Loretta Lynch: The Orlando victims didn't have enough love in their hearts for the terrorists

So you finally ADMIT that Obama is winning the war against ISIS.

lol, oops.
Oh yeah, he has them completely 'contained'. :p

Where do you see that asserted?
Obama declared he had ISIS 'contained'...the night before ISIS perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII. Another shining moment for Barry. :p

This would be the attack by Belgians?

You figure he should occupy Europe?
Belgians attacked France?

Ok that's the DUMBEST thing I have read today. Forget it was ISIS who claimed responsibility, forget it was ISIS in Belgium...

Good grief...
By 16 November, the focus of the French and Belgian investigation turned to Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the radical jihadist they believed was the leader of the plot.[106] Abaaoud, a Belgian of Berber-Moroccan[107] origin, had escaped to Syria[108][109] after having been suspected in other plots in Belgium and France, including the thwarted 2015 Thalys train attack.[110] Abaaoud had recruited an extensive network of accomplices, including two brothers, Brahim Abdeslam and Salah Abdeslam, to execute terrorist attacks.[citation needed] Abaaoud was killed in the Saint-Denis raid on 18 November.[111][112][113] All of the known Paris attackers were EU citizens, who crossed borders without difficulty, albeit registered as terrorism suspects.[22]
They are defeating ISIS MILITARILY...

Lynch said it will take 'love'...

So you finally ADMIT that Obama is winning the war against ISIS.

lol, oops.
Oh yeah, he has them completely 'contained'. :p

Where do you see that asserted?
Obama declared he had ISIS 'contained'...the night before ISIS perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII. Another shining moment for Barry. :p

You lie.
You wish!
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."


They swallow everything Obama feeds them without question.

How many hours each week do you spend with FOX, Rush, Drudge or Breitbart?

Thanks for validating the left believe everything they are fed without question.
You can't even grasp the concept of someone hearing something and not believing it.
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."



With no boots on the ground, you can hardly credit Obama with this.

Typical ignorance from the radical Progressives.

You won't find this on your homepage, the HuffingtonPost, The Nation, Democrat Underground, Alternet or whatever.

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama first, against the advice of his military advisers, pulled ALL our troops out of Iraq. Thus, ISIS was born and the collapse of Iraq began.

Unable to admit he was wrong...he has been adding more and more of our troops to Iraq and putting them at great risk.
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."



With no boots on the ground, you can hardly credit Obama for this.
We have boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. And equipment.

U.S. to Put 'Boots on the Ground' in Iraq to Combat ISIL
Some advisers. Not even backed by international law like the whole campaign.

As you know, the invasion of Iraq was 100% legal.
Pretty well Obama / western leaders teaming with Qatar/Turkey/Saudi Arabia all to overthrow Assad and put in the Muslim Brotherhood managed FUBAR the whole bloody region. Yes it was a dog's breakfast before, but not like now.

Let's face it. All those team players rooting for the demise of Assad allowed ISIS to grow into the monster it currently is because all they wanted was to boot Assad out and if ISIS could do it, our assholes had no problem with the mega terrorist team being the ones to bring home their Sunni dream.

Iran's commanders have been assisting in the successful Iraqi push back and Putin has tagged teamed with Assad to decimate ISIS in Syria. Didn't turn out quite the way Obama and Team pro Muslim Brotherhood had hoped did it now?

We had no business fucking with Assad or Syria. And you would think we would have learned our lessons over Egypt (now Morsi has been sentenced to life in prison) or learned our lessons in Libya (ISIS has moved in) or Yemen (Saudis are still bombing the shit out of the populace there).

But nooooooooooooooo! We just had to bow down to Qatar, SA and Turkey and try to mess with Assad. Bloody idiots.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch declared attacks like the one in Orlando will be prevented and extremists like ISIS will be defeated by Obama's new 'Love' Policy.

How EXACTLY does / will that work? :p
Because Obama loves to kill terrorists. Unlike Republicans, he has been very successful at it. Think "Bin Laden".
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."



With no boots on the ground, you can hardly credit Obama for this.
We have boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. And equipment.

U.S. to Put 'Boots on the Ground' in Iraq to Combat ISIL
Some advisers. Not even backed by international law like the whole campaign.

As you know, the invasion of Iraq was 100% legal.
Might makes right with the GOP.
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."



With no boots on the ground, you can hardly credit Obama for this.
We have boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. And equipment.

U.S. to Put 'Boots on the Ground' in Iraq to Combat ISIL
Some advisers. Not even backed by international law like the whole campaign.

As you know, the invasion of Iraq was 100% legal.
Might makes right with the GOP.

What is not true and why?
Attorney General Loretta Lynch declared attacks like the one in Orlando will be prevented and extremists like ISIS will be defeated by Obama's new 'Love' Policy.

How EXACTLY does / will that work? :p

ISIS is being defeated by the Iraqis with US support. Pay attention.
They are defeating ISIS MILITARILY...

Lynch said it will take 'love'...

So you finally ADMIT that Obama is winning the war against ISIS.

lol, oops.

I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."


They swallow everything Obama feeds them without question.

How many hours each week do you spend with FOX, Rush, Drudge or Breitbart?

Thanks for validating the left believe everything they are fed without question.
You can't even grasp the concept of someone hearing something and not believing it.

I can't help noticing that you didn't answer the question.....

I read.....
Pretty well Obama / western leaders teaming with Qatar/Turkey/Saudi Arabia all to overthrow Assad and put in the Muslim Brotherhood managed FUBAR the whole bloody region. Yes it was a dog's breakfast before, but not like now.

Let's face it. All those team players rooting for the demise of Assad allowed ISIS to grow into the monster it currently is because all they wanted was to boot Assad out and if ISIS could do it, our assholes had no problem with the mega terrorist team being the ones to bring home their Sunni dream.

Iran's commanders have been assisting in the successful Iraqi push back and Putin has tagged teamed with Assad to decimate ISIS in Syria. Didn't turn out quite the way Obama and Team pro Muslim Brotherhood had hoped did it now?

We had no business fucking with Assad or Syria. And you would think we would have learned our lessons over Egypt (now Morsi has been sentenced to life in prison) or learned our lessons in Libya (ISIS has moved in) or Yemen (Saudis are still bombing the shit out of the populace there).

But nooooooooooooooo! We just had to bow down to Qatar, SA and Turkey and try to mess with Assad. Bloody idiots.

Bold Assertions woven into an extended narrative.....
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."


They swallow everything Obama feeds them without question.

How many hours each week do you spend with FOX, Rush, Drudge or Breitbart?

Thanks for validating the left believe everything they are fed without question.
You can't even grasp the concept of someone hearing something and not believing it.

I can't help noticing that you didn't answer the question.....

I read.....
When did you stop self mutilation?
I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."



With no boots on the ground, you can hardly credit Obama with this.

Typical ignorance from the radical Progressives.

You won't find this on your homepage, the HuffingtonPost, The Nation, Democrat Underground, Alternet or whatever.

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama first, against the advice of his military advisers, pulled ALL our troops out of Iraq. Thus, ISIS was born and the collapse of Iraq began.

Unable to admit he was wrong...he has been adding more and more of our troops to Iraq and putting them at great risk.

I have some horrible, horrible news for you pants shitters.

ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."


They swallow everything Obama feeds them without question.

How many hours each week do you spend with FOX, Rush, Drudge or Breitbart?

Thanks for validating the left believe everything they are fed without question.
You can't even grasp the concept of someone hearing something and not believing it.

I can't help noticing that you didn't answer the question.....

I read.....
When did you stop self mutilation?

Why are you so embarrassed to admit that you are the Useful Idiot of whom you speak?

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