Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
Another Veggie Joe thread...............
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.
The innerweb irony meter just exploded.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
Use a mirror.
I have a window; sad that you and the others above are so out of touch with politics.
Every tard needs something to lick.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
thanks,, you just described the democrat party to a tee,,
Yes, that is what filth like you wants people the think. There are not Democratic Secretaries of State bragging out how they prevented 1.5 million people from voting, so their state went for Trump. That is what the GOP Texas Secretary of State is bragging about right now. The Democratic Party is not trying in several states to implement rules to let the state legislators over rule the votes, and reverse an election no matter what the numbers are. It is treasonous people like you that would destroy our nation. Anyone that supports Trump is a traitor to our nation.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
thanks,, you just described the democrat party to a tee,,
Yes, that is what filth like you wants people the think. There are not Democratic Secretaries of State bragging out how they prevented 1.5 million people from voting, so their state went for Trump. That is what the GOP Texas Secretary of State is bragging about right now. The Democratic Party is not trying in several states to implement rules to let the state legislators over rule the votes, and reverse an election no matter what the numbers are. It is treasonous people like you that would destroy our nation. Anyone that supports Trump is a traitor to our nation.
So this was your first selfie; it's amazing you haven't - at least to my knowledge - been incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital.
Hey triggered dumbass, you can't take a selfie through a closed window.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.

Your signature lie proves the absurdity of your post directly above.

LOL, Signature lie? What are you even talking about? I've really got you irked kid.
"I like dogs, and maybe 3 people. Iam also a proud Covidiot."

Signature LINE, so sorry I made a typo; something only a captious jerk would exploit. A signature line which suggest sociopathic tendencies. I like dogs too, but I have friends that greatly exceed three.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.

Your signature lie proves the absurdity of your post directly above.

LOL, Signature lie? What are you even talking about? I've really got you irked kid.
"I like dogs, and maybe 3 people. Iam also a proud Covidiot."

Signature LINE, so sorry I made a typo; something only a captious jerk would exploit. A signature line which suggest sociopathic tendencies. I like dogs too, but I have friends that greatly exceed three.

Nobody cares about you or your friends. Suggest "sociopathic" tendencies? You get more stupid with every post.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.

Your signature lie proves the absurdity of your post directly above.

LOL, Signature lie? What are you even talking about? I've really got you irked kid.
"I like dogs, and maybe 3 people. Iam also a proud Covidiot."

Signature LINE, so sorry I made a typo; something only a captious jerk would exploit. A signature line which suggest sociopathic tendencies. I like dogs too, but I have friends that greatly exceed three.

Nobody cares about you or your friends. Suggest "sociopathic" tendencies? You get more stupid with every post.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.
First poster to mention Trump was you, Dumbass. Post #10.

All responses prior to that was pointing you how you were defining the Dimwinger party, or individual Dimwingers.

Major thread fail, Halfwit.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.
First poster to mention Trump was you, Dumbass. Post #10.

All responses prior to that was pointing you how you were defining the Dimwinger party, or individual Dimwingers.

Major thread fail, Halfwit.

He thought he had set an oh so clever trap.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
If "everyone sees right through" me why did so many put their head in the so called trap?

Why couldn't you or the others write an expository essay in rebuttal if they saw right through me?
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
If "everyone sees right through" me why did so many put their head in the so called trap?

Why couldn't you or the others write an expository essay in rebuttal if they saw right through me?
No rebuttal needed for you stepping on your own dick, Simpleton.

You owned yourself in your own dumbass thread. :auiqs.jpg:
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
If "everyone sees right through" me why did so many put their head in the so called trap?

Why couldn't you or the others write an expository essay in rebuttal if they saw right through me?

What you typed was an article that you agreed with, nothing more. The fact is I did point out an example of an authoritarian, Gavin Newsome.
The fact that rhe Harris/Biden administration is governing by executive order proves it.

The use of EO's in no way proves authoritarianism. They are limited to directing the Federal bureaucracy and can be checked by both Congress and the Courts.

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