Australians want to ban Don Trump Junior

Oh, good grief.

Trump Jr. hasn't been convicted of anything. He's not even on trial anywhere.

---Activists are calling on Australia to ban Donald Trump Jr. ahead of a visit next month---

There are people trying to do that everywhere including here LOL. You idiots are the only people in the world that don't know they are lying scumbags LOL... Australia and the UK have banned Rupert Murdoch already,,,,
There are people trying to do that everywhere including here LOL. You idiots are the only people in the world that don't know they are lying scumbags LOL... Australia and the UK have banned Rupert Murdoch already,,,,
Yes we know, snowflakes are very prevalent in Western countries. They are terrified of “white, right wing extremists”, yet welcome radical Muslim extremists with open arms.

They are killing their own nations off, and you want the same for America.
Is that what “Australians” want to do?
Yes we know, snowflakes are very prevalent in Western countries. They are terrified of “white, right wing extremists”, yet welcome radical Muslim extremists with open arms.

They are killing their own nations off, and you want the same for America.
We don't like right wingers who have conspiracy theories about every little thing and especially want to overturn an election and start a dictatorship with a scumbag conman. The second part is not worth commenting on- so dumb, brainwashed functional moron,,,
We don't like right wingers who have conspiracy theories about every little thing and especially want to overturn an election and start a dictatorship with a scumbag conman. The second part is not worth commenting on- so dumb, brainwashed functional moron,,,
Lol. Who cares what and who some random libtards “don’t like?”
We don't like right wingers who have conspiracy theories about every little thing and especially want to overturn an election and start a dictatorship with a scumbag conman. The second part is not worth commenting on- so dumb, brainwashed functional moron,,,
You can’t comment on it because it’s true.

There is zero doubt these people that want Don Jr “banned” for having a differing political belief than their own are the exact same people that forced the clot shot on children and got people thrown in Australia’s COVID gulags for not wearing masks. They are also no doubt the same people who sport Ukrainian flags and support war with Russia, not to mention the same lot that fly the LGBTQ tranny flag and support child mutilation in the name of “gender affirming care”.

So we could give a rats ass what they (and you) think of us, other than to laugh at it.

You can’t comment on it because it’s true.

There is zero doubt these people that want Don Jr “banned” for having a differing political belief than their own are the exact same people that forced the clot shot on children and got people thrown in Australia’s COVID gulags for not wearing masks. They are also no doubt the same people who sport Ukrainian flags and support war with Russia, not to mention the same lot that fly the LGBTQ tranny flag and support child mutilation in the name of “gender affirming care”.

So we could give a rats ass what they (and you) think of us, other than to laugh at it.

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having different opinions is fine, having different facts and making up hateful divisive anti-american garbage is not....
Left - wing activists are not Australia. ;)

Didn't you know that?
Meanwhile, who honestly cares what Any Australians wish when it comes to Don, Jr.

Is this like even a blip on the meter of shit that matters in the universe?


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