Attorney General Holder goes after gangsters .....

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
.....errr.....banksters who have sucked all of the blood out of this great nation for personal gain/aggrandizement. No one, especially on the Right, seems to care either. Prolly because most aren't inclined towards learning who REALLY runs D.C. & aren't political animals like us.Matt Taiibi had them right in his article

The Great American Bubble Machine | Politics News | Rolling Stone

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.

Holder speaks out on Voter ID, Wall St, NSA in MSNBC exclusive | MSNBC
Federal prosecutors have certainly racked up record-breaking fines against some major financial companies, but most financial executives have avoid any jail time, and many companies pay fines without admitting any wrongdoing. (One exception is insider trading cases.)

Holder cited the JP Morgan investigation as an example of strong oversight, noting that prosecutors reached a tentative $13 billion settlement – without letting the bank off the hook. “Significantly, [the settlement] did not include a resolution of the criminal investigation that is ongoing,” Holder said, “and could result in charges against either the institution or individuals” involved in misconduct.

Sadly, neither party will push for jail time, ESPECIALLY REPUBS, because they are the one's that rely on those same banksters for campaign $$$. Dem's recieve $$$ from them to BUT only because Repubs have fought to maintain the canard that $$$- even from ginormous banking monopolies- is speech :eusa_doh:

The Great Vampire Squid Keeps On Sucking - Forbes
The now famous Rolling Stone magazine article in 2009 by Matt Taibbi unforgettably referred to Goldman Sachs, the world’s most powerful investment bank, as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”
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