Attention Atheist Leftwingers: Please Go Live in One of the 5 Officially Atheist Countries For a Year. Then We'll See if You Sing the Same Tune

Well, it's just that they seem to think atheism is so great, I just want them to experience a government that feels the same way. See if they think the same when they come back.
Which is both ignorant and idiotic.

Your effort to vilify ‘atheists’ is likewise idiotic.

Those free from religion enjoy a rich, rewarding, and fulfilling life – at liberty to explore and experience the world absent the restraints of religious doctrine and dogma.

Moreover, those free from religion are advocates and defenders of religious freedom and expression – where persons of faith should be allowed to practice their religion without fear of government repression or discrimination.

Your thread premise and posts demonstrate an unwarranted – and un-Christian – hatred of those free from religion.
Which is both ignorant and idiotic.

Your effort to vilify ‘atheists’ is likewise idiotic.

Those free from religion enjoy a rich, rewarding, and fulfilling life – at liberty to explore and experience the world absent the restraints of religious doctrine and dogma.

Moreover, those free from religion are advocates and defenders of religious freedom and expression – where persons of faith should be allowed to practice their religion without fear of government repression or discrimination.

Your thread premise and posts demonstrate an unwarranted – and un-Christian – hatred of those free from religion.
I don't vilify atheists. I want them to change. I DO vilify atheism, because it's an intellectually and morally bankrupt belief that's ruining people's lives. Atheists do not enjoy a rich rewarding fulfilling life. They've substituted other gods in the place of the God of Abraham, whether it be money, alcohol, drugs, or sex. Ultimately, it's about self rather than others. You think because some atheists are affable and don't steal or attack others and pay their bills, that's enough. But if they're violating moral laws, not even thinking they're wrong, that's a condemning flaw.

Atheism blinds people to thinking their behavior doesn't harm others. Take the two examples of sex outside marriage. I don't know a single atheist who believes either is morally problematic. Do you believe it is? And we've repeatedly gone over the reasons those acts are damaging to both parties involved, yet atheists don't believe they are, because 1) they've never taken the time to think about its consequences, and 2) they are too concerned with their own gratification to care.

I can predict your response. I'll tell you if I was right.
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I don't imagine you're going to find much of an audience for the Christian version of the Taliban.
This is like saying the Rolls Royce version of the Yugo. There isn't one. Completely different.

Radical Islam advocates violence and actually many of the same things atheism advocates: hatred and violence towards Christians, destruction of Christianity, hatred of America, hatred of capitalism. They are two sides of the same coin.
And sadly, the more aggressive and militant they become, the less they are following Jesus and being Christ-like.
Militant Christians? No, it's the atheist/ Islamic left who are suppressing and killing Christians all over the world. Take a trip to your lovely utopia called China. See how they're treating Christians.
I have seen no sign that any atheist involved in your threads has seen any such thing. If there are absurd beliefs, your belief that we should abandon the US Constitution and become a Roman Catholic Nation would be the biggest.
You people aren't going to get on here and say "Gee, Mash. You're right. My long-held beliefs are bankrupt." Not everyone is a troll who has to have the last word like you. Many read the comments but never respond. According to the statistics of this thread, they outnumber responders 10-to 1. Those are the ones I'm trying to influence.
Yes, you respond with silliness, yet you can't say you'd like to live in one of the five atheist-government sh*t holes. Nobody here has, so far.
All that says is you don't read the replies. But I knew that.
I agree the basis of Christianity and the Trinity is silliness.
This is how atheists respond. They deflect. Never address the points made. It's because they can't address the issues brought up.
This is like saying the Rolls Royce version of the Yugo. There isn't one. Completely different.

Radical Islam advocates violence and actually many of the same things atheism advocates: hatred and violence towards Christians, destruction of Christianity, hatred of America, hatred of capitalism. They are two sides of the same coin.
No, this is like saying extremism has a long, enduring history in Christianity as it does in Islamism. The churches never stood up against slavery or for civil rights. They defended their hatred, their intolerance and bigotry by saying this was the way the gods wants things. You can create seething hatreds for the non-religionist and if enough people believe "this is the way the gods want it" then it will become acceptable.

"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian."
-Adolph Hitler

I agree. Given what believers have done to humanity, Hitker was just another recruiter. To condemn this as degrading and dehumanizing would involve having to profoundly question Christian history.
This is how atheists respond. They deflect. Never address the points made.
Bro'. You made the point the idea of YHWH sacrificing part of himself to persuade himself was silly. I agreed. How is that deflecting?

I mean, it's not as if I can read the replies to your points for you, just because you ignore them as you're too lazy to read them.
No, this is like saying extremism has a long, enduring history in Christianity as it does in Islamism. The churches never stood up against slavery or for civil rights. They defended their hatred, their intolerance and bigotry by saying this was the way the gods wants things. You can create seething hatreds for the non-religionist and if enough people believe "this is the way the gods want it" then it will become acceptable.

"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian."
-Adolph Hitler

I agree. Given what believers have done to humanity, Hitker was just another recruiter. To condemn this as degrading and dehumanizing would involve having to profoundly question Christian history.
1. My Catholic Church was at the forefront of the anti-slavery movement, issuing an encyclical in 1839 condeming it.

2. I still want to know what "Christian extremism" is. Is that people to act too much like Jesus? Is it people who love others too much?

3. You believe the words of a bloodthirsty dictator like Hitler? I don't.
I grew up under the control of Christians. The kind you like too. Incredibly racist and enthusiastic about punishing sinful little boys. They were also adept at finding the worst kind of perverts to look after us when they were not around. Don't tell me zealots value freedom. I know better.
You see what you've CHOSEN to see.

"The heart is deceitful above all things; desperately wicked. Who can know it?"
1. My Catholic Church was at the forefront of the anti-slavery movement, issuing an encyclical in 1839 condeming it.

2. I still want to know what "Christian extremism" is. Is that people to act too much like Jesus? Is it people who love others too much?

3. You believe the words of a bloodthirsty dictator like Hitler? I don't.

1. Sorry. The Catholic Church was never at the forefront of any anti-slavery movement. Sadly, the Catholic Church was seemingly at the forefront of managing and maintaining a child sex exploitation syndicate which lasted for decades.

2. I read your posts and see many examples of anger, hate and derision as examples of Christian extremism. History is replete with acts of Christian extremism, from the burning of the Library of Alexandria through the Dark Ages.

3. You ignore history? I don't.

The soldiers of what army in WW2 wore the medallion shown below on their belt buckles?

Who was in charge of those armies?

View attachment 682322

What does. Gott Mit Uns translate to?


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1. Sorry. The Catholic Church was never at the forefront of any anti-slavery movement. Sadly, the Catholic Church was seemingly at the forefront of managing and maintaining a child sex exploitation syndicate which lasted for decades.

2. I read your posts and see many examples of anger, hate and derision as examples of Christian extremism. History is replete with acts of Christian extremism, from the burning of the Library of Alexandria through the Dark Ages.

3. You ignore history? I don't.

The soldiers of what army in WW2 wore the medallion shown below on their belt buckles?

Who was in charge of those armies?

View attachment 682322

What does. Gott Mit Uns translate to?
1. I just stated how the RCC opposed slavery in 1839. Did you read?
2. My only anger is toward bad ideas like atheism and the people who knowingly push them on the unsuspecting and gullible. You seem extremely hateful of all Christians, however. Again, you go back centuries to find example of bad people who pretended to act in the name of Christianity.
3. Hitler was hostile to Christianity. That's why he closed churches and murdered clergy. It's why the future Pope Saint John Paul was forced into the underground to become a priest. But Hitler wasn't above using religion to further his cause.
1. I just stated how the RCC opposed slavery in 1839. Did you read?
2. My only anger is toward bad ideas like atheism and the people who knowingly push them on the unsuspecting and gullible. You seem extremely hateful of all Christians, however. Again, you go back centuries to find example of bad people who pretended to act in the name of Christianity.
3. Hitler was hostile to Christianity. That's why he closed churches and murdered clergy. It's why the future Pope Saint John Paul was forced into the underground to become a priest. But Hitler wasn't above using religion to further his cause.

1. Your stating something doesn't make it true. The facts have a peculiar way of contradicting your statements.

2. Firstly, atheism is not an idea, good, bad or otherwise. It's a conclusion about the claims of your religion and your gods. I see nothing that separates your revulsion for infidels who are, according to you, are people with bad ideas and, ''people who knowingly push them on the unsuspecting and gullible.''

Why are you any different? You are promoting hate and revulsion for others while knowingly pushing those bad ideas on the unsuspecting and the gullible? You use your religion as a bloody truncheon to attack others.

I would make the point that your hard-sell, angry and repellant proselytizing does more harm than good, however, the ''angry christian'' seems to define your posting style.

Your anger derives from your inability to present a coherent argument. ''You hate all Christians" is just an emotionally charged claim. It's just flailing around because you don't like being confronted with the history of Christianity.

Hitler was not at all hostile to either Christianity or the church.

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 1

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. ...Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. ...
- Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

The fact that the Curia is now making its peace with Fascism shows that the Vatican trusts the new political realities far more than did the former liberal democracy with which it could not come to terms. ...The fact that the Catholic Church has come to an agreement with Fascist Italy ...proves beyond doubt that the Fascist world of ideas is closer to Christianity than those of Jewish liberalism or even atheistic Marxism...
- Adolf Hitler in an article in the Völkischer Beobachter, February 29, 1929, on the new Lateran Treaty between Mussolini's fascist government and the Vatican
The current government hates Christianity specifically. The People are NOT Atheistic

christianity was written by the crucifiers in the 4th century that and the other two desert religions have never proven themselves to anyone but those that subscribe to their books of forgeries and fallacies as beneficial or consistent with the prescribed religion of antiquity in the least bit worth of adherence, as proven throughout recorded history.

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