Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To ‘Vet’ Gun Owners

Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
Why don't you move to North Korea so you can get a taste of the kind of place you're talking about.

Dumbass mother fucker.

Lets see?

007: Racist, paranoid, nasty temper

No gun for you
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify

Fuck off, and Die.

Anger issues

No gun for you!

Molon Labe (if I had a gun) asshole.

Domo arigato Mr Roboto

No gun for you!
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
Why don't you move to North Korea so you can get a taste of the kind of place you're talking about.

Dumbass mother fucker.

Lets see?

007: Racist, paranoid, nasty temper

No gun for you
Who said I owned a gun?

RW: Racist, Communist, Terrorist sypathizer, Anti American.

No gun for you.
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
Why don't you move to North Korea so you can get a taste of the kind of place you're talking about.

Dumbass mother fucker.

Lets see?

007: Racist, paranoid, nasty temper

No gun for you
Who said I owned a gun?

RW: Racist, Communist, Terrorist sypathizer, Anti American.

No gun for you.

Sweet talking will not help you

You have already been rejected for gun ownership
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify
Why don't you move to North Korea so you can get a taste of the kind of place you're talking about.

Dumbass mother fucker.

Lets see?

007: Racist, paranoid, nasty temper

No gun for you
Who said I owned a gun?

RW: Racist, Communist, Terrorist sypathizer, Anti American.

No gun for you.

Sweet talking will not help you

You have already been rejected for gun ownership
I don't own a gun.

You have already been rejected to vet anyone for fun ownership.
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

IF YOU KNOW GUN ENTHUSIASTS TURN THEM IN Austin Police Chief Says Cops Need To Vet Gun Owners Doug Giles ClashDaily

I think I should get to interview all gun owners before they are allowed to own firearms. It would save alot of lives

Bad new is that many posters on this board would not qualify

Fuck off, and Die.

Anger issues

No gun for you!

Molon Labe (if I had a gun) asshole.

Domo arigato Mr Roboto

No gun for you!

If it works that way...

NO FREE SPEECH FOR YOU.... because I said so.
It would be a monstrous overreach by the police department. Asking citizens to turn in their family and friends for being gun enthusiasts will do nothing to deter crime. It will only place will undue burdens on law abiding citizens. Luckily this is more than likely never going to happen.
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
Which of course we have seen no proof of ever happening.
Because there are so few instances of Black men dying at the hands of the police? Or because you think the police are ethically infallible?

Or because it's easier to ignore the problem and then live with the consequences in blissful ignorance?
Hey asshat we were fucking vetted when we bought the god damn firearms. What in the hell is he talking about we need to vet these people? Was he vetted when he was given that job? Damn that hit me the wrong way

Guy, if Joker HOlmes and Jared Loughner can buy guns, the "vetting" is ineffective.

Yes, this cop was vetted when he got his job.

I'm sure anyone suggesting taking your penis compensator hits you the wrong way.
Guy shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up? Another gun pussy that doesn`t know that there is more than one amendment to our Constitution.
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
Which of course we have seen no proof of ever happening.
Because there are so few instances of Black men dying at the hands of the police? Or because you think the police are ethically infallible?

Or because it's easier to ignore the problem and then live with the consequences in blissful ignorance?
There is no greater blissful ignorance than ignorantly assuming the most recent death of a criminal was perpetrated by a racist policeman. Own it.

I think there's plenty to bitch about when it comes to cops. I have no real love for them what so ever, and I think the militarization of them has been taken far past what it need be. I also think many cops are on a power trip, and knocking them down a notch is more than likely in order.
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And the murder rates are much higher...................asshole:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

Do I need to produce the Harvard research again s0n???:dunno:

You mean that spam you keep spamming threads with?

Sorry, man, the US has the Highest Murder rate in the INdustrialized world. This isn't even in dispute by the gun nuts. (They just blame minorities instead of easy access to guns.)
When 12% of the population commits essentially the same number of murders as 72% of the population, who should we blame? The gun manufacturers? The shops that sell 15 round magazines? The NRA? WHO, Joe, if not that 12%?
Fuck that Nazi. Nothing worse than a liberal with a badge.
Unless, of course, you're a Black man confronted by a racist with a badge.
Which of course we have seen no proof of ever happening.
Because there are so few instances of Black men dying at the hands of the police? Or because you think the police are ethically infallible?

Or because it's easier to ignore the problem and then live with the consequences in blissful ignorance?
No one thinks cops are ethically infallible. In the case of Darren Wilson, he just wanted to go home to his fiancée.
Austin was long ago Californicated.

Why, you can see geriatric gay men in G-strings in Zilker Park on warm days.

Ain't "Progress" wonderful?
o please illegals sales are the main exchange in the sales that are never mentioned....

btw...big i would never expect you to say anything but your weapons are all legal blah blah blah but honey hush i dont believe a word of it...

who vets those who inherit guns?
Illegal sales are the main exchange for criminals.

Most gun sales are legal and you know it.

How many lives are lost on the street to guys that are holding a gun they bought after a Brady Background check?
so you are just addressing the extremes?

I think when the extremes are calling the shots, that's a problem.

So let's look at the extremes-

No one should have a gun. Period.

Everyone should have a gun, as many guns, fully auto, teflon-coated cop-killer armor peircing bullets in 100 round magazines. Open Carry!

Now, somewhere in between, there could be a sensible middle ground where certain kinds of guns can be alloted to citizens who've undergone thorough background checks of their household. (You know, so your crazy schizo kid doesn't go to school and mow down 20 of his classmates.)

But the NRA doesn't even want to go THAT far. They really think Adam Lanza, Joker Holmes and Jared Loughner are what the Founding Slave Owners had in mind when they said, "Well-Regulated Militia".
OMG, not the Teflon cop killer bullets again?????

Teflon cop killer bullets were designed to keep lead fumes out of the air on indoor shooting ranges, in order to PROTECT cops qualifying to carry.

You must be an old fucker to even remember Teflon bullets.

That is so last century.
And the murder rates are much higher...................asshole:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

Do I need to produce the Harvard research again s0n???:dunno:

You mean that spam you keep spamming threads with?

Sorry, man, the US has the Highest Murder rate in the INdustrialized world. This isn't even in dispute by the gun nuts. (They just blame minorities instead of easy access to guns.)
Of course, when you leave out the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, communism, etc.

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