Authoritarianism is beginning

The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.
Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

If your political opponents are conspiring to and possibly indebted to a foreign power, you'd hope someone would be keeping an eye on that.

Tell you what, let's open all Trump's tax returns and his financial records, and then we'll see how deep he is in debt to the Russians.

then we can make a determination if Obama overstepped a line or performed due diligence.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Again, buddy, Trump is the one who will go down for this, not McCabe or any of the career professionals at the FBI.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Renewing a FISA warrant on Carter Page is not is being smart.
Yes...thanks to the left, our culture has declined. Before the Left got control of so many of our institutions, we had a culture that refrained from divorce, children out of wedlock, crime, drugs, and valued education. Merely claiming the America of the 40s-60s was a great place, gets you branded a racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Yes, people should totally stay in unhappy marriages because divorce wasn't invented until the 1970's.


Forget the Alimony! I've got a better idea!

hat culture laid out the script we all were supposed to follow: Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime.

Okay, but you left out some parts of that script. The parts where the rich paid their fair share in taxes and the middle class brought home a fair wage because they belonged to a union. Those were a little more important than 'not cussing"

You bemoan the loss of community, but ignore the reason why a lot of us don't know our neighbors is that we are all too busy working two jobs to make ends meet.

This cultural script began to break down in the late 1960s. A combination of factors — prosperity, the Pill, the expansion of higher education, and the doubts surrounding the Vietnam War — encouraged an antiauthoritarian, adolescent, wish-fulfillment ideal — sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll — that was unworthy of, and unworkable for, a mature, prosperous adult society. This era saw the beginnings of an identity politics that inverted the color-blind aspirations of civil rights leaders like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into an obsession with race, ethnicity, gender, and now sexual preference.

Again, the real problem was the convervatives contribution to this decline. You seem to want to forget that since 1968, republicans controlled the WH for 29 of those 50 years.

Republicans busted up the unions that made it possible for Dad to bring home a living wage so mom could stay with the kids.

Republicans were the ones who started "identity politics" by convincing white people that they were under attack from Nixon's Southern Strategy to Reagan's Welfare Queens to Bush's Willie Horton ads.

The part where we cut out a lot of the infrastructure and education spending to make sure the rich got their tax cuts.
You are so funny. You think Rs are not progressives. Are you blind? No need to answer.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Renewing a FISA warrant on Carter Page is not is being smart.

Spoken like a true bootlicking Nazi thug.
Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

If your political opponents are conspiring to and possibly indebted to a foreign power, you'd hope someone would be keeping an eye on that.

Tell you what, let's open all Trump's tax returns and his financial records, and then we'll see how deep he is in debt to the Russians.

then we can make a determination if Obama overstepped a line or performed due diligence.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Again, buddy, Trump is the one who will go down for this, not McCabe or any of the career professionals at the FBI.

Mueller just adds Nunes to the Obstruction case...
The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Renewing a FISA warrant on Carter Page is not is being smart.

Spoken like a true bootlicking Nazi thug.

Says the Nazi sympathizer.
Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

If your political opponents are conspiring to and possibly indebted to a foreign power, you'd hope someone would be keeping an eye on that.

Tell you what, let's open all Trump's tax returns and his financial records, and then we'll see how deep he is in debt to the Russians.

then we can make a determination if Obama overstepped a line or performed due diligence.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Again, buddy, Trump is the one who will go down for this, not McCabe or any of the career professionals at the FBI.

Mueller just adds Nunes to the Obstruction case...

I'm sure Mewler will add anyone who criticizes him to the "obstruction case." However, Mewler will soon be standing in the unemployment line. McCabe tainted all his evidence, so he has no case. None.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

The obummer admin was the one setting us up for an authoritarian dictatorship. Trump derailed those plans.

The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Oh? Here is pootins putz in the WH. The shrillary was supposed to be next in line...

Germany doesn't even have freedom of speech, you dumbass bootlicking moron.

sure it does.

It just doesn't allow hate groups to exist.

No it doesn't. They control everything that is said in Germany. Pretty much all of Europe is the same. There is no freedom of speech anywhere that comes close to the freedom we enjoy here in the USA.
The snowflakes are all crying because they got caught.

You and Putin elected a Dictator....

Conducting espionage on your political opponents is what dictators do. That would be Obama, not Trump.

You snowflakes seem to think you can lie your way out of this, but you are caught, and it's only going ot get worse.

Renewing a FISA warrant on Carter Page is not is being smart.

Spoken like a true bootlicking Nazi thug.

Says the Nazi sympathizer.

You should know seeings how you are the nazi. Face it silly person, the only authoritarian shit that we know for sure happened in this country was initiated under your hero the obummer, and was going to put into full effect under your other hero the shrilary, and both of your hero's were pootins putzes. That is as clear as day. You just don't care because you're one of pootins useful idiots.

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