fathers through childhood.") and every single expert Carey quoted in his piece noted the "limited usefulness" in applying the findings to the marriage equality conversation. Carey's article made it perfectly clear that if there is anything at all to be gleaned from Regnerus' work, it speaks to other factors (e.g. divorce, fragmentation, family transition, etc) and not gay parenting in general.
I'm busy today, I'll post a starter list of studies that show exactly the opposite, including some these gimps claim as 'refuting' whatever when in fact their own data contradicts the claim's they're making. One oft-cited 'study', for instance, eliminates any male who has ever had heterosexual relations at all, even once, from the 'homosexual' category, regardless of what they self-identify as, which of course removes over 90% of homosexuals, and puts them in the 'hetero' category, and no effort to include bisexuals in the homo category even if their sexual liaisons are 90% homo. The methodologies in every single one of the 'gay friendly studies' are overwhelmingly ridiculous junk, that only the insane would pass off as 'science'. And of course it's standard for academic journals to suppress any studies that contradict the PC orthodoxy, and the MSM does likewise, which is why all the public hears about the deviants is all sweetness and light.

Good observations. Here, I'll save you some time: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..


Mayo Clinic 2007 article on pedophiles and their sexual orientation:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

What this says is that OF ALL children molested, a demographic (sexual attraction to males by males) that comprises about only 2% of the ENTIRE population, is responsible for up to 40% of all child molestation. The statistics range so widely, (but are still alarming at 9%), because young boys and youth are highly reluctant to report or admit that a man raped them as a boy. It's probably closer to the 40% mark or even higher.. Boys are way less likely than girls to report being sexually assaulted by men.

How much do we know about it? Sexual abuse of boys is common, under reported, under- recognized, and under-treated....Underreporting is a result of many issues. Boys are less likely than girls to report sexual abuse because of fear, the social stigma against homosexual behavior, the desire to appear self-reliant (boys grow up believing that they should not allow themselves to be harmed or talk about painful experiences), and the concern for loss of independence.

Read the article ^^ but shhhhhh! :eusa_shhh: Don't tell anybody!

Bullshit . It says that up to 40 percent of male CHILD MOLESTERS will molest a boy. Says nothing about gay men who are not attracted to children.

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Let's not forget that 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before they reach 18....many by hetero male family members like FATHERS!

And many by Dykes on Bikes.
Keep it up, Sil. You are doing a great service for western civilization and humanity. I share much of the info you provide to both friends and family. that amount of sharing of lies is really scarey.
She doesn't lie. You do.

She lies as often as she breathes.

She is a paragon of lies. The queen of defamation. The princess of pitiful predictions.

Or to you- 'great'

Apparently everything Syriously disagrees with must be a lie in her book.

LOL- no just the lies are lies in my book.

Among the whoppers Silhouette likes to tell:
  1. Dylan Roof was actually gay and attacked the African American church in Charleston because gay marriage was legalized.
  2. Obergefell actually legalized polygamous marriage in the United States
  3. The last pope was forced to resign by the evil gays.
Other than that she just lies about gays, marriage, Obergefell and the law pretty much every post.
Apparently everything Syriously disagrees with must be a lie in her book.
Oh. It';s a woman obsessed with tiny dicks? I assumed it was a "man."
Most women who talk about men with tiny dicks have loose meatholes.. So let that sink in.

Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
I have not noticed Christians suing bakers and florists for not accepting Christianity.

Don't see any reports on the gimps going after Muslim bakers. Do they, and if not why not?
Maybe, because Muslim bakers, at least in this country, respect the law and the Constitution and, unlike some Christians, understand that you can't impose your religious values on paying customers in a public accommodation. Muslims come from a place where the separation of religion and government is an alien concept - a place where they too can be discriminated against for not strictly adhering to religious doctrine. Maybe, they are more respectful and grateful for living in a place where there is true religious freedom and that they actually understand the meaning of religious freedom.
There have been several camera crews going to muslim bakeries for a wedding cake for a same sex wedding. They get told to leave.
You tube has many videos of,muslim bakeries telling gays to leave. Look at a few.

Feel free to post them.

The only video's I have seen were the 'gotcha' ones heavily edited, and of course not actually telling any gays to leave.

But meanwhile- business's- whether owned by Christians or Muslims- are not above the law.
I think PP has a fair point. I know there are faggots who hate pedos... Because they were molested themselves.

Because only people who have been molested hate pedophiles?

Pretty much all people hate child molesters- whether they have been molested or not.

That is not a gay or a straight thing.
Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved?

It's time to face facts that your cult's critics have valid points...
A strict constitutional supreme Court will hopefully straighten out gay overreaching and instruct them that they do not control the world.

Now if they will only do that to Christians.

Remember- it hasn't been gays that have spent the last 100 years trying to tell everyone how they can have sex, and who they can marry or not marry- that has been the Christians- trying to 'control the world'
I have not noticed Christians suing bakers and florists for not accepting Christianity.

No- Christians historically bypassed that and just went straight to outlawing homosexuality. Or tried to ban homosexuals from professions. Remember Anita Bryant?
Most posters who obsess about hating gays are really compensating for their tiny dicks.

And their inability to have anything to sink in.
In a lesbian "marriage" which one provides the vital father role model for boy children involved? In a gay male "marriage" who provides the vital mother role model for girl children involved? .

The same person who provides that 'vital father role model' when a single mother is raising her kids without a dad.

Just with two incomes instead of one. Surely you don't think that a single mother's are bad for raising their kids without a father?
A dad and uncle maybe? What in the fuck does this picture have to do with reality?

Faggots have always been pedos and rapists..s.

Men have always been pedos and rapists.

That is the sad reality. By a huge margin it is men- not women who are the child molesters.

And then there are the assholes who endanger children by implying that the men parents need to be scared of are 'faggots'- not the good coaches like Sandusky or Hastert.
While Trump himself has been pretty quiet on the subject of same sex marriage and LGBT rights in general, we know that he has surrounded himself with some of the most opprobrious bigots - both religious and those that are just far right-or alt right -ideologues and hate mongers.

There was the recent report - a resulted from a leak from the White House- that an executive order was being drafted to overturn Obamas EO prohibiting discrimination against Federal LGBT employees and contractors. If put in front of Trump, the lazy and incurious plutocrat might have mindlessly signed it. Fortunately, Jerod and Ivanka Kushner- two of the few rational and decent people on his inner circle interceded and it was quashed.

Nevertheless, the knowledge of the anti gay forces lurking in the White House, have , apparently ,emboldened ideological bigots and religious zealots across the country to take new aim at marriage equality.

There are at least three attempts in progress to do so. All have been launched since the election, and I can't help but to believe that they have been inspired and encouraged by the reactionary forces that have gained power and influence recently. No doubt that the prospect of tipping the balance of the Supreme Court is also a factor. Consider:

Tennessee Bill Would Undo Marriage Equality
A bill making its way through the Tennessee state legislature aims to roll back marriage equality in the Volunteer State. But LGBT advocates say the legislation is an unconstitutional attempt to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Pody, who claims God has called him to stop same-sex marriages, introduced House Bill 1412, the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, last September. At the same time, Sen. Mae Beavers, also a Republican, introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

This is really stupid and unconstitutional is light of the Obergefell ruling. What are these people thinking and do they not have anything better to do? Are there not some actual problems to address that they will spent time, money and energy on this??

As written, the bill seeks to declare it "the policy of Tennessee to defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." It requires state officials, including the attorney general, to "defend any state or local government official from any lawsuit" arising from an official's refusal to marry a same-sex couple. The bill also seeks to prevent state and local agencies from implementing any punishment for those violating the Supreme Court's June 2015 ruling that mandated legal marriage equality nationwide.

They cannot possibly get away with this unless they can get Obergefell and Windsor overturned, and that is not happening. Similarly, the City of Houston is trying to undermine the right of same sex partners of city employees to recieve spousal benefits, also in violation of Obergefell:

Amid GOP Pressure, Texas High Court to Hear Challenge to Spousal Benefits

The Texas Supreme Court Friday agreed to hear a case challenging some of the rights gained with marriage equality.
The case involves whether the city of Houston is obligated to provide benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees, The Dallas Morning News reports. In September the high court had declined to hear the case, but justices reversed that decision amid pressure from top Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Then we have this out of Arkansas.
Seriously, Arkansas? Even Trump Knows Same-Sex Marriage Is Done Deal
Guys, you aren’t actually going to even believe this. There are still people trying to get rid of same-sex marriage. If you’re all, “didn’t we already fight about this a long time ago?” you’d be right. Except that news apparently hasn’t hit Arkansas just yet. One of its esteemed legislators just filed a Senate Joint Resolution requesting the United States Congress to start working on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the “union of one man and one woman.” How positively late-90s of him.

Yes, it is unlikely to go anywhere, and even congressional Republicans know that it is unpopular and a colossal waste of time. However, the point is, as I have said, that there has been a flurry of this type of activity since the election. Does anyone deny the obvious connection given that fact that no such attempts to roll back marriage equality in the 18 months or so since the Obergefell ruling were introduced until now.??
GOD defined marriage (one man + one woman for life); NOT the "supreme" court!!

Which god?
I'm busy today, I'll post a starter list of studies that show exactly the opposite, including some these gimps claim as 'refuting' whatever when in fact their own data contradicts the claim's they're making. One oft-cited 'study', for instance, eliminates any male who has ever had heterosexual relations at all, even once, from the 'homosexual' category, regardless of what they self-identify as, which of course removes over 90% of homosexuals, and puts them in the 'hetero' category, and no effort to include bisexuals in the homo category even if their sexual liaisons are 90% homo. The methodologies in every single one of the 'gay friendly studies' are overwhelmingly ridiculous junk, that only the insane would pass off as 'science'. And of course it's standard for academic journals to suppress any studies that contradict the PC orthodoxy, and the MSM does likewise, which is why all the public hears about the deviants is all sweetness and light.

Good observations. Here, I'll save you some time: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..


Mayo Clinic 2007 article on pedophiles and their sexual orientation:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

Ah I love it when Silhouette pulls out this article(at least she is no longer lying and saying that this was a "Mayo Clinic study")- because frankly it is an excellent article on the issue- and Silhouette just assumes no one will read the article- or the very next sentence that she leaves out.

This is the very next sentence:
This finding does not imply that homosexuals are more likely to molest children, just that a larger percentage of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexualin orientation to children.19

Silhouette lies- she lies in order to attack homosexuals. She does this constantly.
A strict constitutional supreme Court will hopefully straighten out gay overreaching and instruct them that they do not control the world.

Now if they will only do that to Christians.

Remember- it hasn't been gays that have spent the last 100 years trying to tell everyone how they can have sex, and who they can marry or not marry- that has been the Christians- trying to 'control the world'

Yeah, just imagine...but it is a Christian nation. Yep, there are some radical Christians. Personally, I don't care what you do in your bedroom, or any other room of your house. It isn't marriage. I don't know what it is but it isn't marriage. You want to call it that in order to feel normal.
I'm busy today, I'll post a starter list of studies that show exactly the opposite, including some these gimps claim as 'refuting' whatever when in fact their own data contradicts the claim's they're making. One oft-cited 'study', for instance, eliminates any male who has ever had heterosexual relations at all, even once, from the 'homosexual' category, regardless of what they self-identify as, which of course removes over 90% of homosexuals, and puts them in the 'hetero' category, and no effort to include bisexuals in the homo category even if their sexual liaisons are 90% homo. The methodologies in every single one of the 'gay friendly studies' are overwhelmingly ridiculous junk, that only the insane would pass off as 'science'. And of course it's standard for academic journals to suppress any studies that contradict the PC orthodoxy, and the MSM does likewise, which is why all the public hears about the deviants is all sweetness and light.

Good observations. Here, I'll save you some time: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..


Mayo Clinic 2007 article on pedophiles and their sexual orientation:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

What this says is that OF ALL children molested, a demographic (sexual attraction to males by males) that comprises about only 2% of the ENTIRE population, is responsible for up to 40% of all child molestation.

Except of course the very article you cite says just the opposite- in the very next sentence

This finding does not imply that homosexuals are more likely to molest children,

You lie.
A strict constitutional supreme Court will hopefully straighten out gay overreaching and instruct them that they do not control the world.

Now if they will only do that to Christians.

Remember- it hasn't been gays that have spent the last 100 years trying to tell everyone how they can have sex, and who they can marry or not marry- that has been the Christians- trying to 'control the world'

Yeah, just imagine...but it is a Christian nation. Yep, there are some radical Christians. Personally, I don't care what you do in your bedroom, or any other room of your house. It isn't marriage. I don't know what it is but it isn't marriage. You want to call it that in order to feel normal.

???? I have been a happily married husband to my beautiful wife for over 20 years. I don't 'want' to call it marriage- it is marriage- my friends who are the same gender who have gotten married are married just like my wife and I are.

And for the same reasons.

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