Attorney General Loretta Lynch Says Our Greatest Weapon Against Terrorism Is "LOVE"

This is delusional at best. This woman can't figure out what caused Omar Mateen to cap 49 members of the LGBT community in Orlando last week, and now she says that our greatest weapon against terrorism is love.

If this doesn't scare the crap out of you, you're nuts.

Posted on 6/21/2016, 4:35:14 PM by rdl6989

Loretta Lynch: No one has 'found the magic bullet' to stop home-grown terrorism

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.” Mrs. Lynch told reporters in Orlando on Tuesday that an ongoing investigation will determine the precise motive for 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub. Mateen, a former security guard, called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group while killing 49 people and wounding 53 others.

Loretta Lynch: ‘Most effective’ response to Islamic terrorism ‘is love’
A Hillary presidency will be more of this. Get these people out of power!
She is right...The isis wants us to hate and in so doing so convinces other muslims to also hate us. Maybe we should attempt to love while working to undermine isis?
Instead of “Oh the humanity!” cry, it has now turned to “Oh, the naiveté!”

We cannot pretend any longer, ok?

Remember this little jewel of a solution coming out of our wise state department? >>> U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf explained Monday that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which has marauded through much of the Middle East, leaving thousands dead, won’t be defeated through military force but through responsible governance and better job opportunities. State Department spokeswoman claims jobs are key to defeating ISIS
The Obama administration needs to leave the Love Thy Neighbor sermons to preachers. Stop wagging a finger in our faces, telling us how bad we are and explain what is being done to protect us from our enemies.
She is right...The isis wants us to hate and in so doing so convinces other muslims to also hate us. Maybe we should attempt to love while working to undermine isis?
Islam breeds the kind of people that hate regardless what you do.

This shows a detachment from reality of the worst order. Willful-ignorance of the threat we're facing.
This is delusional at best. This woman can't figure out what caused Omar Mateen to cap 49 members of the LGBT community in Orlando last week, and now she says that our greatest weapon against terrorism is love.

If this doesn't scare the crap out of you, you're nuts.

Posted on 6/21/2016, 4:35:14 PM by rdl6989

Loretta Lynch: No one has 'found the magic bullet' to stop home-grown terrorism

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.” Mrs. Lynch told reporters in Orlando on Tuesday that an ongoing investigation will determine the precise motive for 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub. Mateen, a former security guard, called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group while killing 49 people and wounding 53 others.

Loretta Lynch: ‘Most effective’ response to Islamic terrorism ‘is love’
Lynch is an idiot appointed by the the chief idiot.
This is delusional at best. This woman can't figure out what caused Omar Mateen to cap 49 members of the LGBT community in Orlando last week, and now she says that our greatest weapon against terrorism is love.

If this doesn't scare the crap out of you, you're nuts.

Posted on 6/21/2016, 4:35:14 PM by rdl6989

Loretta Lynch: No one has 'found the magic bullet' to stop home-grown terrorism

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.” Mrs. Lynch told reporters in Orlando on Tuesday that an ongoing investigation will determine the precise motive for 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub. Mateen, a former security guard, called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group while killing 49 people and wounding 53 others.

Loretta Lynch: ‘Most effective’ response to Islamic terrorism ‘is love’

Not really.....if you write love on each bullet you shoot an islamic terrorist actually makes sense...
Loretta has her head firmly inserted in that body orifice where the sun almost never shines.
Its Islam Uber Alles, all day, every day, in the Obama Administration. The American people? Not so much.
To me, she is right that love is the greatest weapon against terrorism, but how the love is expressed I am guessing is where her train jumps the track. If you want you and your loved ones to stay alive, what do you think should be done with those who loves no one but themselves? If you love yourself and those that you care about enough, you will do whatever it takes to defend yourself and those that you care about as well.

God bless you and her always!!!

This is an indictment against women being in any position of authority. A man in a position of leadership saying such a thing would be laughed off the podium.

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