Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

They can sit in the court or be interviewed by the media outside of the court. Which one reaches more people? There is no defense or excuse for denying them court access. This is what happens when 2 white men murder an unarmed black, then the police try hiding the killing. The McMichaels have the same opportunity to get a famous celebrity to sit in the court with them. Where's trump? He is not far from Georgia.
This is about the jury not everyone else.
Justice would be seeing the half of Congress in jail and the other half hanging around. Justice would be the Clintons would have rotted from the tree long ago Justice would be seeing who pulled off 9/11 answer for it. God's Justice is when a child molesting. criminal thug is put out of his misery.
It is reported by the police that after Travis shot and killed Arbery he stood over his body and referred to him as a 'fucking ******'.

Apparently they also scoured the social media post for a pattern of posting that would demonstrate.a pattern of racism. Then there is inference.

It is reported by the police that after Travis shot and killed Arbery he stood over his body and referred to him as a 'fucking ******'.

Apparently they also scoured social media for a pattern of posting that would demonstratemracism racist and allegedly they found some.
This is in response to IM2
Not even 24 hrs and look where we are now.

Today is one of my "on" days so I can only do small responses from my phone but God willing I'll see you all this evening.
And there still is no excuse. The McMichaels have the same opportunity, but it is apparent that David Duke is not suitable support.
It's not contest to see who can get the most celebrities on their side you dipshit. that would be a nightmare of a justice system.
No, you colored people have a BIG back-up of whites you've killed to make up, before you get credit.
Where is your proof? OH that's right, you don't have any.

It's only been in the last half century or so that the first white man was convicted and put to death for killing a black person. The tide only began to turn with the conviction of Drerrick Chsuvin. He'll still have his life and possibly his career when he gets out of prison.

You've already made it clear that you support and believe that the random killing of black people is not only acceptable to you but desired. It's also fairly clear that you're too cowardly to take up arms and do so yourself so all you really are is a malcontent who has to live life vicariously through others.

How fuckin pathetic
I don't know ----- are people racist because they know, as we all do, that blacks steal everything isn't nailed down? Seems to me that's just realistic. If you want to call it racist, go ahead, but then "racist" is just another word for "we all know THAT!"
You are so full of shit it's got to be flowing out of your ears

You haven't substantiated a single claim you've made and only come here to denigrate black people withhout 'colored' racist bulletin.

Keep it up and I will report you for antagonistc racial language which has no relevance to the OP
Tommy Tainant said:
You cant blame the victims mother wanting company when having to sit in the same room as these racist men of violence. Cold blooded killers with friends on the police force.
Couchpotato said:
Was someone blaming the family? Acting like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't possibly have some influence on the jury through their presence alone is being willfully ignorant. I dont think the defense is even saying it's intentional (at least not in the video) but it exists.
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Where in that quote did I say they shouldn’t be allowed in the courtroom? Try again dum dum.
Dum dum? So now you want to act like an asshole? I haven't been rude to you, so what's your problem now or are you simply regretting your challenge?
Did I say he couldnt be there or that there was some qualifying attribute in order to watch a trial? What about a closed circuit tv feed to another room allow Al or whoever else wants to watch, watch makes the court proceedings secret? All it would do is remove any buffoonary in the courtroom that might sway the jury one way or another. I cant imagine how that's a bad thing.

Why would I regret it? You’re failing miserably.
That's no excuse for behaving like an asshole even if it were true, which it is not.

You suggested that instead of allowing the pastors or whomever else is undesired in the courtroom that the judge could use closed circuit and isolate them to another area. That would still exclude them from the courtroom.

You also made several comments supporting why the pastors would be "influential", sway the jury, and/or disruptive and would be candidates for being restricted to watching the proceedings on close circuit, again, removing them from the courthouse.

If you don't support the courtroom being open to everyone then you do exactly what I said, you want certain people excluded either directly or by isolating somewhere where the jury can't see them.

Just because you didn't' spell it out the way I did, that's exactly what you implied, all your statements taken collectively.
That's no excuse for behaving like an asshole even if it were true, which it is not.

You suggested that instead of allowing the pastors or whomever else is undesired in the courtroom that the judge could use closed circuit and isolate them to another area. That would still exclude them from the courtroom.

You also made several comments supporting why the pastors would be "influential", sway the jury, and/or disruptive and would be candidates for being restricted to watching the proceedings on close circuit, again, removing them from the courthouse.

If you don't support the courtroom being open to everyone then you do exactly what I said, you want certain people excluded either directly or by isolating somewhere where the jury can't see them.

Just because you didn't' spell it out the way I did, that's exactly what you implied, all your statements taken collectively.
What I actually said was that I was surprised the judge hadn’t closed the gallery to everyone due to the case being so high profile. Here’s a shovel I’m sure you can dig your way out of this hole.
What I actually said was that I was surprised the judge hadn’t closed the gallery to everyone due to the case being so high profile. Here’s a shovel I’m sure you can dig your way out of this hole.
That's not what you said and you know it, so do I.

Keep your shovel, your weaselly behavior and dishonesty in what you stated and supported indicates you'll need it before I ever will. Besides, if you were really sure of yourself, you'd take this offline into a forum where it really matters.
I love Al Sharpton. Instrumental in getting a review of the Cardiff 5 case that led to 5 innocent men being released after a shocking abuse of justice.

Always welcome in Wales.
Sharpton? Tawna Barley try to frame the white guys bullshit? You are one sick puppy Tommy------you idealize trash, racists, scum, scam artists, liars, abusers, frauds..

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