Attorney General Barr Puts Former Intel Bosses On Notice

So he's a butthurt idiot who hates where he lives. Tell him it's way cheaper to live somewhere else, and invite him to do so. I'll consider it a favor.
Your worship of the ruling class is hilarious.
Lol what? Are you suggesting I'm part of the ruling class? Then bow down! :lmao:
You can’t read either. Vodka or pot tonight?
You realize we were talking about the DC area? I bet not, actually.
Meth maybe.
If you're not sure what you took, try
Mitchell-- sorry, Barr, is off to delight the right wing blogosphere until his house of cards can't stand anymore. He's going up against people who gave their lives to this country. The opposite of himself and his client-- sorry, President.
He is going up against proven repeat Perjurers, those who have admitted already to illegally spying in the past on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, & even USSC Justices....

He is going up against partisan criminal.finals who elevated themselves above the law, who abused their positions of authority and power

He is going up against top agency officials who arrogantly committed crimes with little care knowing the President they served owned the US AG and DOJ & protected his people from indictment....

Suddenly, now they look around, and they notice that President is nowhere to be found ... his corrupt US AG's are gone, and they find themselves walking the highwire all alone without their 'safety net'...

....which is why we have seen Comey, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Baker, and Lynch suddenly begin to turn on each other.


At the top of the FISA WARRANT paperwork are the words / statement that the information on that paperwork has been VERIFIED, ensured to be completely TRUE...
The information contained on this document has either been verified or not. If not whoever signs the document being submitted has broken the law. Period. Intentionally leaving out key pieces of information - withholding that information from the FISA Court - is also a crime, one of Ommission. That person must then, according to Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, must be held accountable.

Among others whose names are signed upon some of these documents is the name Rod Rosenstrin, Deputy US AG. In some of these documents he signed and submitted is information which came directly from the Trump Dossier.

The Dossier was a piece of political opposition research paid for by Hillary Clinton and her campaign. It was put together by a Trump-hating biased foreign spy who had worked with the Russians and for the FBI. Steele, the spy, admitted he had never verified the contents of the Dossier...and for months prior to their using it the FBI made no attempts to do so either.

DOJ official Bruce Ohr went to the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI and informed them Steele was a biased informant and that the Dossier was unreliable.
-- Another govt official informed all if them that during an interview with Steele he lied several times and that he was not to he trusted.

Despite all if this, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey made the conscious decision to use the Dossier anyway in the FISA Court Warrant request, illegally briefing the contents as verified legitimate Intel. Brennan also used the information to perjured himself before Congress, passing the information off to them as legitimate Intel as well in order to get Congress to open an investigation and appoint Mueller as the Special Counsel.

This information is factual. Released documents, texts, FISA Applications, transcripts, and testimony have exposed this to be u deniably true. (Multiple links / sources gave been repeatedly posted...)

These are the criminals who suddenly find themselves under no less than 5 on-going investigations right now (1 by the US IG and 4 by the US AG / DOJ).

Democrats / snowflakes can scream, cry, wail, spin, lie, deny, and justify all they want but the facts are what they are and nothing they say matters until the results of these investigations are over ... Until the reports come out ... And until the traitors start getting Perp-walked and indicted...
I sure hope we get to read Durham's report. It should be a dandy.

Oh and you can bet your ass some people are doing some heavy sweating right about now.
Of course political party's spy on one another. The bar has been sufficiently lowered to the point that anything goes. The big problem is that everything that they are doing has been forbidden by so many statutes that no one can keep up with it. I have no idea where this is going.

Of course political party's spy on one another. The bar has been sufficiently lowered to the point that anything goes. The big problem is that everything that they are doing has been forbidden by so many statutes that no one can keep up with it. I have no idea where this is going.

Political spying was never done using the FBI and the FISA court with an unverified document before now. That is the problem. The fact that parties get opposition research on each other is a whole other subject and typical. Using the DOJ and FBI as political adversarial entities is definitely more like a soft coup.
I am a bit envious of the Pollyanna world you live in. The FBI has been used for political purposes from it's inception. FISA courts and the confidential nature of sources and methods make abusing the power of law enforcement agencies so easy that trying to police the police is laughable. J Edgar was famous for having dirt on everyone of note. The MLK dossier being a case in point.
My own judgement is that everyone on both sides should be punished, or, no one on either side should be punished. Either would be ok with me. To punish one side and not the other is wrong.
I am a bit envious of the Pollyanna world you live in. The FBI has been used for political purposes from it's inception. FISA courts and the confidential nature of sources and methods make abusing the power of law enforcement agencies so easy that trying to police the police is laughable. J Edgar was famous for having dirt on everyone of note. The MLK dossier being a case in point.
My own judgement is that everyone on both sides should be punished, or, no one on either side should be punished. Either would be ok with me. To punish one side and not the other is wrong.

First off, you are a troll....2nd, you seem to denigrate our whole justice system. You make sweeping statements lik "FISA courts and the confidential nature of sources and methods make abusing the power of law enforcement agencies so easy that trying to police the police is laughable." Yeah, we saw that with Hillary and we are fucking sick and tired of it. Obama's DOJ abused power like no other administration and the truth is already coming out. The only ones that should be punished TODAY are the Trump-hating deep state.
I am a bit envious of the Pollyanna world you live in. The FBI has been used for political purposes from it's inception. FISA courts and the confidential nature of sources and methods make abusing the power of law enforcement agencies so easy that trying to police the police is laughable. J Edgar was famous for having dirt on everyone of note. The MLK dossier being a case in point.
My own judgement is that everyone on both sides should be punished, or, no one on either side should be punished. Either would be ok with me. To punish one side and not the other is wrong.

First off, you are a troll....2nd, you seem to denigrate our whole justice system. You make sweeping statements lik "FISA courts and the confidential nature of sources and methods make abusing the power of law enforcement agencies so easy that trying to police the police is laughable." Yeah, we saw that with Hillary and we are fucking sick and tired of it. Obama's DOJ abused power like no other administration and the truth is already coming out. The only ones that should be punished TODAY are the Trump-hating deep state.

A troll calling me a troll. Thank you. Very similar in nature to uc policemen calling me a liar. It almost worked until their own evidence established my word.
I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area. He tells me the Democrats are being very quiet on his bus the past two weeks. Before, they were always saying things just like the snowflakes on USMB are still doing. He says it feels like a calm before the storm. No more bragging, taunting or blasting conservatives. It will be great to see all those assholes reporting to Federal prisons.
^ LOL that's the craziest post I've ever seen. "I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area." Oh man, he must be super secretly in the know! He drives a bus in the "D.C. area!" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you intended it as a ridiculous joke, then I apologize. Carry on.

I was talking about his asshole passengers. He's a right wing Republican in a sea of snowflakes.
So he's a butthurt idiot who hates where he lives. Tell him it's way cheaper to live somewhere else, and invite him to do so. I'll consider it a favor.
You are projecting. He's not butt hurt about anything and he was born and raised there.
So was I, and outside of the gutter there is little Trump support here. Born and raised in the place with the most opportunity in the history of mankind; and he hates it. Not my problem.
No, he doesn't hate it. He simply hates Liberal Socialist Democrats with a passion.
A troll calling me a troll. Thank you. Very similar in nature to uc policemen calling me a liar. It almost worked until their own evidence established my word.

Your personal conflict with the law is not the subject here. Your pompous-ass statement at the beginning of your former post won you the 'troll' moniker.
Even worse having Russia interfere as it’s done since 1946 is now how own government is manipulating our elections. Deep State lives.

Things seem to be moving quickly now. It has been a remarkable few weeks in American history. Momentum is building toward uncovering the distasteful possibility that the targeting of a U.S. presidential campaign was actually a political operation, fostered at the highest levels of government, masquerading as an FBI counterintelligence investigation.

Attorney General William Barr has signaled that his interest in examining the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign extends beyond whether the FBI operated “by the book,” as former FBI Director James Comey asserts. Barr also wants to understand the role that the larger intelligence community, or IC, may have played in all of this.

Barr has thrown punches that have left an interesting mix of characters with a standing eight count. Certain eyes around D.C. are a little glassy right now.

Barr’s words and actions are telling. First, he raised the concern that the Trump campaign was “spied” upon. His use of the word “spying” appears more calculated than casual. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed is also telling. “The FBI doesn’t spy” became the sputtering counter-refrain of those trying to mask their nervousness.

It’s a fair point that’s beside the point. The FBI is charged with acting under strict legal restrictions and court orders. Spying is not a term traditionally associated with those activities.

Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice
I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area. He tells me the Democrats are being very quiet on his bus the past two weeks. Before, they were always saying things just like the snowflakes on USMB are still doing. He says it feels like a calm before the storm. No more bragging, taunting or blasting conservatives. It will be great to see all those assholes reporting to Federal prisons.
^ LOL that's the craziest post I've ever seen. "I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area." Oh man, he must be super secretly in the know! He drives a bus in the "D.C. area!" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you intended it as a ridiculous joke, then I apologize. Carry on.
The funniest thing is watching your gymnastics trying to defend a group of traitors getting ready to go to prison.
^ oh my god the amount of irony :lmao:

You're not smart enough to understand irony.
I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area. He tells me the Democrats are being very quiet on his bus the past two weeks. Before, they were always saying things just like the snowflakes on USMB are still doing. He says it feels like a calm before the storm. No more bragging, taunting or blasting conservatives. It will be great to see all those assholes reporting to Federal prisons.
^ LOL that's the craziest post I've ever seen. "I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area." Oh man, he must be super secretly in the know! He drives a bus in the "D.C. area!" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you intended it as a ridiculous joke, then I apologize. Carry on.

I was talking about his asshole passengers. He's a right wing Republican in a sea of snowflakes.
So he's a butthurt idiot who hates where he lives. Tell him it's way cheaper to live somewhere else, and invite him to do so. I'll consider it a favor.
Your worship of the ruling class is hilarious.
Lol what? Are you suggesting I'm part of the ruling class? Then bow down! :lmao:

No, he's saying, factually, that you are a statist, and you are the type of pond scum that ran Stalins gulags.
Of course political party's spy on one another. The bar has been sufficiently lowered to the point that anything goes. The big problem is that everything that they are doing has been forbidden by so many statutes that no one can keep up with it. I have no idea where this is going.
Democrats made Nixon look like Mother Teresa.
And scump makes Nixon look like a choir boy ,a man of honor
Even worse having Russia interfere as it’s done since 1946 is now how own government is manipulating our elections. Deep State lives.

Things seem to be moving quickly now. It has been a remarkable few weeks in American history. Momentum is building toward uncovering the distasteful possibility that the targeting of a U.S. presidential campaign was actually a political operation, fostered at the highest levels of government, masquerading as an FBI counterintelligence investigation.

Attorney General William Barr has signaled that his interest in examining the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign extends beyond whether the FBI operated “by the book,” as former FBI Director James Comey asserts. Barr also wants to understand the role that the larger intelligence community, or IC, may have played in all of this.

Barr has thrown punches that have left an interesting mix of characters with a standing eight count. Certain eyes around D.C. are a little glassy right now.

Barr’s words and actions are telling. First, he raised the concern that the Trump campaign was “spied” upon. His use of the word “spying” appears more calculated than casual. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed is also telling. “The FBI doesn’t spy” became the sputtering counter-refrain of those trying to mask their nervousness.

It’s a fair point that’s beside the point. The FBI is charged with acting under strict legal restrictions and court orders. Spying is not a term traditionally associated with those activities.

Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice
I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area. He tells me the Democrats are being very quiet on his bus the past two weeks. Before, they were always saying things just like the snowflakes on USMB are still doing. He says it feels like a calm before the storm. No more bragging, taunting or blasting conservatives. It will be great to see all those assholes reporting to Federal prisons.
^ LOL that's the craziest post I've ever seen. "I have a nephew who drives a bus in the DC area." Oh man, he must be super secretly in the know! He drives a bus in the "D.C. area!" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you intended it as a ridiculous joke, then I apologize. Carry on.
The funniest thing is watching your gymnastics trying to defend a group of traitors getting ready to go to prison.
Yours are already there ,,with more to come Hopefully Scump jr among them
Of course political party's spy on one another. The bar has been sufficiently lowered to the point that anything goes. The big problem is that everything that they are doing has been forbidden by so many statutes that no one can keep up with it. I have no idea where this is going.
Democrats made Nixon look like Mother Teresa.

And scump makes Nixon look like a choir boy ,a man of honor

Who is Scump?
Of course political party's spy on one another. The bar has been sufficiently lowered to the point that anything goes. The big problem is that everything that they are doing has been forbidden by so many statutes that no one can keep up with it. I have no idea where this is going.
Democrats made Nixon look like Mother Teresa.

And scump makes Nixon look like a choir boy ,a man of honor

Who is Scump?
leo I'll give you 1 guess
Mitchell-- sorry, Barr, is off to delight the right wing blogosphere until his house of cards can't stand anymore. He's going up against people who gave their lives to this country. The opposite of himself and his client-- sorry, President.

The price the Trumpet clan will pay will be high.
The problem is that the failing news media will not adequately cover the midnight SWAT raids and perp walks of those left-wing traitors. And, of course, Facebook will immediately censor any posted videos.

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