Author of Drump Dossier Christopher Steele Is a Real-Life James Bond

Chinese miscegenation linking to the Clinton mafia also links to CIA employee Isham DNA at 8702 & 8718 Douglas Rd., Temperance, Michigan. This is also the double Jane Rector link to Oliver Springs, Tennessee and the Rector-Boteler-Amery DNA linking to MI6. Linda Tripp is aware of Rectorville, Virginia. Unlike the initial drug trafficking modus operandi involving the Clinton crime family, Chinese miscegenations are underway elsewhere, though apparently without the introduction of drugs first:

11 Jan 2017 Veiled Threat: Mail-Order Kazakh Matchmaker Elicits China Fear
Here's what I think...

Mr. Steele is a real James Bond of sorts...and more than likely is good at what he does....from what every single person affiliated in his field have said about him

However, as far as I have read of it...on page 13 of it now...this dossier, is simply an investigation of what is being said about Mr. Trump and his visits to Russia, it is simply, "Information gathering'', with witnesses or sources, not shown to us...but listed as A, or B or, C etc "person"...

this isn't, as of yet, something he has definitively said he verified every which way but was just a bunch of dots, that he needed to work phase 2 on, which would sort out the truths, from propaganda the Russians had probably intentionally put out there about Mr. Trump to stir up some trouble... And if that is the case, then Trump needs to watch his back...and to the Russians, if you are back stabbing Trump, or even Blackmailing Trump and think you can get away with it, I highly doubt it...once this man thinks you have intentionally hurt him....whoa Nellie, you better watch out... VENGEANCE IS MINE sayeth President Trump! Kind of frightening how all of this could play out and truly not a good scenario in sight...that I can see...

And the FBI has had this info for months, certainly they have been able to discredit it by NOW.... so what is going on here?

Was Trump's team involved in the distribution of the stolen DNC emails? Is Guccifer 2.o truly a Russian operative, playing not to be...which is the assessment I had read about him a year and a half ago...

Two hackers were involved, neither seemingly to know about the other...both stealing the same documents it was a request put out there for their Russian hackers...

And WHY is Roger Stone, Trump's first campaign advisor... and that UK guy Craig Murray who works for wikileaks or is somehow involved with these stolen emails doing this together? Is Murray this so called mutual friend he has with Julian Assange that Stone Spoke about?

Is it legal for any citizen to be associated with distributing stolen goods?

the release of the emails was well coordinated with the election...down to the day and hour....I don't think the Russians are that smart, unless they had help from a political insider like Roger Stone or Paul Manafort or whom ever....?

And for those conspiracy theorists on to the FBI or CIA setting Trump up..... for what purpose? Real, tangible, purpose? diminishing our president only diminishes our Intelligence community on the world stage, that's not the goal of the IC, and guarantees a cut in their budget! :D remember, Trumpeth sayeth, VENGEANCE is MINE!

so, none of that stuff makes any sense to me....???

you nor I have seen the classified documents, those who have leaked, that's what we know
Here's what I think...

Mr. Steele is a real James Bond of sorts...and more than likely is good at what he does....from what every single person affiliated in his field have said about him

However, as far as I have read of it...on page 13 of it now...this dossier, is simply an investigation of what is being said about Mr. Trump and his visits to Russia, it is simply, "Information gathering'', with witnesses or sources, not shown to us...but listed as A, or B or, C etc "person"...

this isn't, as of yet, something he has definitively said he verified every which way but was just a bunch of dots, that he needed to work phase 2 on, which would sort out the truths, from propaganda the Russians had probably intentionally put out there about Mr. Trump to stir up some trouble... And if that is the case, then Trump needs to watch his back...and to the Russians, if you are back stabbing Trump, or even Blackmailing Trump and think you can get away with it, I highly doubt it...once this man thinks you have intentionally hurt him....whoa Nellie, you better watch out... VENGEANCE IS MINE sayeth President Trump! Kind of frightening how all of this could play out and truly not a good scenario in sight...that I can see...

And the FBI has had this info for months, certainly they have been able to discredit it by NOW.... so what is going on here?

Was Trump's team involved in the distribution of the stolen DNC emails? Is Guccifer 2.o truly a Russian operative, playing not to be...which is the assessment I had read about him a year and a half ago...

Two hackers were involved, neither seemingly to know about the other...both stealing the same documents it was a request put out there for their Russian hackers...

And WHY is Roger Stone, Trump's first campaign advisor... and that UK guy Craig Murray who works for wikileaks or is somehow involved with these stolen emails doing this together? Is Murray this so called mutual friend he has with Julian Assange that Stone Spoke about?

Is it legal for any citizen to be associated with distributing stolen goods?

the release of the emails was well coordinated with the election...down to the day and hour....I don't think the Russians are that smart, unless they had help from a political insider like Roger Stone or Paul Manafort or whom ever....?

And for those conspiracy theorists on to the FBI or CIA setting Trump up..... for what purpose? Real, tangible, purpose? diminishing our president only diminishes our Intelligence community on the world stage, that's not the goal of the IC, and guarantees a cut in their budget! :D remember, Trumpeth sayeth, VENGEANCE is MINE!

so, none of that stuff makes any sense to me....???

you nor I have seen the classified documents, those who have leaked, that's what we know
Was the classified document leaked or was it already out there on the internet as I have read....I found articles about some of the things contended in the dossier, back in July of last year.... Trump was not even the President yet?

If anyone in govt did release the classified document just recently, then I would not necessarily blame the intelligence community...they have nothing to gain...I would bet it was someone in congress who got briefed.
We know that Isham DNA is CIA employee DNA, and that if there is any post-office anomalies linked to the Isham line, it is between Peoria and Pavilion, New York. The bee-keeper Isham links to Peoria, and Pavilion has a link to Monaco for the arms trafficker, Samuel Cummings, now being placed in the Benghazi files. For JFK students, the Langsroth-Drexel-Bouvier line links to Langsroth bee hives at Philadelphia, Pa.

'The trick was having more than one intermediary handle a relatively simple bill-paying operation. When it received a foreign invoice -- say a fuel bill from NP or Mobil -- Aeroflot would not pay the bill directly. Instead, passed it on to the FOK for payment. FOK in turn passed it on to a second intermediary, an obscure outfit called Grangeland Holdings, Ltd., which paid the bill. Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Grangeland had virtually no records. Its registration documents described the company in terms of every commercial activity imaginable. Grangeland was simply a post-office box. Its shareholders included two unknown companies registered in Panama, Grangeland listed only two directors responsible for the company's activities. both employees of a small Swiss accounting firm that serviced Andava and Andros SA (the anonymous vehicle that once owned half of Logovaz.)'
(Klebnikov, Godfather of the Kremlin, The Dublin Connection)

Klebnikov tracked a huge aluminum shipment from Russia to Ernst & Young in California, at which point the trail went opaque. Lanza's brother links the same company on the East Coast as one of its employees, and the same accounting firm links to Exxon Mobil.
"He's James Bond," said Nigel West, the intelligence historian and spy-novel author. "I actually introduced him to my wife as James Bond."

amazing quote and underscores the legitimacy of the report

how this maniac can take office is just inexplicable
Well, those sentiments didn't age well.

The FBI tried to corroborate Steele’s claims. The effort was ramped up only after the Obama administration — through the Justice Department and the bureau — peddled the dossier to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret tribunal established by Congress in the wake of the 1970s spy scandals to give Americans a modicum of due-process protection against national-security monitoring. Months after the FISA warrants were issued, enabling the bureau to monitor former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page, then-director Comey sheepishly conceded to Judiciary Committee senators that investigators had not verified the allegations; they had relied on them because they had believed Steele. This despite the fact that Steele had not even pretended to be the actual source of the allegations. Essentially, he was an aggregator, a collector of rank rumor.

Proceeding in this manner flouted an elementary principle. All warrants require the government to make a probable-cause showing about the target. In counterintelligence law, that the proposed surveillance target is acting as an agent of a foreign power. Regardless of what must be proved, though, the showing must be based on information from the sources who made the relevant observations, whom the judge is given reasons to credit. The credibility of the person who assembles the source information (usually, the case agent) is largely beside the point.

Nevertheless, it’s worth asking: Just how reliable was Christopher Steele?

Steele was a virulently anti-Trump partisan. The media-Democrat encomia therefore hail him as a meticulous former British intelligence officer with a formidable record. So highly regarded was he that MI6 put him in charge of the investigation of the Putin regime’s brazen murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian-intelligence operative who had defected to Britain. Less often mentioned is that Steele had been Litvinenko’s handler when he was poisoned in 2006. Steele, we’re further told, was so well connected that he was chosen to run MI6’s all-important Russia desk. Well, yes . . . but he ran it from London. In the late Nineties, through no fault of his own, his cover in Moscow, along with that of scores of other spies, had been blown. When he was retained to pen the dossier reports, he hadn’t been to Russia in nearly 20 years. His recruiter and collaborator was the self-professed “journalist for rent” Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal investigative reporter. Simpson had co-founded a so-called intelligence firm, Fusion GPS, which had been contracted to do anti-Trump research for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee by Perkins Coie, their law firm.

Steele’s Shoddy Dossier | National Review
"He's James Bond," said Nigel West, the intelligence historian and spy-novel author. "I actually introduced him to my wife as James Bond."

amazing quote and underscores the legitimacy of the report

how this maniac can take office is just inexplicable
He is not even close to the part played in the Movies.
"He's James Bond," said Nigel West, the intelligence historian and spy-novel author. "I actually introduced him to my wife as James Bond."

amazing quote and underscores the legitimacy of the report

how this maniac can take office is just inexplicable
He is not even close to the part played in the Movies.
He most certainly isn't.

He was an open anti-Trump partisan devoted to preventing Trump from becoming president.

Yet the Justice Department and the FBI withheld from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court the dossier’s connection to the Clinton campaign, as well as Steele’s avowed commitment to defeat Trump. The FISA-warrant application not only concealed indications that Steele was leaking his unverified allegations to the media; the FBI told the court that Steele was not the “direct” source for a press story (written by Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News) for which Steele appeared to be the obvious source, and for which he was, in fact, the source.

Again, this is something the FBI could have figured out with minimal effort — such as by pointedly interviewing Steele. For reasons that are still unclear, he had become a paid FBI informant in February 2016, months before his anti-Trump work started. He was obliged to answer the bureau’s questions. There is no reason to believe Steele would have held back: The FBI has never accused Steele of lying about media contacts; there were so many such contacts that it would have been foolish of Steele to deny them; Steele freely discussed them with the State Department’s Kavalec, and Justice’s Bruce Ohr knew that Fusion GPS was trying to push anti-Trump information into the press.

Steele began generating his reports in mid June. There are 17 in all, cumulating to 35 pages, most crafted before the election. The dossier spells out the essential collusion narrative that has been mass-marketed by Trump detractors since the 2016 election.

The first report, dated June 20, is what grabbed the attention of the FBI and the State Department. It is entitled “U.S. Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald Trump’s Activities in Russia and Compromising Relationship with the Kremlin.” Steele claimed that Putin’s regime had been “cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump” for five years, providing the candidate “and his inner circle” with “a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.” According to Steele’s star witness, described as a “former top Russian intelligence officer,” the Kremlin was able to control the New York real-estate tycoon because it possessed kompromat — blackmail material involving “perverted sexual acts which have been arranged/monitored by the FSB” (successor to the KGB). This was said to include the so-called pee tape, a 2013 video of Trump in a luxury suite at Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel, cavorting with prostitutes as they performed a “golden showers (urination) show” on a bed in which President Obama and his wife, Michelle, were said to have slept.

Steele was confident in the lurid story because of his sources. Most important was a “close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow” and who had been heard to say “this Russian intelligence had been ‘very helpful.’” This source, with whom Steele was not in direct contact (i.e., it’s double-hearsay), was said to have been overheard claiming on-scene knowledge of Trump’s lewd romp — though Steele’s rambling, imprecise writing style makes it unclear whether the source had supposedly placed himself in the room or merely at the hotel.

Steele’s Shoddy Dossier | National Review

One is left to wonder: Did it not occur to the FBI that Trump had not made any “recent trips to

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