Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To ‘Vet’ Gun Owners

You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?
There may be less murders in societies with fewer guns, but that doesn't mean shit. Seeing I myself have prevented a murder AND a rape with a firearm and have never killed anyone, it follows that if everyone had at least one gun, there would be no murders.....
Or don't you hate it when someone uses fuzzy logic back at you?

Joe Really? You STILL want to call me a racist? Perhaps you should contact my second wife. I'm sure she's get a chuckle out of that shit.

You mean you threatened someone with a gun, and you think you prevented a crime.

Sorry, guy, we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and according to the FBI, only 201 of those can be attributed to "civilians acting in self-defense/justifiable homicide". guns really are the problem.

You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?

Should the need arise to where I will pull out my gun, you can bet a threat isn't what is happening. My actions protecting myself will prevent a future crime.
You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?
There may be less murders in societies with fewer guns, but that doesn't mean shit. Seeing I myself have prevented a murder AND a rape with a firearm and have never killed anyone, it follows that if everyone had at least one gun, there would be no murders.....
Or don't you hate it when someone uses fuzzy logic back at you?

Joe Really? You STILL want to call me a racist? Perhaps you should contact my second wife. I'm sure she's get a chuckle out of that shit.

You mean you threatened someone with a gun, and you think you prevented a crime.

Sorry, guy, we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and according to the FBI, only 201 of those can be attributed to "civilians acting in self-defense/justifiable homicide". guns really are the problem.

You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?

Should the need arise to where I will pull out my gun, you can bet a threat isn't what is happening. My actions protecting myself will prevent a future crime.
dumb ass why do you think the south as well as the north said it was illegal for slaves and blacks to have a gun? Why do you think the klan supports gun control?

The Klan supports gun control? Did they mention that at the last meeting you went to, Cleetus?
You bet they were big supporters of gun control.

Obviously, you are too dumb to realize you are being mocked.

Obviously, you're too dumb to realize you don't have that ability. That makes you either a DAN or a POWT.
Spambot is a scared little white man.

That's right and tens of million other whites who are getting sick of this PC crap!!

Was in a bar with my brothers and some friends the other Irish bar!! We talked about the devolvement of the culture where savages are allowed to be criminals with the media treating them as frustrated civilians. Several waked over from the bar to join us.......a consensus was reached on where to buy the cheapest ammo!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock: FTMFW!! Talked about which rifles were best to protect out homes and consensus reached!!!:coffee:

Funny too........consensus on how criminal/racist the media has become!!! Agreed............its a big problem!!:2up:
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By the way........just as a f/u to my post above......discussion of a firearm to ensure safety of your family and self........there is much controversy..........

I come down on using this weapon..........fucking awesome. Throws a pound of lead at multiple targets within 3 seconds.:2up:

Also......get the Choate extension which allows you to add 2 or 3 rounds. Why? Because you want to be sure that mofu savage is dead.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You don't think I should own a gun to protect myself?

Should the need arise to where I will pull out my gun, you can bet a threat isn't what is happening. My actions protecting myself will prevent a future crime.

Actually, a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.
A repeated and debunked lie is still a repeated and debunked lie
You need to find some new and improved talking points.
A repeated and debunked lie is still a repeated and debunked lie
You need to find some new and improved talking points.

Yawn, guy, 'I don't want Kellerman to be true" isn't a debunking.

Here's how you debunk Kellerman. You actually do another study of another city. Or maybe the whole country.

And then you find if you get different results.

My guess is you won't.

Remember, the NRA's response to Kellerman was to make sure Congress told the CDC to never, ever study this subject again. They knew Kellerman got it right, they just don't want to talk about it.
A repeated and debunked lie is still a repeated and debunked lie
You need to find some new and improved talking points.

Yawn, guy, 'I don't want Kellerman to be true" isn't a debunking.

Here's how you debunk Kellerman. You actually do another study of another city. Or maybe the whole country.

And then you find if you get different results.

My guess is you won't.

Remember, the NRA's response to Kellerman was to make sure Congress told the CDC to never, ever study this subject again. They knew Kellerman got it right, they just don't want to talk about it.
It's been debunked every time you post it.

You know what progressive idea's like were seeing from this bozo Joe do? They get more black people killed..........that's what they do.

These idiots want the cops throttled..........fucking brilliant.

They never do understand the unintended consequences to their hairbrained ghey idea's. Cops are going to get calls to stop violent crimes in urban black neighborhoods, flip on the siren and lights and set the cruise control to 5MPH!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Awesome..........only gonna increase the black on black slaughter.
I have a lot to learn??? You list 4 racist Democrats to make your case that conservatives are racist and I have a lot to learn??? Try again.
Unable to tell the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/ Conservative?
Being racist does not make one a conservative, although we all know this is the bullshit narrative you liberals like to push.
But racists identify asConservatives! Racists, when queeried, practically never call themselves Liberals.

Do you suppose George Wallace, while a Democrat and later an Indepenent, ever considered himself, or could be precisely labeled due to policy, a Liberal?
Do you have something to offer that backs that up besides your opinion? Give us some examples.
He just knows because he is enlightened.
White Nationalist eschew the Liberal notion of multi-culturalism. White racists refuse the Liberal ideals of egalitarianism, social equality and integration. Liberal social ideals do not conform with racists ideas of how society should operate.

Don't you guys know this already? Do you imagine that it is White Liberals who call Obama the Kenyan Muslim?

Are you enlightened enough to see the truth?

You know what progressive idea's like were seeing from this bozo Joe do? They get more black people killed..........that's what they do.

These idiots want the cops throttled..........fucking brilliant.

They never do understand the unintended consequences to their hairbrained ghey idea's. Cops are going to get calls to stop violent crimes in urban black neighborhoods, flip on the siren and lights and set the cruise control to 5MPH!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Awesome..........only gonna increase the black on black slaughter.

If I were a cop I'd be getting a flat tire everytime I got a call for a disturbance in a black neighborhood.
There may be less murders in societies with fewer guns, but that doesn't mean shit. Seeing I myself have prevented a murder AND a rape with a firearm and have never killed anyone, it follows that if everyone had at least one gun, there would be no murders.....
Or don't you hate it when someone uses fuzzy logic back at you?

Joe Really? You STILL want to call me a racist? Perhaps you should contact my second wife. I'm sure she's get a chuckle out of that shit.

You mean you threatened someone with a gun, and you think you prevented a crime.

Sorry, guy, we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and according to the FBI, only 201 of those can be attributed to "civilians acting in self-defense/justifiable homicide". guns really are the problem.

I prevented 2 crimes, you idiot.

No, asshole. A man broke down my front door in an attempt to rape my 1st wife. I met him in the doorway with a shotgun aimed at his chest. I would have been perfectly justified in shooting him, but at the sight of the gun he stopped his advance.
In the second case, a man with a knife tried to assault and rob me. The mere sight of my revolver was enough to discourage him. I never unholstered the .44.

So. If one man has stopped 2 violent crimes that went unreported, how many more do you suppose go unreported each year? I'd bet hundreds of thousands
Unable to tell the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/ Conservative?
Being racist does not make one a conservative, although we all know this is the bullshit narrative you liberals like to push.
But racists identify asConservatives! Racists, when queeried, practically never call themselves Liberals.

Do you suppose George Wallace, while a Democrat and later an Indepenent, ever considered himself, or could be precisely labeled due to policy, a Liberal?
Do you have something to offer that backs that up besides your opinion? Give us some examples.
He just knows because he is enlightened.
White Nationalist eschew the Liberal notion of multi-culturalism. White racists refuse the Liberal ideals of egalitarianism, social equality and integration. Liberal social ideals do not conform with racists ideas of how society should operate.

Don't you guys know this already? Do you imagine that it is White Liberals who call Obama the Kenyan Muslim?

Are you enlightened enough to see the truth?
I know the truth. Am I enlightened? meh. I don't worry about such shit. What I worry about is the truth and how it is twisted to fit Liberal ideology.

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