Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

WHERE ARE THE LOCATIONS OF THE OVENS? IT IS IMPORTANT TO SHOW THAT THE COMMERCIAL HOLOCAUST CULT IS NOT A HOAX! I am still waiting for an answer, and so is the rest of the world. We were shown a bake oven with a dear sweet lady seemingly baking loaves of delicious bread. Are we to understand from the context of the pictures that this bake oven is found at Auschwitz and an authentic photograph of an inmate baking bread there when the Germans run the Camp? At the lower portion we see a man and a supposed oven existing at Auschwitz. As many school classes head for Auschwitz it would be nice to help these youth along by giving the location where this oven is found at Auschwitz along with the location of the bake oven, which, apparently also is located there. I think it is agreed that frauds should not be taught to our school children and they have a right for exact information. By exact information people will know that the Commercial Holocaust Cult: Exterminationism, with its variety of Doctrines is indeed not a hoax.
The Third Reich cremated the Jews that they starved or froze to death that they could not bury. They did feed them, but only until they could hardly feed their own Soldiers . It was hell for all these people in those camps, I can't imagine the hell. That is what happened. However, The Germans didn't throw alive humanbeings into ovens like many revisionist angry Jews, which one can understand their anger, have suggested. It's just not Historical truth. Truth is what matters, whatever the subject. ~BH
i have never seen anyone claim they threw in living people into the ovens, not once
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire".

The Jews chose the word Holocaust to intimate that Jewish prisoners were burnt alive in the concentration camps.

Although very misleading; the choice of the word is typical of the Jewish propensity to embellish the holocaust myth.
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire".

The Jews chose the word Holocaust to intimate that Jewish prisoners were burnt alive in the concentration camps.

Although very misleading; the choice of the word is typical of the Jewish propensity to embellish the holocaust myth.

So, Stupid Man, according to you and your valuable research and contributions to the matter, how many Jews actually did get extinguished (that is to say, killed) by the Nazis?

And if it wasn't an actual "Holocaust," what is the Islamically approved word for the mass execution of Jews?
The word in any language for the injustified killing of anyone is "murder"
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire".

The Jews chose the word Holocaust to intimate that Jewish prisoners were burnt alive in the concentration camps.

Ah no, but thank you for playing wack a denier
The word in any language for the injustified killing of anyone is "murder"

Actually, even that is untrue.

When the Islamoshitfuckers committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, they didn't commit the "crime [sic]" of "murder."

What they did was commit illegal, barbarous and depraved acts of war.

And the word is "UNjustified," by the way.
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire".

The Jews chose the word Holocaust to intimate that Jewish prisoners were burnt alive in the concentration camps.

Although very misleading; the choice of the word is typical of the Jewish propensity to embellish the holocaust myth.
you lie again

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From your source

he Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστον (Holókauston): holos, "whole" and kaustos, "burnt"),

Burnt whole..Given that Jews are dualists, to be whole implies the soul is present (one is alive)

I can see where Sunni gets his interpretation, based on your souce
Liability, did you forget your meds today??? :eek:

Let's see:

High B.P. meds. Took 'em.

Anti-swelling medication for knees. Took 'em.

A couple of Advil for general pain. Took 'em.

Multi-vitamins. Took 'em.

Nope. I'm all up on my meds.

Have you taken any of the anti-psychotic meds that you urgently require?

I don't require meds to correct your basic unfamiliarity with the actual meaning of words, douchey.
☭proletarian☭;1827415 said:
Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire".

The Jews chose the word Holocaust to intimate that Jewish prisoners were burnt alive in the concentration camps.

Although very misleading; the choice of the word is typical of the Jewish propensity to embellish the holocaust myth.
you lie again

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From your source

he Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστον (Holókauston): holos, "whole" and kaustos, "burnt"),

Burnt whole..Given that Jews are dualists, to be whole implies the soul is present (one is alive)

I can see where Sunni gets his interpretation, based on your souce
not at all
i have NEVER seen any evidence of ANYONE claiming people were burned alive in the ovens
Liability, did you forget your meds today??? :eek:

Let's see:

High B.P. meds. Took 'em.

Anti-swelling medication for knees. Took 'em.

A couple of Advil for general pain. Took 'em.

Multi-vitamins. Took 'em.
Dang, you are a physical wreck!!! :eek:

Not really. but I do have a few issues in terms of health.

You, by contrast, are a mental wreck.

No "eek" involved. It's actually sad to see someone as mentally unbalanced as you.

It explains a lot about you, too.
When Stalin moved forward to take Auschwitz his ideological team went faithfully with him just as Hollywood faithfully served the other side. Two basic Stalinist teachings were: 1. That Capitalism meant beating the workers and use them as slave workers. 2. That Capitalism starve people to death. Many examples were given of such acts considered ''crimes,'' and no doubt many did exist. This follows, that as Stalin's soldiers took over Auschwitz, freeing the ''Communist Criminals'' inside it, they now put inside their ''Capitalist Criminals'' as prisoners. Thus Auschwitz now became an example of ''Capitalist Crimes,'' to use Stalin's words. In taking over Auschwitz thy discovered to their horror that no ovens existed into which the Capitalists tossed their ''Working Slaves.'' The only ovens that existed of that type were the baking ovens inside Auschwitz. But these ovens brought to naught the ''Starve Doctrine'' of the Commercial Holocaust Cult, a must Doctrine of Stalin. Stalin now had his soldiers parade outside the huge Kitchen at Auschwitz, the largest building inside the camp. Stalin could not tell his soldiers this building was a huge Kitchen and now invented the notion that it was used as a center of exterminating the ''Slave Workers.'' One had at this time still not invented the ''Gas Chamber Doctrine,'' one reason being, there were no ovens inside this building. One now had the Soviet soldiers parade outside the huge Auschwitz Kitchen an let them look into the windows to see the ovens there. The soldiers were then pushed forward in line, and the ''Bake Oven Doctrine'' came into being, for then to be replaced by the ''Gas Chamber Doctrine'' as the ovens were built by Stalin's own Hollywood team inside the Auschwitz air raid shelter and site for making surgery. Thus there is a particle of truth with the ''Bake Oven Doctrine,'' and it was handy to be used for the soldiers who had many of their companions dying in taking over Auschwitz.
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