Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

Let’s see…

The racist right supports bringing back both lynching and segregation.
No, not LYNCHING. Just honest execution of criminals after a trial that finds them guilty.

Segregation would follow naturally ------------- we stay here, they go back to Africa.
I think you might be thinking of Reverend Jessie Jackson.

Al Sharpton was 14 years old when MLK died. He wasn't a pastor at the time. Nor was he beside MLK until his death.

Jessie Jackson is the person who was beside MLK when MLK died. He witnessed the assassination.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . a lot of people think Jackson faked that. I read a book on it and I agree, he's a fake.

I assumed you meant this guy. He's been dead since 67 according to wikipedia. Googling Rockwell and racist came up with him and Norman Rockwell (I assume you didnt mean him either as he's also dead). The fact that whichever other guy your talking about wasn't in the top 2 leads me to believe he's more important in his and your head than anyone else's.

The only other Rockwell on the first page is some actor who doesn't want to play racists in movies anymore. Who's this super popular racist dude with the last name Rockwell that apparently Google is unfamiliar with?

Tawana Brawley was a hoax. Al Sharpton, the race hustling grifter, used it to garner fame and money. Those are facts.

Same with the Duke Lacrosse case.

Crown Heights was just him being an anti-Semitic asshole that got some random Hasidic Jew shot to death, but you only worry about that when the anti Semitism comes from people with the right skin tone right?
Thank you! I was wondering what planet I was on that Rockwell, either one of them, could still be alive. Somebody on the Left is VERY confused.

Nothing new about that.
They are such cowards and are so terrified of an old black man that him just sitting in a court scares the crap out of them.


This is hilarious to watch.
I'm glad you are so well entertained . . .

Note that they still are kicking out the crooked black "pastors."
Ahhh, white fragility on display here, this is absolutely pathetic on top of insulting. They may as well be wearing their Klan robes to court.

This is the same argument that rogue police officers use when shooting and killing black men, that their mere presence is threatening to the officers. We're going to let them keep getting away with this dialogue? I don't think so. Oh and I included attorney Kevin Gough's photo so we can all see the scared widdle wabbit:
One person represents…one person. Relax snowflake. Robin D’Angelo is an idiot and you are too.
There is no racism scam. But there is right wing white psychosis which make you post something so stupid and believe it.

Ah, some black racist who thinks Democrats are going to give him millions of bucks just for Being Black N Stuff. You will have to get in line behind the criminal illegal aliens the Democrats are hoping to throw a lot of money at; they can buy their votes, they come first and they can safely count on morons like you to keep voting for them for free, so no Bling for you. Keep smoking those rocks.
Oh, this thread is about that black jogger who got shot? Not interesting. Blacks are always shooting whites, all the time ---- this was just one time they got it back.
So if a black person is killed by 3 white racists as in the Arbery case, and someone in retaliation kills a random white person, you're good with that? Cause that's what you essentially just said.
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Ah, some black racist who thinks Democrats are going to give him millions of bucks just for Being Black N Stuff. You will have to get in line behind the criminal illegal aliens the Democrats are hoping to throw a lot of money at; they can buy their votes, they come first and they can safely count on morons like you to keep voting for them for free, so no Bling for you. Keep smoking those rocks.
No that's what YOU think, you low rent white racist scum. I think the government owes us money for the money the government excluded us from making. Your boys are out of luck.
Undue influence, is the complaint, I think.
There is no complaint. The judge has told the lawyer to GFH. After yesterday morning, I believe your boys are headed for life in prison.
I'm glad you are so well entertained . . .

Note that they still are kicking out the crooked black "pastors."
There has been no one kicked out.

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