Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
The Trumpsters will change the subject of course, as they maintain their intense emotional attachment to an aggressive, flamboyant, hypersensitive, pugilistic, punitive, nationalist authoritarian.

The only question is whether they're lying or simply a part of this group psychosis that has developed over the last five years.
I would not necessarily call your tds a psychosis, but it has certainly robbed you of even the most scant degree of rationality.

Especially considering how it has been Democrat governors who have been most zealous by way of restricting people's rights and doing so in such strong-armed ways, a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice.
Note to Mod and other readers yet to post on this thread:

STATEMENT: "I would not necessarily call your tds a psychosis, but it has certainly robbed you of even the most scant degree of rationality"
"Especially considering how it has been Democrat governors who have been most zealous by way of restricting people's rights and doing so in such strong-armed ways, a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice."

RESPONSE: Governors and Mayors have a duty to protect their constituents. Those in Blue States used due diligence in response to the Pandemic; those in Red States have rarely used due diligence as can be seen in the deep south.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.

intimidation? Llike having band of violent thugs rioting and burning and killing during an election?

I would think any such election, would not be legitimate.
Ah, the old "antifa" stole it gag
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.

intimidation? Llike having band of violent thugs rioting and burning and killing during an election?

I would think any such election, would not be legitimate.
Ah, the old "antifa" stole it gag

Just responding to the op. If you want to discuss how nation wide riots and targetted cancel culture is not intimidation, go right ahead.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
The Trumpsters will change the subject of course, as they maintain their intense emotional attachment to an aggressive, flamboyant, hypersensitive, pugilistic, punitive, nationalist authoritarian.

The only question is whether they're lying or simply a part of this group psychosis that has developed over the last five years.
I would not necessarily call your tds a psychosis, but it has certainly robbed you of even the most scant degree of rationality.

Especially considering how it has been Democrat governors who have been most zealous by way of restricting people's rights and doing so in such strong-armed ways, a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice.
Precisely as I predicted.

This is too easy. You people literally can't help yourselves.
By You people" you must mean those who actually understand the meaning of terms and who follow principles instead of being ultra-conformist partisans who understand only political party and identity.
Authoritarians don't lead, they demand compliance- big difference-
True, but even constitutional republics demand compliance, but generally there's a consensus about what must be complied with. Most of us say "no" to kiddie porn. But Lincoln shut down papers and FDR put people in psych wards .... there was blessed little leadership and consensus on covid, but I think my state showed some tolerance and "some" compliance, though the RW thugs were themselves, but they generally stayed in the woods, where imo they belong. LOL And now we have the lowest vaccination rate, and black folks really don't like it anymore the rednecks.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.
The Trumpsters will change the subject of course, as they maintain their intense emotional attachment to an aggressive, flamboyant, hypersensitive, pugilistic, punitive, nationalist authoritarian.

The only question is whether they're lying or simply a part of this group psychosis that has developed over the last five years.
I would not necessarily call your tds a psychosis, but it has certainly robbed you of even the most scant degree of rationality.

Especially considering how it has been Democrat governors who have been most zealous by way of restricting people's rights and doing so in such strong-armed ways, a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice.
Precisely as I predicted.

This is too easy. You people literally can't help yourselves.
By You people" you must mean those who actually understand the meaning of terms and who follow principles instead of being ultra-conformist partisans who understand only political party and identity.

Neither Progs nor Pubs lack those folks.
If China is used as an example then it's not authoritarian leadership. In fact it's leadership by one of the most qualified people in the country, for the good of the system. That just happens to be for the good of the people too.

Americans don't choose leaders for their ability to lead and do right for their country. Hence, Trump was elected as president.

The rest of the world still can't believe Americans would be so misguided and racist to make that mistake. Consequently America is in a steep decline.

No country can afford to experiment with a psychopath such as Trump. A country's leaders must be of the highest quality for a country to prosper and serve it's people in this 21st. century.

Sadly, democracy can't meet those demands anymore.

Socrates warned about the flaws in the democratic system.

Capitalism under communist leadership does appear to be surging ahead!
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.

intimidation? Llike having band of violent thugs rioting and burning and killing during an election?

I would think any such election, would not be legitimate.
Ah, the old "antifa" stole it gag
It's why I put him on ignore.
I have a window;
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.

intimidation? Llike having band of violent thugs rioting and burning and killing during an election?

I would think any such election, would not be legitimate.
Ah, the old "antifa" stole it gag
It's why I put him on ignore.

Because you were unable to refute my points. Got it.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.

Your signature lie proves the absurdity of your post directly above.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response. It's clear that they're all supporters of Donald Trump; Trumpism was an attempt by him to be a leader in the form of Putin, XI, Kim, et al. Sadly they're incapable of acknowledging this truth.

Seriously, HOW did you get such a high opinion of yourself? Again, this is precisely what Newsome is.
You're a damn liar and an arrogant jerk.

Nope, I'm spot on and live under your skin. I did laugh though, YOU are the arrogant jerk who truly thinks his shit doesn't stink. Me? I'm just some schmuck on the internet that is able to slap you down.

Your signature lie proves the absurdity of your post directly above.

LOL, Signature lie? What are you even talking about? I've really got you irked kid.

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