Automation vs. $15hr Wage...

Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.
Again, a population of underpaid labor will not continue to support a consumer-based economy. Your dream of a nation of serfs and slaves is all well and good, but capitalism depends upon markets to function.

So you won't mind the market eliminating jobs for under skilled people.
I believe we should compensate labor for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment, through unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines.
Used to have automation in restaurants in like the 20s. Those vending machine 'automats' think they were. Notice there aren't around any more. :)

Government regulations no doubt had a hand in their discontinuation.

Not really

"The format was threatened by the arrival of fast food, served over the counter and with more payment flexibility than traditional automats, in the automats' core urban markets in the 1970s; their remaining appeal was strictly nostalgic. Another contributing factor to their demise was inflation of the 1970s, making the food too expensive to be bought conveniently with coins, in a time before bill acceptors commonly appeared on vending equipment."
Coinage seems to be a common denominator; being able to accommodate larger monetary units of exchange seems to help as that form of infrastructure.
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.
Again, a population of underpaid labor will not continue to support a consumer-based economy. Your dream of a nation of serfs and slaves is all well and good, but capitalism depends upon markets to function.

So you won't mind the market eliminating jobs for under skilled people.
I believe we should compensate labor for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment, through unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines.

I believe we should encourage people who can't deal with our economy to live to Mexico.
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.

The number of minimum wage jobs is dependent on the work to be done and the minimum number of employees to do it

If I pay someone $7.25 to sweep a floor, I will not hire two floor sweepers if the wage drops to $3.65 an hour
If the wage goes to $10.00, I will still need someone to sweep my floor
I think people should be free to have tea on the lawn. And second breakfast.

and then go for long lovely walks.
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable


RW y ou dont have a clue on hoa much automation post do you?

We can automate anything, the one draw bank is cost

Bút you already know thay, relying on the loe info voter again I see
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.

The number of minimum wage jobs is dependent on the work to be done and the minimum number of employees to do it

If I pay someone $7.25 to sweep a floor, I will not hire two floor sweepers if the wage drops to $3.65 an hour
If the wage goes to $10.00, I will still need someone to sweep my floor

If it is not economically feasible to pay that rate, the business closes, floors go unswept or the owner does it themselves.
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.

The number of minimum wage jobs is dependent on the work to be done and the minimum number of employees to do it

If I pay someone $7.25 to sweep a floor, I will not hire two floor sweepers if the wage drops to $3.65 an hour
If the wage goes to $10.00, I will still need someone to sweep my floor
But if you have two people sweeping your floors you may cut it to one.
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.
Again, a population of underpaid labor will not continue to support a consumer-based economy. Your dream of a nation of serfs and slaves is all well and good, but capitalism depends upon markets to function.
If the minimum wage goes up, there will be fewer jobs. The population of unpaid labor would be no better off in total and would not spend more in total.
If wages increase, there will be a corresponding increase in consumer demand and spending. THAT creates jobs, and it's the ONLY thing that creates jobs. Check historical data if you don't believe me. The economy imporves when wages go up.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable


RW y ou dont have a clue on hoa much automation post do you?

We can automate anything, the one draw bank is cost

Bút you already know thay, relying on the loe info voter again I see

They do have automated spell check you know

You can be replaced
Automation will come regardless of what the minimum wage is
Minimum wage has been $7.25 for eight years and automation still comes

Using "You can be replaced by a machine if you are not willing to work for low wages" is laughable
Do you think raising the minimum wage will speed up or slow down automation and outsourcing? Yes, that is a rhetorical question.

If it is hard enough already for people to find entry level jobs, we should not be making it harder by forcing the minimum wage upwards.
Again, a population of underpaid labor will not continue to support a consumer-based economy. Your dream of a nation of serfs and slaves is all well and good, but capitalism depends upon markets to function.
If the minimum wage goes up, there will be fewer jobs. The population of unpaid labor would be no better off in total and would not spend more in total.
If wages increase, there will be a corresponding increase in consumer demand and spending. THAT creates jobs, and it's the ONLY thing that creates jobs. Check historical data if you don't believe me. The economy imporves when wages go up.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?
for some on the left, it is about actually solving for social dilemmas through Government instead of merely paying for war on them.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?

Give me a link.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?

Give me a link.
Link requested. Link provided.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

Now, what's your retort? I was inclined to be on your side on this issue, but that poster's points about raising the minimum wage helping the economy make sense. So the ball's in your court. What's your retort?
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?

Give me a link.
Link requested. Link provided.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

Now, what's your retort? I was inclined to be on your side on this issue, but that poster's points about raising the minimum wage helping the economy make sense. So the ball's in your court. What's your retort?

The source shows raising the rate has little to no effect on minimum wage earners employment. Further it states most STAY IN THEIR JOBS. Hardly an endorsement to help folks really earn more by increasing skills. It also admits any economic benefit economy wide is small versus the huge costs of paying almost a double wage rate. Historic appeals have little in common with a largely technical economy at this point. Sounds like most liberal ideas, which trap workers in jobs and make them dependent on the Democratic Party.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?

Give me a link.
Link requested. Link provided.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

Now, what's your retort? I was inclined to be on your side on this issue, but that poster's points about raising the minimum wage helping the economy make sense. So the ball's in your court. What's your retort?

The source shows raising the rate has little to no effect on minimum wage earners employment. Further it states most STAY IN THEIR JOBS. Hardly an endorsement to help folks really earn more by increasing skills. It also admits any economic benefit economy wide is small versus the huge costs of paying almost a double wage rate. Historic appeals have little in common with a largely technical economy at this point. Sounds like most liberal ideas, which trap workers in jobs and make them dependent on the Democratic Party.
Well if it doesn't harm the economy but it helps those people, isn't that a plus even if those people didn't "really earn" it. Might get them off welfare, eh?
The gradual increase in the minimum wage has killed scores of traditional jobs, either through automation, forced efficiency, or simple tolerance by the public of diminished service.

Elevator operators
Service station attendants
Grocery store baggers who would help you all the way to your car (and not have their hand out for a tip).
Sales clerks in department stores

Eliminating the MW would encourage businesses to establish summer-hire, after-school, and enhanced service positions that would provide work experience to those most in need. Some employers would try to exploit the situation, but protections could be implemented.
This may be true. It is also said that increasing the minimum wage does not decrease jobs, perhaps because of the increased demand you identify.

Do any of our hard core right wingers have a retort to this?

Give me a link.
Link requested. Link provided.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

Now, what's your retort? I was inclined to be on your side on this issue, but that poster's points about raising the minimum wage helping the economy make sense. So the ball's in your court. What's your retort?

The source shows raising the rate has little to no effect on minimum wage earners employment. Further it states most STAY IN THEIR JOBS. Hardly an endorsement to help folks really earn more by increasing skills. It also admits any economic benefit economy wide is small versus the huge costs of paying almost a double wage rate. Historic appeals have little in common with a largely technical economy at this point. Sounds like most liberal ideas, which trap workers in jobs and make them dependent on the Democratic Party.
Well if it doesn't harm the economy but it helps those people, isn't that a plus even if those people didn't "really earn" it. Might get them off welfare, eh?
doesn't solve any problems for unemployed. why not solve for simple poverty.
Used to have automation in restaurants in like the 20s. Those vending machine 'automats' think they were. Notice there aren't around any more. :)
It wasn't the 20s. It was the 50s. I remember the automat very well. They were extremely successful. The vending machines did not accept paper money. As prices rose the vending machines were phased out. The popularity of fast food and drive ins, very low wages, very low product cost had fast food joints replace the automat. There weren't burgers and fries at Horn and Hardardt. Those were meals.

Today automation is very different than the automat. Food can be handled by a kiosk type outlet rather than a restaurant.

There is a robot chef that can make 5000 different dishes from the same ingredients. The fast food burger flipper is ready for the trash heap.

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