Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To ‘Vet’ Gun Owners

Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
Which of course we have seen no proof of ever happening.
Because there are so few instances of Black men dying at the hands of the police? Or because you think the police are ethically infallible?

Or because it's easier to ignore the problem and then live with the consequences in blissful ignorance?
No one thinks cops are ethically infallible. In the case of Darren Wilson, he just wanted to go home to his fiancée.
And if the only way that was going to happen was to shoot an unarmed Black male, so be it?
WTF does that have to do with this thread?
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
You don't think that's the problem.
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
If he's a racist, then he's probably a liberal.
How do you figure? Racists identify themselves politically as Conservatives. Unless you think those racists are actually tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, Kumbya singing Liberals! Unless you think that folks like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Bull Connor were, in reality, Liberals.

You have a lot to learn about political definitions. Maybe a Political Science 101 class at a Community College would help. Life long learning is truly a blessing.
Unless you think that folks like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Bull Connor were, in reality, Liberals.

Except for duke all of them were democrats....they wanted to conserve owning blacks as slaves....while American Conservatives want to conserve the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the concept that all men are created equal and that government is best when it is limited....

The attempt to conflate modern American political terms "classical liberals" with the members of the democrat party are meant to continue the lie that Republicans, the ones who freed the slave and protected them, are the racists, while the party that owned the slaves, the democrats, who also wanted to restart the slave trade, push slavery into the new states, fought a Civil War that cost this country 500,000 dead citizens to protect their right to own people...somehow became the best friends of the people they held as slaves.....

That is the greatest political magic trick ever performed....

The old democrats wanted to own blacks as slaves...the new democrats, when they realized that they couldn't beat, lynch, or bomb their former slaves enough to keep them from voting....changed tactics....and the new, modern democrats know, the clintons, the obamas, the kennedy's (ted in particular) johnson....realized if they threw enough money to get enough people hooked on government....and told enough lies...they could enslave all the people...not just blacks....

So try selling that crap somewhere else....maybe to the same people who believed you guys about obamacare.....they will believe anything....
When 12% of the population commits essentially the same number of murders as 72% of the population, who should we blame? The gun manufacturers? The shops that sell 15 round magazines? The NRA? WHO, Joe, if not that 12%?

Less guns, less murders. It's not complicated, Cleetus.

Hey, good work on the whole "I'm not a racist, really" claims.
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
You don't think that's the problem.
That, my the solution

Guess which list you came out on?
Joe, the only people on here who talk, gleefully about killing other people is the gun grabbers, like you, who claim that you know that gun owners want to do talk about killing minorities more than just about anyone else....

Yeah, guy, check out all the posters here who treated the deaths of Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin like they won the superbowl.
Do slaves have guns? Would a slave like to be free? How does a slave get free if the one who OWNS them does not want them to be free?
You are a stupid fuck.

Hey, Nat Turner had guns. Really didn't help that much.
Do slaves have guns? Would a slave like to be free? How does a slave get free if the one who OWNS them does not want them to be free?
You are a stupid fuck.

Hey, Nat Turner had guns. Really didn't help that much.
dumb ass why do you think the south as well as the north said it was illegal for slaves and blacks to have a gun? Why do you think the klan supports gun control?
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
If he's a racist, then he's probably a liberal.
How do you figure? Racists identify themselves politically as Conservatives. Unless you think those racists are actually tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, Kumbya singing Liberals! Unless you think that folks like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Bull Connor were, in reality, Liberals.

You have a lot to learn about political definitions. Maybe a Political Science 101 class at a Community College would help. Life long learning is truly a blessing.
I have a lot to learn??? You list 4 racist Democrats to make your case that conservatives are racist and I have a lot to learn??? Try again.
Of course, when you leave out the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, communism, etc.

None of which happened in the "Industrialized world in present times".

It comes and goes and you know it.

actually, no, not really. In fact, gun ownership has never prevented a dictatorship.

Yes, they have. And more recently they brought one down. In Romania. Try reading a book sometime moron.
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
If he's a racist, then he's probably a liberal.
How do you figure? Racists identify themselves politically as Conservatives. Unless you think those racists are actually tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, Kumbya singing Liberals! Unless you think that folks like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Bull Connor were, in reality, Liberals.

You have a lot to learn about political definitions. Maybe a Political Science 101 class at a Community College would help. Life long learning is truly a blessing.
I have a lot to learn??? You list 4 racist Democrats to make your case that conservatives are racist and I have a lot to learn??? Try again.
Unable to tell the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/ Conservative?
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
If he's a racist, then he's probably a liberal.
How do you figure? Racists identify themselves politically as Conservatives. Unless you think those racists are actually tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, Kumbya singing Liberals! Unless you think that folks like George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke and Bull Connor were, in reality, Liberals.

You have a lot to learn about political definitions. Maybe a Political Science 101 class at a Community College would help. Life long learning is truly a blessing.
I have a lot to learn??? You list 4 racist Democrats to make your case that conservatives are racist and I have a lot to learn??? Try again.
Unable to tell the difference between Democrat/Republican and Liberal/ Conservative?
Being racist does not make one a conservative, although we all know this is the bullshit narrative you liberals like to push.
... penis compensator....

Dumbass little progtard bubble head ---- ^

Hey, I knew a lady who thought like that. SHe had a gun to protect herself from "violent criminals".

She came home and found her teenage son had killed herself with it.
Her teenage son killed herself? Hmm... :lol:

New town Connecticut

Those guns are great for killing School children
Connecticut was one of the strictest of all states with gun control laws before newton.

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