Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?
How is this anything to do with Nazis? These Syrians are a sudden 50 % pressure on the forever falling EU job markets. Was there a time ever, including at ww2, where a European job market had a quick jump of 50 % up?

Ravi's got a Nazi fetish, it's now an out of control fetish, I'm getting concerned about her.

Don't attempt to have an intelligent discussion, pure air circulates around her, The Skinhead and Carla's cranium's.

Do you ever read any well-thought out and expansive comments from any of them? Do they ever post anything that's more than say 5 sentences? No and no.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Western society is, without a doubt, by far and away the most advanced, best society the world has ever known. We have created the most wealth, the most knowledge, and the greatest advancement the world has ever seen. All societies are NOT equal. We are the best. We are number one. Without question.

But that's different than thinking others are sub-human because of their race, or that people should be killed simply because they moved from one place to another.

"There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Western society is, without a doubt, by far and away the most advanced, best society the world has ever known. We have created the most wealth, the most knowledge, and the greatest advancement the world has ever seen. All societies are NOT equal. We are the best. We are number one. Without question."

We agree on all points.

"But that's different than thinking others are sub-human because of their race, or that people should be killed simply because they moved from one place to another."

When we witness hordes of predominantly young men of military age, aggressively charging across an entire Continent, demanding and being violent and burning things and throwing lumps of concrete at the police and threatening all sorts of things if they're not allowed to keep charging across the Continent, all without papers, most without even any documentation saying who they are, then many people think "this looks like an invasion" and their actions and whole demeanour is savage, so what do you expect?

This has happened from the Greek Islands and across Mitteleuropa, I know people who have witnessed this on the spot as it's been happening, especially involving the Croatian border and Hungary and then Slovenia and also the chaos at the Macedonian-Greek border.

If people act like savages, if they act sub-human, then that's how people see them. First impressions are important, this has been our first impression of them, them acting like savages.

The North American Continent hasn't witnessed such scenes, I know America has Mexican's and people from Central America charging it's border, but not in the way that we've had our respective borders charged.
This may sound stupid, but it puzzles me why these young men of military age can't be collected at the border, formed into fighting units, and send back home to Syria to fight Isis, and this time under German command. Germany and Austria as well as Hungary need new and up to date field command study and experience, and these Syrian men would have just provided the man power to conduct such an exercise.

This is what we suggested in December 2015, we suggested this exact thing.

These young Syrian men are cowards, running away from their nation, abandoning the majority of the women and children to their fate, the ultimate in cowardice.

We would be fully prepared to fund a complete military operation, where they're formed into fighting units, with a joint German-Austrian-Hungarian military command, not involved in battle, but giving the Syrian fighting units the directions and whatever tools they need.

What's more honourable, fighting for you nation, fighting to take your nation back from ISIS or running away from that fight?
In this case, the situation is serious. The proposal is so logical, I can't imagine why it didn't get easy parliamentary approval. So, it looks like that both the people who control the government and these Syrians are dancing to a secret tune. We would need to find out what that is.

We know what the tune is, it's why we refer to them as Traitors.

The term Traitor is a heavy term, we don't use such terms for no reason, we know the reason and they know the reason, which is why they all look so worried all the time, with the furrowed brows and look like they hardly sleep much anymore.

They in desperation are attempting to keep their ship afloat, it's an impossible task, but they must still attempt, because they know when the pendulum swings, it's already swinging and has been for several months, when they pendulum fully swings and drops it's not going to be pretty, it's going to be very ugly and the Traitors will have deserved it.

One of the first things that'll have to happen, that's some sort of emergency rescue plan of action to save Sweden from itself, once their Traitor Government no longer exists, Sweden needs help as fast as possible, even the Traitor Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström is on record as stating that Sweden is on the verge of societal collapse, a societal collapse that she and her fellow Traitors have brought about.
These traitors must not be very smart. Looks like they often give up their own opportunities to progress their agenda, and now they brought to to a head that will come down on them. Even I could do a better job if I was to be a ... whatever con man.
Over 100 posts on this thread and about 5 are on topic.

USMB should open a kiddies corner for rwnj types to wank each other off over their sick fantasies.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?
Girl you will never ever get OMG 19 winners on a thread with that attiitude.
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.
Over 100 posts on this thread and about 5 are on topic.

USMB should open a kiddies corner for rwnj types to wank each other off over their sick fantasies.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?
Girl you will never ever get OMG 19 winners on a thread with that attiitude.

It's 23 winners now, get with the programme you're behind.
Over 100 posts on this thread and about 5 are on topic.

USMB should open a kiddies corner for rwnj types to wank each other off over their sick fantasies.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?

Lol, he's not even popular in the FZ, unless you call him getting his ass handed to him popular.

Tommy's desperate, he's had to get number 3 of his 4 Trolls, you're number 3.

This is my only comment to you, to tell you about this.

You have two funnied, from Ravi of course who's agreeing with a fellow Troll and me who's just thinking you're funny but not agreeing.

Thin skinned Lucy is worried about popularity and "funnies" on a public forum. How sad and pathetic you are. lol
Who would these guys fight ?
There are a million different factions.
Its a nonsense.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.

Maybe you should find a safe space.
Over 100 posts on this thread and about 5 are on topic.

USMB should open a kiddies corner for rwnj types to wank each other off over their sick fantasies.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?

Lol, he's not even popular in the FZ, unless you call him getting his ass handed to him popular.

Tommy's desperate, he's had to get number 3 of his 4 Trolls, you're number 3.

This is my only comment to you, to tell you about this.

You have two funnied, from Ravi of course who's agreeing with a fellow Troll and me who's just thinking you're funny but not agreeing.

Thin skinned Lucy is worried about popularity and "funnies" on a public forum. How sad and pathetic you are. lol
Don't you have some cotton to pick?
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.
This is serious. You have another forum monitoring my posts? Did you ever post under the nickname of Pubes?
Who would these guys fight ?
There are a million different factions.
Its a nonsense.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.

The Skinhead has no experience of anything military, so again, it's just showing how ignorant it is.
Over 100 posts on this thread and about 5 are on topic.

USMB should open a kiddies corner for rwnj types to wank each other off over their sick fantasies.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?

Lol, he's not even popular in the FZ, unless you call him getting his ass handed to him popular.

Tommy's desperate, he's had to get number 3 of his 4 Trolls, you're number 3.

This is my only comment to you, to tell you about this.

You have two funnied, from Ravi of course who's agreeing with a fellow Troll and me who's just thinking you're funny but not agreeing.

Thin skinned Lucy is worried about popularity and "funnies" on a public forum. How sad and pathetic you are. lol

No I'm not worried about those things, I only point them out to your type and it's to show how NOT popular you weird creatures are.

If you notice I only ever comment this to your type, I never mention it ever anywhere else, only to you.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?

Lol, he's not even popular in the FZ, unless you call him getting his ass handed to him popular.

Tommy's desperate, he's had to get number 3 of his 4 Trolls, you're number 3.

This is my only comment to you, to tell you about this.

You have two funnied, from Ravi of course who's agreeing with a fellow Troll and me who's just thinking you're funny but not agreeing.

Thin skinned Lucy is worried about popularity and "funnies" on a public forum. How sad and pathetic you are. lol

No I'm not worried about those things, I only point them out to your type and it's to show how NOT popular you weird creatures are.

If you notice I only ever comment this to your type, I never mention it ever anywhere else, only to you.
Engrish is your friend. Quit abusing it.
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.
This is serious. You have another forum monitoring my posts? Did you ever post under the nickname of Pubes?

Huh? I get alerts from elsewhere ie. not from my minions as you refer to them, I never mentioned anything about another forum.
Who would these guys fight ?
There are a million different factions.
Its a nonsense.
In the military sense, an army must always learn, including when the enemy is of a million colors and faction. The military exercise would still make sense then.
If they fight Assad then Russia would bomb them,if they fight the opposition the US would bomb them. Its a nonsense that nobody in Europe would back.
Just shut the hell up you lying ass weasel.

He's just mentioned family stuff below deck, he's a sad loser who's SO fucking unpopular he has to bump his own thread.

Have you ever seen anyone defend him when he gets his ass handed to him? No, that's because nobody likes him, even the 4 people who sort of like him NEVER get into threads to defend him when he's having his ass handed to him.

LOL! You post on almost every thread Tommy puts up, unless it's in the FZ.

Odd that you're worried about popularity, and what's up with your gang mentality? What are you, 12?

Lol, he's not even popular in the FZ, unless you call him getting his ass handed to him popular.

Tommy's desperate, he's had to get number 3 of his 4 Trolls, you're number 3.

This is my only comment to you, to tell you about this.

You have two funnied, from Ravi of course who's agreeing with a fellow Troll and me who's just thinking you're funny but not agreeing.

Thin skinned Lucy is worried about popularity and "funnies" on a public forum. How sad and pathetic you are. lol
Don't you have some cotton to pick?

You're the one without a job, sucking off the Government teat. Have you learned to tell time yet?
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.
This is serious. You have another forum monitoring my posts? Did you ever post under the nickname of Pubes?

Huh? I get alerts from elsewhere ie. not from my minions as you refer to them, I never mentioned anything about another forum.
I never type out your screen name so you are certainly lying.
Did it strike anyone else that looseys post about hordes of military age men destroying a country sound like she didn't actually approve of Nazis?

Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.

Maybe you should find a safe space.

No Safe Spaces are for Leftists.
Your comment makes no sense as I read it.

Anotherlife makes sense, you don't, you're just embarrassing yourself to indulge in your continued obsession with me.
Maybe you should brush up on your English.

And Loosey, that you have minions reporting to you any mention of you I make makes you the one with the obsession.

No I get alerts from elsewhere, this is because nobody is meant to mention nor summon me to any thread in your Cesspit that you all dwell in.
This is serious. You have another forum monitoring my posts? Did you ever post under the nickname of Pubes?

Huh? I get alerts from elsewhere ie. not from my minions as you refer to them, I never mentioned anything about another forum.
I never type out your screen name so you are certainly lying.

No but you type about Loosy or Loosey, you need to think of something else.
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