Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

All evidence show that the purported oven at Aushwitz is a hoax. This oven does not exist at Auschwitz. The Auschwitz Camp had basically three ovens:
1. Those ovens which heated the various Blocks, such as the: a. Brothel Block. b. The Child Birth Block. c. The Artist Block where inmates performed their arts. 2. The various ovens inside the largest building of the Camp, the huge Kitchen, which also had the bake ovens for the daily bread being baked there. 3. The ovens for the boilers at the Laundry where the washings of the inmates and hospital Blocks were taken care of. Both the Kitchen Doctrine, the Laundry Doctrine, the Child Birth Doctrine, the Brothel Doctrine, the Artist Doctrine, were taboo subjects to be discussed by Stalin whose Hollywood agents begun to fabricate their own yarns, very similar to the Doctrines of the Commercial Holocaust Cult, namely Exterminationism. The huge Kitchen with its bake and other ovens were covered in darkness. The former ''Capitalist Criminals'' of the present Commercial Holocaust Cult who today, have taken over the Hollywood game, continue to keep secret about the huge Kitchen, and the guides avoid to mention it. As for the former Mortuary, it did not have any crematory ovens at all when Stalin's soldiers entered the Camp. And it certainly never had any bake ovens there. The bake ovens were located INSIDE the camp, inside the huge Kitchen. To get in there, the normal way was through the Main Gate, of which recently the sign ARBEIT MACHT FREI was stolen, but now apparently found.
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Rudolf Hoess is purported to have stated in English: I UNDERSTAND ENGLISH AS IT IS WRITTEN ABOVE. Hoess knew no English, beyond the possible OK. The whole thing may have been an after construction. An editorial work not unusual in political show trials.
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Question: Who cares about crematoria? Why does it matter how they got rid of the bodies? Is not the question of how they died more important?
☭proletarian☭;1845558 said:
Question: Who cares about crematoria? Why does it matter how they got rid of the bodies? Is not the question of how they died more important?

It should be pointed out that NO revisionist author of any credibilitity denies there were crematoriums, in fact, in six years of discussion on the internet, the only one to make the claim is the lunatic now on ignore.
All evidence show that the purported oven at Aushwitz is a hoax. This oven does not exist at Auschwitz. The Auschwitz Camp had basically three ovens:
1. Those ovens which heated the various Blocks, such as the: a. Brothel Block. b. The Child Birth Block. c. The Artist Block where inmates performed their arts. 2. The various ovens inside the largest building of the Camp, the huge Kitchen, which also had the bake ovens for the daily bread being baked there. 3. The ovens for the boilers at the Laundry where the washings of the inmates and hospital Blocks were taken care of. Both the Kitchen Doctrine, the Laundry Doctrine, the Child Birth Doctrine, the Brothel Doctrine, the Artist Doctrine, were taboo subjects to be discussed by Stalin whose Hollywood agents begun to fabricate their own yarns, very similar to the Doctrines of the Commercial Holocaust Cult, namely Exterminationism. The huge Kitchen with its bake and other ovens were covered in darkness. The former ''Capitalist Criminals'' of the present Commercial Holocaust Cult who today, have taken over the Hollywood game, continue to keep secret about the huge Kitchen, and the guides avoid to mention it. As for the former Mortuary, it did not have any crematory ovens at all when Stalin's soldiers entered the Camp. And it certainly never had any bake ovens there. The bake ovens were located INSIDE the camp, inside the huge Kitchen. To get in there, the normal way was through the Main Gate, of which recently the sign ARBEIT MACHT FREI was stolen, but now apparently found.

I'm happy I won't have to worry about meeting you in Heaven.
Thank you for your question: Who cares about crematoria? Why does it matter how they got rid of the bodies? Is not the question of how they died more important? Your question is essential to the Commercial Holocaust Cult which is built up by a series of Doctrinal chains, all rusted to pieces and held together only by the varnish put upon them by visual impression. The question will be put along other questions for special Cult classes in Exterminationism on the Internet (why not here?) and whereby the visitors will choose which was the most important question. I shall be brief here and will answer you more fully as it deserves to be answered. Here is the short answer: Already before entering the Camp Stalin had said millions were killed at Auschwitz to his soldiers. In entering the camp, after thousands of Stalin's soldiers had been killed, they found no mass graves like those at Katyn where Stalin had killed some 10,000 Polish officers. So the question came up how to deal with it. One had already decided upon millions had died. The essential pillar of Capitalists' working slaves was here put to proof which was a basic Stalinist teaching, namely, Capitalists use workers as slaves and then kill them either by starvation, beating, bullet, poison, or gas. But in entering the Auschwitz Camp no crematory was found, as it, or they, had been moved to Birkenau. This posed a dilemma for Stalin's Hollywood propagandists for it seemingly brought to naught his Slave Doctrine and Kill The Workers Doctrine. So, in the mess of it all, the initial step was to portray the ovens inside the huge Kitchen at Auschwitz, the largest building inside the camp, as the ovens used. But this caused additional vexing problems for Stalin. Trickily they later painted the huge white Kitchen over into black. In this chain of deception everything is of importance, not only of the crematories, but also the doors supposedly used to hold inside the victims being exterminated, the Kitchen, etc. Let us say, the importance of the crematories are not essential. But what happens then with all the corpses? Millions of millions of corpses; yes, four million corpses all piled up? If so they must be there. But where are they? At Katyn, in Yugoslavia, diggers went down to find out about the number of bodies killed, and how they were killed. But at Auschwitz and Birkenau you have no such place. Hence, unless we were to say the corpses were taken away by Flying Saucers, or, some other means, the ovens are a must for the Commercial Holocaust Cult. Without them there is no Cult. Without them there are no dead. That being, the Crematory Doctrine of the Commercial Holocaust Cult constitutes a pillar of the Cult. Therefore, little reason why all attention is brought to these Relics inside the Sacred Holy Shrine of Auschwitz. Only a pity therefore why most of the Pilgrims visiting the place rush through the Sacred Shrine, or/and, spend most of the time inside the souvenir shop. The world famous Corpse Door, so much lauded by Exterminationist Faithfuls, scholars and Pilgrims, seen in full clarity above, should, convince most Commercial Holocaust Cultists about the seriousness of their Cult.
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Is it just m,e, or does GO's post look a lot like one of Terral's?
Stalin claimed that the four ovens found inside the Sacred Holy Shrine of Auschwitz were those which his soldiers found in taking over the Camp. The same story has been preached by the Commercial Holocaust Cult adepts who have taken over the sacred Doctrines from Stalin to make them their own. A mere look at the ovens found inside the Sacred Holy Shrine today shows
that these Relics have nothing in comparison with the obvious fake photo of oven claimed to be there. The proof is in the eating of the pudding. When you put soap into a cake, it's going to taste soap. Now those who tenaciously hold onto their Relics without examining them will suffer the consequences. Good appetite!
Orwell -

Is it really too much to ask that you do a little research before you post?

I can't for the life of me understand why Deniers spend so much time posting basic elementary errors that any high school student could explain to them.

Firstly - Auschwitz IS NOT Birkenau. Learn to tell the difference.

Secondly, the Krema I gas chamber was used as a bomb shelter by the Germans at the end of the war. German records confirm this.

Thirdly, reconstruction took place after the war to return the gas chamber to its original state, although in doing so it was decided not to replace items such as doors with the original ones. The reconstructed areas are clearly marked.

Please acknowledge that you understand these points, then perhaps we can move on to slightly more interesting aspects of the discussion.
THE BAKE OVEN DOCTRINE constitutes a basic Dogma within the Commercial Holocaust Cult, namely Exterminationism. It is important to find out how this Doctrine originated as the whole chain of the Commercial Holocaust Cult stands and falls by its strongest link, without any strong link being there but a chain of rust.
From cementing the Cult into Gospel True doctrine it is today collapsing into segments of Doctrinal contradictions which make it a pleasure for Cult investigators to delve into the hydra.
Children have to be taught not only, not to wet themselves, but also that hot water can burn and that you can drown in it. Exactly as that what is happening today with the Commercial Holocaust Cult which is now drowning in its own quagmire of Doctrinal confusion and contradiction. For those who have left childhood behind it is time to move ahead and view new horizons. The old world is dying along with its political and religious Doctrines. C'est la vie!
The Holohoax is the largest fraud ever foisted upon mankind.

The Zionist Jews with their "holocaust ponzi scheme" make Bernie Madoff look like a kindergarten crook. :eek:
The Holohoax is the largest fraud ever foisted upon mankind.

The Zionist Jews with their "holocaust ponzi scheme" make Bernie Madoff look like a kindergarten crook. :eek:

And given your postings and your incredibly small stature, the myth that you have a working brain cell is the smallest.
The Holohoax is the largest fraud ever foisted upon mankind.

The Zionist Jews with their "holocaust ponzi scheme" make Bernie Madoff look like a kindergarten crook. :eek:

And given your postings and your incredibly small stature,
I am 6 ft tall

That's really about average height here in the U.S. :eusa_angel:

The stature of one's opinions--specifically your wholly unsubstantiated and bizarre opinions--over shadows your putrid 6'
Candycorn, why such hatred for a fellow human being who has done you no harm??

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