Authoritarianism is beginning

The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

It gutted the 4th Amendment.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

It gutted the 4th Amendment.

nope-------it is to be used with DISCRETION
I see this thread has threatened the Russian Bots and Troll posting here. They are a track attacking in mass.

that's what they do.

I guess I touched a nerve...the thread will be.moved or taken down soon.
Don't flatter yourself.

What us trump trying to hide? Why us he so afraid if Mueller?.....and where did u learn your English?

You have the audacity to call him out....did you read your own post?
He is a White Nationalist who is allowing Germany to replace the US as the world's greatest Democracy. He is attacking and supplanting American Institutions of Democracy. The Regime will take total control soon. Media outlets will be shut down...opponents will be jailed. Anyone objecting to the changes will suffer.
Do you really believe this stuff?
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

It gutted the 4th Amendment.

nope-------it is to be used with DISCRETION

They are snapping up every text, every email, and every call you make.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

Dont worry. The left is out of power
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

It gutted the 4th Amendment.

nope-------it is to be used with DISCRETION

They are snapping up every text, every email, and every call you make.

GOOD!!!!! I hope they are amused
that's what they do.

I guess I touched a nerve...the thread will be.moved or taken down soon.
Don't flatter yourself.

What us trump trying to hide? Why us he so afraid if Mueller?.....and where did u learn your English?

I block Russian Bots....SEE YA!

Already thinning out the list of people who will be laughing at you I see. I guess it's a form of mental self defense for your type.
Get to the Safe Space Snowflake!!!!!
I see this thread has threatened the Russian Bots and Troll posting here. They are attacking in mass.

So the standard response to anyone who disagrees with you is "Russian bots! Russians! Russians! Russia!!! OMFGWFTBBQ!!!"?

Whom or what are you going to blame once this stupid "Russian" thing has gone the way of the Hula Hoop, the Slinky, and the Pet Rock? Believe me: It will eventually peter out, make no mistake about that. Then you'll have to invent another "crisis", so what will will it be then, товарищ?

Что тогда будет?

Tell me Comrade, why won't Trump allow Mueller to finish his job? He ordered him fired and now he is trying to undermine the entire FBI....most of who are conservative republicans.
Projection, it was the FBI that tried and planned to undermine this legally elected administration. It becomes more obvious everyday.

You just won the internet, sir. The corrupt FBI at the request of Barack Obama was instructed to interfere with an American presidential election. Not only did they do that, they refused to thoroughly investigate Hillary Clinton for the crimes she committed and under the DOJ's leadership of Loretta Lynch, exonerated Clinton.

Another Bot...another Ignore. your plan is to put all those who will be mocking you for your complete hackery is to ignore them?

Sounds cowardly.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

I would to if it wasn't abused.
"Utah Data Center"

The data center is alleged to be able to process "all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital 'pocket litter'."[6] In response to claims that the data center would be used to illegally monitor email of U.S. citizens, in April 2013 an NSA spokesperson said, "Many unfounded allegations have been made about the planned activities of the Utah Data Center, ... one of the biggest misconceptions about NSA is that we are unlawfully listening in on, or reading emails of, U.S. citizens. This is simply not the case."[4] This statement was made two months prior to the document leak that revealed the existence of the PRISM program (below). Some members of the public question the credibility of official statements like Bamford's, above, in light of the revelations made in the following two paragraphs herein, and in light of the revelations made in the following two months after his statement was made.

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

I would to if it wasn't abused.

was it abused? you got a citation?
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

I would to if it wasn't abused.

was it abused? you got a citation?

Come on....Really?

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9/11

FBI's Abuse of PATRIOT Act Even Worse Than We Thought

Patriot Act Abuses Seen
Trump supporters love their strong Orange Jesus!

If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated? You’d be wrong. In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism.

My finding is the result of a national poll I conducted in the last five days of December under the auspices of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, sampling 1,800 registered voters across the country and the political spectrum. Running a standard statistical analysis, I found that education, income, gender, age, ideology and religiosity had no significant bearing on a Republican voter’s preferred candidate. Only two of the variables I looked at were statistically significant: authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter.​

The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter
I am not convinced that the POLL design rendered it valid. ---MUST YOUR CHILD BE RESPECTFUL vs
"independent" does not cut it for me. The answer would depend LARGELY on cultural background
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

I would to if it wasn't abused.

was it abused? you got a citation?

Come on....Really?

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9/11

FBI's Abuse of PATRIOT Act Even Worse Than We Thought

Patriot Act Abuses Seen

still not convinced-----you citations note INCREASED DETENTIONS----so? maybe they were
warranted-----there have been lots of thwarted REAL PLANNED TERRORIST ACTS.
Your citations note ----"lots of muslims"------for that one ---yet another "YEAH?" "SO"
LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

I would to if it wasn't abused.

was it abused? you got a citation?

Come on....Really?

Top Ten Abuses of Power Since 9/11

FBI's Abuse of PATRIOT Act Even Worse Than We Thought

Patriot Act Abuses Seen

still not convinced-----you citations note INCREASED DETENTIONS----so? maybe they were
warranted-----there have been lots of thwarted REAL PLANNED TERRORIST ACTS.
Your citations note ----"lots of muslims"------for that one ---yet another "YEAH?" "SO"

If you dont like my sources feel free to find your own.
There's plenty of them out there.
The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming

This country is ripe for an Authoritarian Regime. The Justice system is under attack. The First Amendment us under attack.

The Comrade is on the verge of making the Justice Department his person defense and making FOX News the official state media.

Welcome to Authoritarianism. Putin wins.

LOL, it is coming, but it isn't because of Trump. He's just a pawn in the game. You lost most of your freedom the day Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.

I like the Patriot act

It gutted the 4th Amendment.

nope-------it is to be used with DISCRETION

Yeah, and we know the government is all about discretion.

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