Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To ‘Vet’ Gun Owners

Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

No law enforcement entity has the authority to take any sort of adverse action against a gun owner absent probable cause or reasonable suspicion that a lawless act is imminent; the next door neighbor calling the police because a local gun enthusiast is making hateful statements about Hispanics constitutes neither.

This is yet another example of the OP's ignorance and propensity for hyperbole, his inane and failed attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists.
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

No law enforcement entity has the authority to take any sort of adverse action against a gun owner absent probable cause or reasonable suspicion that a lawless act is imminent; the next door neighbor calling the police because a local gun enthusiast is making hateful statements about Hispanics constitutes neither.

This is yet another example of the OP's ignorance and propensity for hyperbole, his inane and failed attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists.
Dumb fuck you didn't listen to the video did you? You are the bright example of STUPIDITY.
Again what in the fuck are you talking about?
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So ... when are liberals going to reconcile their anti-rape campaign with their anti-gun campaign?

I am beginning to think cognitive dissonance may indeed be genetic in nature.

Racists, when queeried, practically never call themselves Liberals.

Democrats never identify themselves as racists even though the democrat party is the home of white racists, black racists and hispanic racists...all trying to control the mass of non racists in this country....

And anyone who identifies themselves as racists is obviously missing something upstairs....but at least we know who they are...there are generations of minorities voting for a political party that held blacks as slaves and designed the welfare state to keep them voting for that same party.....the democrats control public education...and refuse to allow minorities trapped in horrible inner city schools from escaping from them...
The Klan supports gun control? Did they mention that at the last meeting you went to, Cleetus?

Yes, they did...the only thing blacks could trust to stop the klan in the middle of the night was a gun....the klan wanted blacks disarmed.....
Sorry, guy, we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and according to the FBI, only 201 of those can be attributed to "civilians acting in self-defense/justifiable homicide". guns really are the problem.

Joe, you know better, according to FBI stats there are only 8-9,000 gun murders each year, 80% of which are by gangs in inner cities controlled by democrat mayors. the majority of those in the 32,000 are gun suicides and since Japan has absolute gun control and a suicide rate that is double ours....guns aren't the issue in suicides either....

Each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1.6 million times a year, non military, non law enforcement...

8-9,000 gun murders a year vs. 1.6 million times guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack...

Tell me Joe...which number is bigger....?
Actually, a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.

That is a lie from a dishonest anti gun researcher who included violent criminals entering your home as part of a household gun death....drug dealers killing each other also were counted...
Remember, the NRA's response to Kellerman was to make sure Congress told the CDC to never, ever study this subject again.

Well, first...guns aren't a they should spend their time fighting ebola...and let cops stop violent criminals...

2nd...obama commissioned a study through the CDC in 2013 with 10 million is what they found....and I'm sure whoever did the study was fired on the spot....

From Obama's CDC...they spent 10 million dollars in 2013 for this study...

from an article on CDC obama's era...500-3 million defensive gun uses

Handguns suicides mass shootings deaths and self-defense Findings from a research report on gun violence.
7. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year … in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008,” says the report. The three million figure is probably high, “based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys.
Here is how they debunk kellerman....

Lies Damned Lies and Washington CeaseFire s Statistics - The Truth About Guns

#1) Dr. Kellerman initially failed to state how he determined that the gun used belonged in the home or had been brought into it by someone else. Four years later he wrote a letter to the NEJM with a correction stating that in follow-up interviews it was determined that in 63% of the cases the gun was organic to the household. So, 0.63 times 22 means you’re only 13.6 times more likely to be ki . . . etc. (I think I’ll start using the acronym TMLTBKBAGIYHTTKAI . . . or, better yet we’ll just use TML (times more likely). So, that has reduced the 22 TML figure down to 13.6.

#2) Dr. Kellerman failed to account for other risk factors like drug use, criminals or criminal activity in the home. According to his study’s Table 3, 53% of the case study households contained at least one adult who had been arrested. So 0.47 times 13.64 leaves 6.4 TML.

#3) Most of the killings didn’t actually occur “in the home,” Oops! According to Kellerman’s own figures, only 23.9% of the homicides happened in the home of the victim. So, 0.239 times 6.4 gives us 1.5321812 so let’s call it 1.5 TML, shall we?

#4) Kellerman’s study includes suicides committed with guns. The problem with that is he did no research to determine if the “victim” acquired the weapon solely in order to commit suicide or if they used it as a “method of opportunity.” And despite the antis claims to the contrary, numerous studies have shown that suicide rates are independent of method. In other words, taking away guns may reduce the gun suicide rate, but non-gun suicides will increase enough to offset this.

#5) And the biggest problem of all: Dr. Kellerman seems to believe that killing someone is the only way to use a gun defensively (one wonders, then, what he thinks of police departments who routinely arrestpeople instead of killing them). But according to Dr. Kleck’s study Targeting Guns (as cited on page 19of Gun Facts ver. 6.0) in less than 0.1% of DGUs is the attacker killed. Indeed, in 92% of DGUs the victim merely brandishes the weapon or fires a warning shot.

So, putting all this together, what do we have (besides the fact that 22 TML is a completely bogus number)? After my swipe at number crunching we have reduced TML to 1.5, but what does that mean in real life?

Well, according to the CDC‘s numbers, over the 11 years from 1999 to 2009 we averaged 11,800 firearm-related murders annually. If we carry that number through 2010 and look at the census numbers, that means the your chance of being murdered with a gun is 11,800/309,000,000 or 0.0038%. So even if we accept Dr. Kellerman’s premise that guns are only useful when they kill someone, having a gun in your home raises your odds of being killed from 0.0038% to 0.0059%.
Tell me, was George Wallace a Liberal? Simple question. And we're talking about Liberal political ideology, not party identity. Understand? Not was George Wallace a Democrat. We know this as fact. But was he a Liberal?

No, he was a southern democrat, nor was he an American Conservative, one who believes that all men are created equal and that government should be limited and constrained by the Constitution and the Bill of guys think you are clever in conflating souther, democrat racists with Modern American Conservatism...but they are not even close to being the same....

However...the racism of southern, democrats expanded in the 1960s after they realized that minorities, with Republican help, would matter how many blacks were killed by they were forced to change their tactics...they bought their votes...with government welfare and lies...and they were joined by modern Democrats who saw race as just a tool, because their true goal was enslaving all Americans to their control....the clintons, gores, ted kennedy, johnson and the other racist democrats joined together....

Can anyone explain to me why the democrats...the political party that defended slavery to the point of going to war, owned the slaves before the war, fought to reestablish the slave trade with Africa, and to spread slavery into the new states, and then started the ku klux klan to suppress the newly freed slaves...

Why didn't they at least change their name....? And why do blacks vote for the political party that owned their ancestors as slaves?
Yea, so exactly what did we learn from water boarding Khalid Mohammed time #187 that we didn't learn the first 186 times we waterboarded him?

Well, if you studied the topic...we learned everything about the terrorists, how they were organized, how they communictated, how they moved their money...and where bin laden was hiding.....

But sure, why use the most effective method of interrogation that harms no one, has no side effects or lasting harm, doesn't break bones, cut the flesh, or send electricity through their just runs a little water up their nose...

And no, when we waterboarded 3 terrorists...and it was only 3, we did not do it the way the communists in Vietnam, Cambodia, or the inquisition or the Japanese did please spare me....
He believed in state's rights, a smaller federal government, lower taxes and was a hawk on Vietnam. What about that is not Conservative?

the part where he wanted to use the state and federal government to discriminate against other human beings...that cancels his membership in American Conservatism...or as some would say "Classical" liberalism....
Joe, you know better, according to FBI stats there are only 8-9,000 gun murders each year, 80% of which are by gangs in inner cities controlled by democrat mayors. the majority of those in the 32,000 are gun suicides and since Japan has absolute gun control and a suicide rate that is double ours....guns aren't the issue in suicides either....

Actually, it's more like 11,000, most of which are committed by people the victim knows.

Also, Japanese society considers suicide to be acceptable. Ours doesn't. OUr rate is way too high for a Christian country.

Each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1.6 million times a year, non military, non law enforcement...

And that number is still utter horseshit and can be ignored.

Well, first...guns aren't a they should spend their time fighting ebola...and let cops stop violent criminals...

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year and one whole death from Ebola. I think the gun deaths are kind of a bigger deal.

SO let's talk about WHY the NRA didn't want the CDC studying this issue. If people knew how dangerous guns were, they wouldn't have them in the house.
Well, if you studied the topic...we learned everything about the terrorists, how they were organized, how they communictated, how they moved their money...and where bin laden was hiding.....

Well, no, we didn't. IN fact, KSM told his interrogators that the "courier" that led us to Bin Laden was nobody important. We caught KSM in 2003. We didn't get around to killing Bin Laden until 2011.

Senate report Torture didn t lead to bin Laden

The most high-profile detainee linked to the bin Laden investigation was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused 9/11 mastermind who was waterboarded 183 times. Mohammed, intelligence officials have noted, confirmed after his 2003 capture that he knew an important al-Qaida courier with the nom de guerre Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti.

The Senate report concludes such information wasn't critical, according to the aides. Mohammed only discussed al-Kuwaiti months after being waterboarded, while he was under standard interrogation, they said. And Mohammed neither acknowledged al-Kuwaiti's significance nor provided interrogators with the courier's real name.

The debate over how investigators put the pieces together is significant because years later, the courier led U.S. intelligence to the sleepy Pakistani military town of Abbottabad. There, in May 2011, Navy SEALs killed bin Laden in a secret mission.

And no, when we waterboarded 3 terrorists...and it was only 3, we did not do it the way the communists in Vietnam, Cambodia, or the inquisition or the Japanese did please spare me....

I think I want my country to be a little better than those guys. We don't torture. We signed treaties that said we woldn't torture.
Yes, the then director of the CIA disagrees, as do the guys who interrogated him....and of course you ignored all the other intelligence that he supplied about terrorist operations....

Given that the CIA has fucked up every aspect of the GWOT, I'm really taking what they have to say with a grain of salt.

Given it took EIGHT MORE YEARS after Khalid was captured to track Bin Laden down.

Seriously, what the fuck were they waiting for?
Sorry, guy, we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and according to the FBI, only 201 of those can be attributed to "civilians acting in self-defense/justifiable homicide". guns really are the problem.

Joe, you know better, according to FBI stats there are only 8-9,000 gun murders each year, 80% of which are by gangs in inner cities controlled by democrat mayors. the majority of those in the 32,000 are gun suicides and since Japan has absolute gun control and a suicide rate that is double ours....guns aren't the issue in suicides either....

Each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1.6 million times a year, non military, non law enforcement...

8-9,000 gun murders a year vs. 1.6 million times guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack...

Tell me Joe...which number is bigger....?
Duh.. Joe thinks 8 or 9,000 is 43 times as big as 1,600,000. AND he can prove it with a debunked study.
Joe, you know better, according to FBI stats there are only 8-9,000 gun murders each year, 80% of which are by gangs in inner cities controlled by democrat mayors. the majority of those in the 32,000 are gun suicides and since Japan has absolute gun control and a suicide rate that is double ours....guns aren't the issue in suicides either....

Actually, it's more like 11,000, most of which are committed by people the victim knows.

Also, Japanese society considers suicide to be acceptable. Ours doesn't. OUr rate is way too high for a Christian country.

Each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1.6 million times a year, non military, non law enforcement...

And that number is still utter horseshit and can be ignored.

Well, first...guns aren't a they should spend their time fighting ebola...and let cops stop violent criminals...

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year and one whole death from Ebola. I think the gun deaths are kind of a bigger deal.

SO let's talk about WHY the NRA didn't want the CDC studying this issue. If people knew how dangerous guns were, they wouldn't have them in the house.
That number, or larger numbers, have been supported in several studies, unlike your 43 times number which has been refuted dozens of times, most notably, by kellerman himself. BUT you keep waving that hammer and sickle, Joe. You may convince someone, someday that Stalin was right.

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