Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

Don't tell me what to do bigot. You probably think being a hateful racist asshole is not against the teachings of Jesus Christ. You're the anti-Christian here. The right's twisted religion of hatred and materialism led by false prophets is an insult to everything good, kind and graceful.
Like I said, you post antichrist rants UNTIL it's one of your black POLITICAL ACTIVISTS.
They were invited by the family....

And there is nothing that states they are not allowed to view a public trial...

Care to show me where "certain people" aren't allowed to watch a public trial?? -- like black pastors that make closet racists feel uncomfortable?

Who else should be denied from viewing a trial because of how "intimidating" they are?? And does this extend to other schoolboard meetings, city council meetings, townhalls, etc?
In many cities, the same were given stipends and salaries and cars for years and decades. The taxpayers on the hook to smooth over any racial issues. But the importance was just to them that gained from it. We saw riots after all these years of these payouts with Human relations commissions and Clergy involvement and Community Activists and Block Captains and whatever else. To many scammers involved with many good people. Remember.. the sun people live for today. The ice people live by saving the acorns for a harsh winter. Or did. But the globalists have changed that.
They were invited by the family....

And there is nothing that states they are not allowed to view a public trial...

Care to show me where "certain people" aren't allowed to watch a public trial?? -- like black pastors that make closet racists feel uncomfortable?

Who else should be denied from viewing a trial because of how "intimidating" they are?? And does this extend to other schoolboard meetings, city council meetings, townhalls, etc?
In the UK our judges have the powers to clear out any people causing mischief in their court and are quite active in doing so. When I say clear out I mean that the miscreants are marched down to the cells where they await the judges pleasure.
I cannnot believe that American judges do not have the same resources.

What this lawyer is trying to do is convict Mr Sharpton before the offence. That seems to be a reversion to lynch mob justice another colourful aspect of American jurisprudence.
In the UK our judges have the powers to clear out any people causing mischief in their court and are quite active in doing so. When I say clear out I mean that the miscreants are marched down to the cells where they await the judges pleasure.
I cannnot believe that American judges do not have the same resources.

What this lawyer is trying to do is convict Mr Sharpton before the offence. That seems to be a reversion to lynch mob justice another colourful aspect of American jurisprudence.

My favorite colorful aspect of America is when we spanked Englands ass to gain our independence.

That was awesome.
Except, they are not a distraction......

They are only a distraction to fragile insecure racists...

These are the same folks who show up armed to school board meetings........but the mere sight of an old unarmed black man intimidates them...and you matter how much shit you talk online...offline, most of you cucks are cowards to the end
no other reason for them to be there.
The victim is Ahmad Arbery...

I understand how you may feel the people who killed him are the victims...they are not....

And Rev Jackson was an authentic enough pastor to be trusted by MLK....and was by his side until his death....

But nevermind....dic suckers like you don't really think MLK was a pastor nevermind

I think you might be thinking of Reverend Jessie Jackson.

Al Sharpton was 14 years old when MLK died. He wasn't a pastor at the time. Nor was he beside MLK until his death.

Jessie Jackson is the person who was beside MLK when MLK died. He witnessed the assassination.
I think you might be thinking of Reverend Jessie Jackson.

Al Sharpton was 14 years old when MLK died. He wasn't a pastor at the time. Nor was he beside MLK until his death.

Jessie Jackson is the person who was beside MLK when MLK died. He witnessed the assassination.
I think you don't understand exact quote

"And Rev Jackson was an authentic enough pastor to be trusted by MLK....and was by his side until his death...."

Feel free to tell me where I mentioned Al Sharpton in my entire comment??
I think you don't understand exact quote

"And Rev Jackson was an authentic enough pastor to be trusted by MLK....and was by his side until his death...."

Feel free to tell me where I mentioned Al Sharpton in my entire comment??

Oh my goodness.

I didn't read your post correctly.

I thought you were talking about Al Sharpton.

I'm sorry I was so careless.
I think it's hilarious that you all have dropped all pretense of not being racially biased lol

Criminal Trial Publicity
The trump Nazis took their cult leader's hate-speech as liberating, and now shout out their racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia proudly.


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