Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

The prosecutor on duty at the time of the shooting was fully prepared to cover the whole thing wasn't until the attention that "outside agitators" like Al Sharpton helped bring about...

What horseshit.

Sharpton had absolutely nothing to do with this case eventually being prosecuted...
What horseshit.

Sharpton had absolutely nothing to do with this case eventually being prosecuted...
One thing is for sure, media attention absolutely propelled this case to a higher level of scrutiny.

The original prosecutor is being charged with failure to fulfill their duties by covering it up.
One thing is for sure, media attention absolutely propelled this case to a higher level of scrutiny.

The original prosecutor is being charged with failure to fulfill their duties by covering it up.

It was only after the redneck who shot video of the whole affair leaked the video did things change. GBI got involved, and they got involved not because peoplpe like Sharpton and Jackson said they should, but simply because they knew they should...
It's nothing to do with racism despite what all liberals, progressives, anti racists, BLM, antifa, and democrats might say. They all constantly say everything is racist when they don't like something, something doesn't go their way, or when they want something.

He doesn't want a black pastor because they are disruptive and because they love attention so they will go out on the streets, on tv, infront of their congregation and shout and yell about racism and in effect be disruptive to the procedure.

He didn't say "no blacks", he said "no black pastors" because they are a problem.

You really should get off the racism bandwagon because it blinds you to reality and it also turns you into a single and narrow minded puppet that only sees racism and nothing else.
Excuse me?

So they are to be barred JUST because they are black...and they are pastors?

Are white pastors barred?
It was only after the redneck who shot video of the whole affair leaked the video did things change. GBI got involved, and they got involved not because peoplpe like Sharpton and Jackson said they should, but simply because they knew they should...
Sharpton was involved early calling for further investigation. It led to the recusal of two prosecutors who tried to sweep it under the rug.

If it hadn't been for public attention, GBI wouldn't have been asked to intervene by the GCPD.
Excuse me?

So they are to be barred JUST because they are black...and they are pastors?

Are white pastors barred?
I think it has more to do with their fame and notoriety than the color of their skin or their religion.
Or what about he sit there in the court room like the family requested??

The buffoons are already in the courtroom..

They are these guys whose racism and entitlement lead them to believe they would be hailed as heroes for hunting an unarmed man down and murdering him....

View attachment 564880

And for a good moment....they were being proven right.....because the initial law enforcement response definitely seemed OK with giving them a pass.....

But of course, law enforcement engaging in bias to cover up for some white supremacists doesn't happen...that is all fake CRT stuff...
You cant blame the victims mother wanting company when having to sit in the same room as these racist men of violence. Cold blooded killers with friends on the police force.
Some should be happy that "non-intimidating" people showed up to court to support Kyle tho.....

Or perhaps you may remember them at their MOST INTIMIDATING...

Talk about safe gun-handling practices....smh
You cant blame the victims mother wanting company when having to sit in the same room as these racist men of violence. Cold blooded killers with friends on the police force.

Was someone blaming the family? Acting like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't possibly have some influence on the jury through their presence alone is being willfully ignorant. I dont think the defense is even saying it's intentional (at least not in the video) but it exists.
Some should be happy that "non-intimidating" people showed up to court to support Kyle tho.....
View attachment 565230

Or perhaps you may remember them at their MOST INTIMIDATING...
View attachment 565232

Talk about safe gun-handling practices....smh
Were those 2 in the courtroom? Also I dont think those 2 have nearly the influence over anyone that Al and Jesse do. I would guess, 80-90% of people wouldnt recognize them out of context, but the same certainly cant be said of Al and Jesse. Rev Jackson hasnt really been in the spot light in the recent past but he's still a pretty iconic figure that most people over the age of 30 would recognize pretty readily. Rev Sharpton had/has a TV show recently. Both of them have been Presidential candidates for crying out loud.
Was someone blaming the family? Acting like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't possibly have some influence on the jury through their presence alone is being willfully ignorant. I dont think the defense is even saying it's intentional (at least not in the video) but it exists.
If someone is afraid of me because I'm black that's their problem. If they're afraid of me because I'm influential AND black, that's still their problem if my mere presence causes them to start twitching or makes them uncomfortable. I'm not talking about anything I'm doing I'm talking solely because of my presence.

I mean really, this is what all of this has been about at it's core, the police being afraid of black men and killing them for little or no reason although the mantra is always "I was in fear for my life".

These three assholes had no reason to be in fear of their lives from Abery but just to ensure they maintained the upper hand, they grab a couple of firearms, chase him down with intentions (according to them) of placing him under citizen's arrest however when he objected to their plan and strove to escape from the situation they put him in, they killed him.

I understand that everyone is entitled to a fair trial though "we" rarely get one, however from everything I've read, no one is doing anything to try to scare or intimidate the jury, unlike the people who showed up at the U.S. Capital on January 6th. THAT is what intimidation looks like, that is what it looks like to intentionally try and successfully make people fear for their lives, yet those assholes where allowed to stay past the curfew and leave when they felt like leaving.,

You all are very confused about what constitutes actual jury intimidation. If just seeing a black person causes your inner racist to kick in and start shouting at you "danger, danger", "criminal", "threat, threat", I don't know what else to tell you.

I don't know how any of you make it through life being so frightened all of the time.

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