Attorneys for Trump are trying to stop the recount in MI.

I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.

I thought Trump said there were 1 Mil illegal votes.

I'd think he'd want to pay for the recount himself.
Still the idiot.
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!
Drama Queen much? Please, he doesn't give 2 hoots about the tax payers in Michigan, and YOU KNOW that....yes, you know that....

Since there is zero chance of Hillary winning as you claim Trump knows, then why is he scared of a recount?
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
Would be some funny shit if the recounts lasted too long for the delegates to be able to cast their votes at the EC convention.

Then Trump wouldn't have enough to hit 270 and it would go to the house.
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!
Drama Queen much? Please, he doesn't give 2 hoots about the tax payers in Michigan, and YOU KNOW that....yes, you know that....

Since there is zero chance of Hillary winning as you claim Trump knows, then why is he scared of a recount?

Stein had a right to ask, Trump has the right to challenge, deal with it. Now it will be on Stein to prove there's a reason to conduct the recount in the first place.
Would be some funny shit if the recounts lasted too long for the delegates to be able to cast their votes at the EC convention.

Then Trump wouldn't have enough to hit 270 and it would go to the house.

Won't happen, WI told their folks they had to be done by the 13th of Dec. PA judge hasn't even granted Stein the requested extension to meet the requirements and most likely won't.
Would be some funny shit if the recounts lasted too long for the delegates to be able to cast their votes at the EC convention.

Then Trump wouldn't have enough to hit 270 and it would go to the house.

Won't happen, WI told their folks they had to be done by the 13th of Dec. PA judge hasn't even granted Stein the requested extension to meet the requirements and most likely won't.

Hmmm funny I remember you saying that Stein wouldn't get any recounts.
Would be some funny shit if the recounts lasted too long for the delegates to be able to cast their votes at the EC convention.

Then Trump wouldn't have enough to hit 270 and it would go to the house.

Won't happen, WI told their folks they had to be done by the 13th of Dec. PA judge hasn't even granted Stein the requested extension to meet the requirements and most likely won't.

Hmmm funny I remember you saying that Stein wouldn't get any recounts.

Yeah, I remember you saying there was no way Trump would win also. Considering Stein has always said there was no indication of fraud I'm surprised any of the three even entertained the idea. But it won't change a thing, just waste a butt load of money.
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!

Trump has no problem wasting state resources. He's keeping Melania and Barron in New York which is going to cost the state 1 million dollars a day.

I say do a recount in every swing state.
where do you expect him to "keep" them?----Bill and Hillary STILL cost the city of NY lots of money------of course the big bill for the City of New York is "security against Islamic terrorism" It is logical that "THE TRUMP" building is a prime target for some sluts with bombs on their asses seeking entry into Jannah

They should move to DC like the first families before them did. The Whitehouse already has security measures set up and DC schools also security measures set up.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

That's because you are a conspiracy nut. Even if he hadnt won Michigan it would not have changed the election results.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

That's because you are a conspiracy nut. Even if he hadnt won Michigan it would not have changed the election results.

I want the recount, 80,000 votes between MI, WI and PA.
Liberalism is dying, normal people don't want men in girls locker rooms. Trump won, get over it.
Hillary is trying to disenfranchise the states by making the recount go beyond the electoral voting deadline. Pretty undemocratic
There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.
I'm shocked. shocked I tell you! The winner doesn't want to recount the votes when there is zero chance of the results of it being overturned absent yuuge recount fraud. How dare he not want to waste states money and resources!

Trump has no problem wasting state resources. He's keeping Melania and Barron in New York which is going to cost the state 1 million dollars a day.

I say do a recount in every swing state.
where do you expect him to "keep" them?----Bill and Hillary STILL cost the city of NY lots of money------of course the big bill for the City of New York is "security against Islamic terrorism" It is logical that "THE TRUMP" building is a prime target for some sluts with bombs on their asses seeking entry into Jannah

I do not expect the 1 million to go I his pocket.
I so doubt Mi voted for Trump. Between WI, MI and PA , Clinton lost by 79800 votes, but yet 2.5 million votes ahead. I will always believe Clinton won Mi.

Trump , what is he afraid of, finding out he did not really win, or why try to stop the vote? When all the votes are recounted, we may not get Clinton in, but Trump will be a loser and so will the Pubs.
Trump appears to be afraid of something, instead of sitting back and letting it play out.
I don't know what Hillary and the Dem's are crying about, her campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri told Trump's team, "I would rather lose than win the way you guys did." so they got their wish they lost.

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