Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

They are not of God. They may have been at one time. But the spotlight changed them. Just like some of the TV preachers and those you hear things about for issues. It is not for me to be a judge for this. It is for me to see what is of Christianity and not. The New Testament is at odds with the Old Testament in this modern world with profits and false profits pushing their ways on how we all should live. The one thing not ever said is the economics involved and what is the affordability with irresponsible ways of living.
Who said that? There's money to be made playing both sides of that shitty coin to be sure. The existence of shithead racist white people doesn't exclude the existence of shithead racist black people or Asian, or Latino etc. And Al Sharpton has a much bigger platform that David Duke, Rockwell (I dont even know who that cat is), and Stormfront combined.
And yet, you are only con-cerned with blacks......................I wonder why.
Here is a newsflash for some of my fellow board members....

The majority of the black community don't really look at Al Sharpton as a leader....

Do you know why these families invite Al Sharpton?? Because they know it is the easiest way to get media attention...since Al is always the "black guy" the media likes to prop up.....both by liberal and conservative media...


"The former prosecutor, Jacquelyn Lee Johnson, was indicted on charges of violation of oath of public officer and obstruction of a police officer"

The prosecutor on duty at the time of the shooting was fully prepared to cover the whole thing wasn't until the attention that "outside agitators" like Al Sharpton helped bring about -- did it become clear that this was not going to be a case that was going the be swept under the rug...and she lost her job and got indicted....and I am sure there are Conservatives who still feel she did nothing wrong....

Reasons like that more than anything is why some "conservatives" hate Al so much....while folks like Ahmaud's family see him as just a tool in the toolbox...
he's a tax fraud, I ain't intimidated no sir, that scrawny guy? He is powerful to the black community who can be intimidating to jurors, you bet.
Why do you think white conservatives are so easily intimidated??

Seriously......are you saying a guy who has a weekly show on MSNBC intimidates

Maybe this is why you folks hate those who are TRULY fearless in the face of ACTUAL ATTEMPTS at intimidation....


Like this woman....this is the face of a person who ain't intimidated....That is fearlessness you fragile right-wing cucks will never possess...
And yet, you are only con-cerned with blacks......................I wonder why.
That's what the thread's about. I didnt start it. Also are there white supremacist's in the court gallery? If there arent why would we be talking about them in reference to this case? Also I've already said I was surprised the judge hadnt already closed the gallery and had it put on closed circuit TV to avoid this type of distraction.
1. Funny that no one questions why the rape kit was confiscated by Pagone's office, or why the cops named never had their IA investigation made public. Yeah, Brawley was doing something she wasn't suppose to and lied....but the local DA and such still have some questionable actions.

2. Yep, Sharpton jumped the gun in focusing on the University circling the wagons rather than the validity of the plaintiffs accusations.

3. You had the suspect in a fatal car accident get whisked away to Israel by the local community. Small wonder there was a riot.


Even Huffpost calls it a hoax you tool.

Im not sure why you're defending Sharpton so hard. He's a grifter, always has been and likely always will be and it's not like it's a secret...
That's what the thread's about. I didnt start it. Also are there white supremacist's in the court gallery? If there arent why would we be talking about them in reference to this case? Also I've already said I was surprised the judge hadnt already closed the gallery and had it put on closed circuit TV to avoid this type of distraction.
Yes, there are white supremacists in the courtroom..the defendants....

The ones you seem to be caping so hard for
Ahhh, white fragility on display here, this is absolutely pathetic on top of insulting. They may as well be wearing their Klan robes to court.

This is the same argument that rogue police officers use when shooting and killing black men, that their mere presence is threatening to the officers. We're going to let them keep getting away with this dialogue? I don't think so. Oh and I included attorney Kevin Gough's photo so we can all see the scared widdle wabbit:
He should have said "race pimps", but that doubtlessly would have upset you too.
I saying for the 3rd time that you made a claim that you are either unable or unwilling to provide some hard core, documented evidence. Evidently you can read and are not stupid....just insipidly stubborn.

Interesting that you initially claimed that Rockwell was part of the combination of race hustlers who's largesse paled to Sharpton's. Then you admit you hadn't a clue as to who Rockwell is, and now you claim he's dead. Newsflash, he's not. A simple google will confirm this: And then there's this: Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

You seem long on rhetoric and short of facts. Not surprising.

I assumed you meant this guy. He's been dead since 67 according to wikipedia. Googling Rockwell and racist came up with him and Norman Rockwell (I assume you didnt mean him either as he's also dead). The fact that whichever other guy your talking about wasn't in the top 2 leads me to believe he's more important in his and your head than anyone else's.

The only other Rockwell on the first page is some actor who doesn't want to play racists in movies anymore. Who's this super popular racist dude with the last name Rockwell that apparently Google is unfamiliar with?

Tawana Brawley was a hoax. Al Sharpton, the race hustling grifter, used it to garner fame and money. Those are facts.

Same with the Duke Lacrosse case.

Crown Heights was just him being an anti-Semitic asshole that got some random Hasidic Jew shot to death, but you only worry about that when the anti Semitism comes from people with the right skin tone right?
How can you tell? What are the clues you look at?

My, my.

The person you replied to and the far right on this thread are terrified of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

Two old black men sitting in a court room terrifies these far right wingers.

Wow they are such cowards.

I wouldn't be surprised if they all started crying over it.


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