Autocracy: GOP dissolves government and "Takes Over"



Due to legislation passed by Michigan's Republican-controlled state legislature and signed into law by Governor Snyder, the democratically elected government in the city of Benton Harbor has been dissolved. Benton Harbor's elected officials now have only the power to call meetings, adjourn them, and approve minutes.

The power to do everything else is up to one man, Joseph Harris, Governor Snyder's appointed emergency manager of the city. Mr. Harris can now break union contracts, gut public services such as police and firefighters, and close schools unilaterally, without any sufficient checks and balances on his power.

David Vines: The Laboratory of Autocracy

On March 16, 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed into law a bill that would allow the state to appoint an “Emergency Financial Manager” (EFM) to essentially take over a city within the state when it is deemed that the city is in a state of “financial crisis.”

The locals no longer have a voice in their own government. Despite numerous protests held by locals indicating that they do not, in fact, wish for their rights to a democratically elected government to be impeded, the policy has not changed.

They cannot make decisions. They cannot ensure that the voices of the people they represent will be taken into account in policy-making decisions made by a state-appointed official. They can, however, be removed by the EFM.

Benton Harbor Public Workers Forced Into Concessions


I didn't realize it had gotten that bad. Republicans really have over reached.
And thus a Nation is enslaved. One step at a time. What was shocking yesterday is normal today and irrelevant tomorow.
How long before Republicans try doing the same thing in other states?
From a link WITHIN your link:
Nation & World | City officials chafe under Michigan emergency takeover | Seattle Times Newspaper
A financial review assigned by the state in 2009 found that the city had mishandled federal tax payments. It inappropriately borrowed from money to handle shortfalls in others, and its bookkeeping was sloppy. And so last year, the administration of Snyder's predecessor, Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, sent in Harris, Detroit's former auditor general and its former chief financial officer.
Harris began paying debts, laying off workers and considering a plan to merge the fire and police departments into a single unit where firefighters could ultimately answer burglary calls and police officers could put out fires.
Last November, Snyder was elected governor and Republicans gained control of both chambers of Michigan's Legislature. Last month, lawmakers approved legislation to vastly expand the power of emergency managers, which sent thousands of demonstrators to Lansing.
See? This is why you can NEVER trust a Liberal to tell you the whole truth, just their version of it.

1. City co-mingles funds and has sloppy bookkeeping.
2. Democrat Granholm sends in an Auditor to check it out.
3. Auditor takes care of it by paying off debts, laying off people (no complaints then).
4. Auditor gets elected Governor, continues rescue plan.
5. Clueless, partisan hack protesters (like the OP) show up.

1. Liberals make huge mess.
2. Conservatives clean it up.
3. Outraged Liberals complain
4. Recall Campaign soon to follow?
5. Liberals Re-Elected?
6. Liberals fuck it all up again? (guaranteed)

Lather, rinse, repeat to the end of time!
This should not stand. where are all the states rights people?
When have you ever believed in States Rights? You want the biggest Federal Government you can get in charge of everything!

Besides, you're only complaining because a Republican is doing it. If a Democrat were doing the same thing you Liberals would showcase it as a shining example of how to get things done the right way.

You know you would!
It's the very definition of fascism, autocratic rule in the name of "public safety" or "fiscal accountability" All are excuses for the real aim of consolidating power under fewer people.
From a link WITHIN your link:
Nation & World | City officials chafe under Michigan emergency takeover | Seattle Times Newspaper
A financial review assigned by the state in 2009 found that the city had mishandled federal tax payments. It inappropriately borrowed from money to handle shortfalls in others, and its bookkeeping was sloppy. And so last year, the administration of Snyder's predecessor, Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, sent in Harris, Detroit's former auditor general and its former chief financial officer.
Harris began paying debts, laying off workers and considering a plan to merge the fire and police departments into a single unit where firefighters could ultimately answer burglary calls and police officers could put out fires.
Last November, Snyder was elected governor and Republicans gained control of both chambers of Michigan's Legislature. Last month, lawmakers approved legislation to vastly expand the power of emergency managers, which sent thousands of demonstrators to Lansing.
See? This is why you can NEVER trust a Liberal to tell you the whole truth, just their version of it.

1. City co-mingles funds and has sloppy bookkeeping.
2. Democrat Granholm sends in an Auditor to check it out.
3. Auditor takes care of it by paying off debts, laying off people (no complaints then).
4. Auditor gets elected Governor, continues rescue plan.
5. Clueless, partisan hack protesters (like the OP) show up.

1. Liberals make huge mess.
2. Conservatives clean it up.
3. Outraged Liberals complain
4. Recall Campaign soon to follow?
5. Liberals Re-Elected?
6. Liberals fuck it all up again? (guaranteed)

Lather, rinse, repeat to the end of time!

From your link:

Critics say the new powers, granted by the state's new Republican leadership, are Michigan's way to shrink benefits for public workers and undermine the strength of labor unions, just like officials have tried in Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Michigan's state-appointed emergency managers do have authority to set aside union contracts, giving the state, in the eyes of some, the opportunity to crush any local union deals in the name of budget repair.

"It's dictatorship, plain and simple," said Dennis Knowles, a city commissioner who sat in a darkened, mostly empty City Hall office the other day.


That's the way it starts. Republicans say there is an emergency so dire, government needs to be dissolved so they can SAVE everybody. Cities, counties, states and the nation has had problems in the past and not once did the government need to be "dissolved".

Care to try that one again?
It's the very definition of fascism, autocratic rule in the name of "public safety" or "fiscal accountability" All are excuses for the real aim of consolidating power under fewer people.

Much more eloquent and with far fewer words than I used. Thanks.
From a link WITHIN your link:
Nation & World | City officials chafe under Michigan emergency takeover | Seattle Times Newspaper
A financial review assigned by the state in 2009 found that the city had mishandled federal tax payments. It inappropriately borrowed from money to handle shortfalls in others, and its bookkeeping was sloppy. And so last year, the administration of Snyder's predecessor, Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, sent in Harris, Detroit's former auditor general and its former chief financial officer.
Harris began paying debts, laying off workers and considering a plan to merge the fire and police departments into a single unit where firefighters could ultimately answer burglary calls and police officers could put out fires.
Last November, Snyder was elected governor and Republicans gained control of both chambers of Michigan's Legislature. Last month, lawmakers approved legislation to vastly expand the power of emergency managers, which sent thousands of demonstrators to Lansing.
See? This is why you can NEVER trust a Liberal to tell you the whole truth, just their version of it.

1. City co-mingles funds and has sloppy bookkeeping.
2. Democrat Granholm sends in an Auditor to check it out.
3. Auditor takes care of it by paying off debts, laying off people (no complaints then).
4. Auditor gets elected Governor, continues rescue plan.
5. Clueless, partisan hack protesters (like the OP) show up.

1. Liberals make huge mess.
2. Conservatives clean it up.
3. Outraged Liberals complain
4. Recall Campaign soon to follow?
5. Liberals Re-Elected?
6. Liberals fuck it all up again? (guaranteed)

Lather, rinse, repeat to the end of time!

Why throw facts at them? They can't even link to a source that doesn't contradict their position, which means they don't understand silly things like facts.
Dean would rather see the city destroyed by their own mismanagement than let the GOP handle things.

fucking pussy.
The power to do everything else is up to one man, Joseph Harris, Governor Snyder's appointed emergency manager of the city. Mr. Harris can now break union contracts, gut public services such as police and firefighters, and close schools unilaterally, without any sufficient checks and balances on his power.

The locals no longer have a voice in their own government. Despite numerous protests held by locals indicating that they do not, in fact, wish for their rights to a democratically elected government to be impeded, the policy has not changed.

So much for ‘small government’ republicans.

Telling also how republicans are concerned about Federal ‘overreach’ yet don’t exhibit that same concern for state and local governments that can clearly be just as invasive, if not more so.

See? This is why you can NEVER trust a Liberal to tell you the whole truth, just their version of it.

1. City co-mingles funds and has sloppy bookkeeping.
2. Democrat Granholm sends in an Auditor to check it out.
3. Auditor takes care of it by paying off debts, laying off people (no complaints then).
4. Auditor gets elected Governor, continues rescue plan.
5. Clueless, partisan hack protesters (like the OP) show up.

1. Liberals make huge mess.
2. Conservatives clean it up.
3. Outraged Liberals complain
4. Recall Campaign soon to follow?
5. Liberals Re-Elected?
6. Liberals fuck it all up again? (guaranteed)

Lather, rinse, repeat to the end of time!

Whatever the failings of the local government, they neither mitigate nor justify the clearly undemocratic efforts of the state, the fundamental hypocrisy of the right remains. This is merely a backdoor contrivance by the right to bust unions and violate contracts.

When have you ever believed in States Rights? You want the biggest Federal Government you can get in charge of everything!

And conservatives want to authorize state and local governments to violate the civil rights of their citizens; all tyranny is the same – regardless the government.

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