Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To ‘Vet’ Gun Owners

”We can’t afford to wait for Congress…and that’s why I’m going ahead without them when I can.”
“This obstruction keeps the system rigged for those at the top, and rigged against the middle class,” Obama said. “And as long as they insist on doing it, I’ll keep taking actions on my own.”
“Some require congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you,” Obama said. “But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”
"I'll act on my own" to streamline the bureaucracy for key infrastructure projects.

Sounds like a dictator to me.
Being racist does not make one a conservative, although we all know this is the bullshit narrative you liberals like to push.
But racists identify asConservatives! Racists, when queeried, practically never call themselves Liberals.

Do you suppose George Wallace, while a Democrat and later an Indepenent, ever considered himself, or could be precisely labeled due to policy, a Liberal?
Do you have something to offer that backs that up besides your opinion? Give us some examples.
He just knows because he is enlightened.
White Nationalist eschew the Liberal notion of multi-culturalism. White racists refuse the Liberal ideals of egalitarianism, social equality and integration. Liberal social ideals do not conform with racists ideas of how society should operate.

Don't you guys know this already? Do you imagine that it is White Liberals who call Obama the Kenyan Muslim?

Are you enlightened enough to see the truth?
I know the truth. Am I enlightened? meh. I don't worry about such shit. What I worry about is the truth and how it is twisted to fit Liberal ideology.
Tell me, was George Wallace a Liberal? Simple question. And we're talking about Liberal political ideology, not party identity. Understand? Not was George Wallace a Democrat. We know this as fact. But was he a Liberal?
You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?

Should the need arise to where I will pull out my gun, you can bet a threat isn't what is happening. My actions protecting myself will prevent a future crime.

Actually, a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.
He trots out that 43 times bullshit again, neglecting to tell us that that 1986 study was refuted by its author in 1993.

Joe quit trying to bull shit us.
But racists identify asConservatives! Racists, when queeried, practically never call themselves Liberals.

Do you suppose George Wallace, while a Democrat and later an Indepenent, ever considered himself, or could be precisely labeled due to policy, a Liberal?
Do you have something to offer that backs that up besides your opinion? Give us some examples.
He just knows because he is enlightened.
White Nationalist eschew the Liberal notion of multi-culturalism. White racists refuse the Liberal ideals of egalitarianism, social equality and integration. Liberal social ideals do not conform with racists ideas of how society should operate.

Don't you guys know this already? Do you imagine that it is White Liberals who call Obama the Kenyan Muslim?

Are you enlightened enough to see the truth?
I know the truth. Am I enlightened? meh. I don't worry about such shit. What I worry about is the truth and how it is twisted to fit Liberal ideology.
Tell me, was George Wallace a Liberal? Simple question. And we're talking about Liberal political ideology, not party identity. Understand? Not was George Wallace a Democrat. We know this as fact. But was he a Liberal?
He was not a Conservative.
So. If one man has stopped 2 violent crimes that went unreported, how many more do you suppose go unreported each year? I'd bet hundreds of thousands

I know that's the gun fantasy, but I find it hard given all the snuff fantasies you express here you'd have passed up TWO oppurtunities to kill an "evil-doer".
He trots out that 43 times bullshit again, neglecting to tell us that that 1986 study was refuted by its author in 1993.

Joe quit trying to bull shit us.

Kellerman did no such thing. But thanks for playing.
”We can’t afford to wait for Congress…and that’s why I’m going ahead without them when I can.”
“This obstruction keeps the system rigged for those at the top, and rigged against the middle class,” Obama said. “And as long as they insist on doing it, I’ll keep taking actions on my own.”
“Some require congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you,” Obama said. “But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”
"I'll act on my own" to streamline the bureaucracy for key infrastructure projects.

Sounds like a dictator to me.

Sounds to me like an executive making executive decisions.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Yea, so exactly what did we learn from water boarding Khalid Mohammed time #187 that we didn't learn the first 186 times we waterboarded him?

It's been 12 years since we captured the guy, and we still can't convict him because all our evidence has been tainted by torture that got us, what, exactly?
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

Nope. Many times we've seen people slip through the cracks. Once you get a gun you have to go register it with the cops in your city. I think they should take a good hard look at you and ask you a few questions before they rubber stamp your guy permit.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Then you are ok with it happening to US soldiers who get caught in the middle east?
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Yea, so exactly what did we learn from water boarding Khalid Mohammed time #187 that we didn't learn the first 186 times we waterboarded him?

It's been 12 years since we captured the guy, and we still can't convict him because all our evidence has been tainted by torture that got us, what, exactly?
I'd have shot him. I assign no worth or rights to the sworn enemies of The United States of America.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Yea, so exactly what did we learn from water boarding Khalid Mohammed time #187 that we didn't learn the first 186 times we waterboarded him?

It's been 12 years since we captured the guy, and we still can't convict him because all our evidence has been tainted by torture that got us, what, exactly?
I'd have shot him. I assign no worth or rights to the sworn enemies of The United States of America.

So don't cry when ISIS chops our heads off.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Then you are ok with it happening to US soldiers who get caught in the middle east?
Of course not, but this is what happens in war. People get caught and killed. The object is to kill the bad guys before they kill you. I'll take just about any advantage I can to that end.
War is not a friggin board game. It's dirty, messy and cruel. It should be. War should be just as horrible as we can make it so that we feel we must get it over with as quickly as we can and do all we can to not get involved in another one.
I'm good with waterboarding in order to gain intelligence that may save American lives. I'm proud of Allen West, as well.

Yea, so exactly what did we learn from water boarding Khalid Mohammed time #187 that we didn't learn the first 186 times we waterboarded him?

It's been 12 years since we captured the guy, and we still can't convict him because all our evidence has been tainted by torture that got us, what, exactly?
I'd have shot him. I assign no worth or rights to the sworn enemies of The United States of America.

So don't cry when ISIS chops our heads off.
I don't cry. I kill 10 of their guys. AND I keep killing them until they decide continued hostility is essentially suicide.
I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a business to run and later, a poker game to win.
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

Nope. Many times we've seen people slip through the cracks. Once you get a gun you have to go register it with the cops in your city. I think they should take a good hard look at you and ask you a few questions before they rubber stamp your guy permit.
Only one thing to say
Do you have something to offer that backs that up besides your opinion? Give us some examples.
He just knows because he is enlightened.
White Nationalist eschew the Liberal notion of multi-culturalism. White racists refuse the Liberal ideals of egalitarianism, social equality and integration. Liberal social ideals do not conform with racists ideas of how society should operate.

Don't you guys know this already? Do you imagine that it is White Liberals who call Obama the Kenyan Muslim?

Are you enlightened enough to see the truth?
I know the truth. Am I enlightened? meh. I don't worry about such shit. What I worry about is the truth and how it is twisted to fit Liberal ideology.
Tell me, was George Wallace a Liberal? Simple question. And we're talking about Liberal political ideology, not party identity. Understand? Not was George Wallace a Democrat. We know this as fact. But was he a Liberal?
He was not a Conservative.
He believed in state's rights, a smaller federal government, lower taxes and was a hawk on Vietnam. What about that is not Conservative?

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