Attorneys for Trump are trying to stop the recount in MI.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
Nice link you have there...
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!

Trump has no problem wasting state resources. He's keeping Melania and Barron in New York which is going to cost the state 1 million dollars a day.

I say do a recount in every swing state.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
well considering elections are always rigged and we dont put these people in office,that whoever the establishment wants in they make sure gets in,he has a very good reason to be worried in the fact they will probably have another rigged florida and come out with some bs and say- we found out there were more votes that did not go through for Clinton,blah blah blah blah.

Trump is a loose cannon the elite are afraid of.I would be shocked if they dont come out with some TRUMPED up forged votes and say Clinton is the winner. They are going to want to get that mass murderer in office,they are very worried and running scared now that she did not get in as they thought she would and planned for.
I still dont think Trump will get sworn in.I told all the trump supporters it is not over yet,they they will have another florida and make sure their chosen one-the witch,gets in.
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!

Trump has no problem wasting state resources. He's keeping Melania and Barron in New York which is going to cost the state 1 million dollars a day.

I say do a recount in every swing state.
where do you expect him to "keep" them?----Bill and Hillary STILL cost the city of NY lots of money------of course the big bill for the City of New York is "security against Islamic terrorism" It is logical that "THE TRUMP" building is a prime target for some sluts with bombs on their asses seeking entry into Jannah
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.

I thought Trump said there were 1 Mil illegal votes.

I'd think he'd want to pay for the recount himself.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.

I thought Trump said there were 1 Mil illegal votes.

I'd think he'd want to pay for the recount himself.

Hazel---try to focus----Trump is not the party demanding a recount
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
Don't care. Not even a little bit. You need better troll material to trigger me twit
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
The clowns are trying to drag this out so the electoral college can't vote on the 19th for president...its all a big waste of money,time and resources. Ya know if Stein loves people so much maybe she should use that millions she conned people out of to help the people of Flint Michigan with their water.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.

The purpose of the recount is to attack the legitimacy of the Trump admin. By dragging the recount out past the 19th the Electors would be ineligible to vote. Then Congress would pick Trump under the Twelfth Amendment and the Liberals could complain that Trump was selected instead of elected.

It has noting to do with beating Trump. It has everything to do with being a bad loser.

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I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
You'll believe whatever makes you happy, but both the Clinton campaign and Stein have said they have no evidence of anything wrong with the current count and have no expectation the recounts will change the result.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
You need your safe space and crayons. Crying looks bad on you.

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