Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

The fact that rhe Harris/Biden administration is governing by executive order proves it.

The use of EO in no way proves authoritarianism. They are limited to directing the Federal bureaucracy and can be checked by both Congress and the Courts.
Yes, you really ARE that stupid.

Trumpybear had lots of his EO's checked in one way or another, or have you forgotten? Declaring an Emergency to gain extraordinary power is a better indicator of an authoritarian.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
If "everyone sees right through" me why did so many put their head in the so called trap?

Why couldn't you or the others write an expository essay in rebuttal if they saw right through me?

What you typed was an article that you agreed with, nothing more. The fact is I did point out an example of an authoritarian, Gavin Newsome.
Well you're full of shit. Governor Newsom's Executive Orders were not congruent with what an authoritarian would look like, see:

Look at the executive orders he has promulgated over his time in office. And don't cherry pick, read them all.

I bet you signed the petition to recall our Governor. The Republican Party in CA is seriously far right, and in the minority. Their TV ads to recall Newsom are hysterically ludicrous.
Note to Mods: Not one of the posts in response to this thread have posted a credible response.
Because your sincerity was so credible when you created it, right?
The OP was posted in the correct forum, Politics. Did I believe I did not use trump in the OP intentionally? Of course, that would have put a couple of the Mods to move the OP to the flame zone or other forums where trump supporters would attack the messenger.

In fact I got what I wanted. An OP which was neutral, per se, a definition of authoritarianism and a statement by me to point out that Western Democratic Republics were just that - pointing out the names of authoritarians who governed exactly in the manner defined in the OP.

Thus those above immediately saw trump's form of leadership as congruent with these leaders, and their responses where classic examples of denial and a need to defend their egos with attacks on the messenger.

Lord your ego knows no bounds. You thought you were setting a "clever" trap but everyone sees right through you. Masks, shots, social distancing, son YOU are the Authoritarian here.
If "everyone sees right through" me why did so many put their head in the so called trap?

Why couldn't you or the others write an expository essay in rebuttal if they saw right through me?

What you typed was an article that you agreed with, nothing more. The fact is I did point out an example of an authoritarian, Gavin Newsome.
Well you're full of shit. Governor Newsom's Executive Orders were not congruent with what an authoritarian would look like, see:

Look at the executive orders he has promulgated over his time in office. And don't cherry pick, read them all.

I bet you signed the petition to recall our Governor. The Republican Party in CA is seriously far right, and in the minority. Their TV ads to recall Newsom are hysterically ludicrous.

You don't think he authoritarian because you're so partisan you can't see past your own penis. His imbecilic Covid restrictions rank him with Whitmer, Cuomo and every other power hungry Prog Gov. They are heavy handed and stupid. Let's not forget about NIM not wearing his mask, I mean....he is god he doesn't have to. I don't live in Cali junior or I would have. BTW kid, I am neither a Rump guy OR a Pub, sorry but I'm not a part of the binary crap. Masks for the little people no mask for him.
Don't forget Greg Abbott.
As stupid as this asswipe is, he is correct, and I remain pissed at Abbott for acquiescing to leftist media hysteria, ordering closures and masks. I hope he is primaried and I will support an opponent like Alan West.

Col. West understands the fact that we're at war with neo-bolsheviks, that they've fully infiltrated the federal government, they're committed to the destruction of the USA, and endeavor to create a global collectivist government.

Declaring an Emergency to gain extraordinary power is a better indicator of an authoritarian.

Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer thank you for your service.
Don't forget Greg Abbott.
Having your state fully opened is authoritarian?

How so?

No. He changed election laws without........ (according to the GOP, I don't think he changed the laws, just rules, but they sued him anyway, and lost of course just like the other states like Mi, Pa, Ga, ....)
"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.












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Declaring an Emergency to gain extraordinary power is a better indicator of an authoritarian.

Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer thank you for your service.
Don't forget Greg Abbott.
Having your state fully opened is authoritarian?

How so?

No. He changed election laws without........ (according to the GOP, I don't think he changed the laws, just rules, but they sued him anyway, and lost of course just like the other states like Mi, Pa, Ga, ....)
Link to these election law changes?
I have friends that greatly exceed three.
No doubt some of them are even as old as 10 or 12.

"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.













There is no link in the behaviors of those in the photographs you've posted and the leaders in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and the those in the Middle East. Your post is stupid, and one reason to call it that, is that Dogmaphope liked it, and he's(?) as dumb as they come. The other reason is you authored this photo lineup and you're out of touch with reality.
I have friends that greatly exceed three.
No doubt some of them are even as old as 10 or 12.

"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.













There is no link in the behaviors of those in the photographs you've posted and the leaders in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and the those in the Middle East. Your post is stupid, and one reason to call it that, is that Dogmaphope liked it, and he's(?) as dumb as they come. The other reason is you authored this photo lineup and you're out of touch with reality.
Do, you need ANOTHER award?

O.K. Here you go.


It's sure a good thing I'm getting these wholesale, or you would have bankrupted me by now.
I have a window; sad that you and the others above are so out of touch with politics.
LOL... You have a window? Jump out of it. You're out of touch with reality. If you had the first clue about the consequences of enacting your political policies you would kill yourself before parroting the insipid drivel you do on this forum every fuckin day.

Killing or shooting the messenger is a logical fallacy, something you and the rest of Trumpanzees*** do incessantly.
Don't for a second believe it is a credible form of rebuttal, of course you seem to lack both the agility to write an expository rebuttal and the moral compass to see the truth.

***See Trumpanzee as defined here:

I too can post pictures, but mine here ^^^ are substantive and thought provoking and the usual "assclownish" as all of Odd Dude's childish posts.
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He really is that stupid folks. If it wasn't for GFI plugs he would have died years ago washing a toaster.

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I have friends that greatly exceed three.
No doubt some of them are even as old as 10 or 12.

"Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. Also known as coercive or dictatorial leadership, authoritarian leaders, tend to keep all the decision-making authority to themselves and make the decisions about policies, procedures, tasks, structures, rewards and punishment themselves. The intention behind most authoritarian leaders is to retain control and they usually require unquestioning obedience and compliance.

"Anyone failing to comply or becoming disobedience are likely to be threatened or actually subjected to some form of punishment.

"Additionally, authoritarian leaders have been found to be significantly more likely to engage in a range of both overt and covert (hidden) manipulative behaviors, tactics and even intimidation to try to ensure compliance with their wishes."

"One of the consequences of authoritarian leadership has been shown to be increased stress levels with employees, particularly when they are working under a regime that is intolerant of mistakes, expects blind obedience and compliance and drives performance through expectations that employees should be working harder and faster."
"Additionally, authoritarian leadership has been show to lead to abuses of power. A number of studies have shown that authoritarian leaders tend to be emotionally detached and are often unable to empathize with others. In effect, they are task rather than people oriented leaders."

Authoritarian leadership: Definition and explanation

What is authoritarian leadership? https://youtu.

This form of leadership is the antithesis of Western Democratic Republics and exists today in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and most Muslim Countries.













There is no link in the behaviors of those in the photographs you've posted and the leaders in Russia, China, N. Korea, Miramar, Belarus and the those in the Middle East. Your post is stupid, and one reason to call it that, is that Dogmaphope liked it, and he's(?) as dumb as they come. The other reason is you authored this photo lineup and you're out of touch with reality.
Only because you're too much of a sociopathic blind partisan hack to recognize it...Hell, I even tossed a couple despotic tyrant republicans in there for good measure, psycho.
Only because you're too much of a sociopathic blind partisan hack to recognize it...Hell, I even tossed a couple despotic tyrant republicans in there for good measure, psycho.
You did forget TX Gov Abbott. I won't forget or forgive his mask mandate. Even though he pledged to sign our Constitutional Carry Law, and has otherwise governed fairly well, I can not forgive him for acquiescing to the mask bullshit. COVID IS HOAX. It's a bad cold. The media should never have been allowed to create the hysterical bullshit response to it. Abbott failed miserably by not taking the lead and rejecting the leftist agitprop. We need leaders, not puppets.

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