Automation vs. $15hr Wage...

More and more business are opting to employ technology rather than $15hr minimum wage employees looking for full benefits packages. The economic model for human employees is becoming untenable with the increase in regulation. Why does the Left ignore this fate? It can't be as simple as pandering for votes.

Gov. Cuomo Raises Minimum Wage to $15 for All N.Y. Workers

It simply can't be sustained. As people become less involved in each others lives a touch screen becomes the preferred method of interaction anyway.

Don't worry…the left has a solution….you outlaw machinery……there you go…that problem solved.
it could have profitable niche market applications: a scale train or boat delivery system could add to the entertainment value.

Yes, the niche is right where minimum wage jobs used to be.
have heard of some success with sushi shops.

it could be a worthwhile venture in some cases. advances in technologies could bring a greater range miniature vehicles.
Basic Economic Facts:

When the price of any commodity is increased by Government mandate above the economic value of that commodity, the consumers of that commodity will do three things:

(1) Use less of it.

(2) Seek out alternatives, and if the discrepancy between value and price is great enough,

(3) Support a black market for the over-priced commodity.

Government mandates that the price of a bag of potato chips be $10.00:

(1) People eat fewer potato chips.

(2) People seek out other salty snacks.

(3) Entrepreneurs start making potato chips in their garages, and selling them out of the trunks of their cars for $8. (Still making a killing).

Government mandates that the minimum price of an hour of unskilled, inexperienced labor be $15:

(1) Employers cut hours of unskilled, inexperienced workers (Experienced, capable workers are required to pick up the slack).

(2) Automation and outsourcing are implemented where possible.

(3) Employers employ "undocumented" workers.

Bottom line?

The current version of capitalism is only benefitting a small segment of our society.

If that continues, then people will deep six it.
Basic Economic Facts:

When the price of any commodity is increased by Government mandate above the economic value of that commodity, the consumers of that commodity will do three things:

(1) Use less of it.

(2) Seek out alternatives, and if the discrepancy between value and price is great enough,

(3) Support a black market for the over-priced commodity.

Government mandates that the price of a bag of potato chips be $10.00:

(1) People eat fewer potato chips.

(2) People seek out other salty snacks.

(3) Entrepreneurs start making potato chips in their garages, and selling them out of the trunks of their cars for $8. (Still making a killing).

Government mandates that the minimum price of an hour of unskilled, inexperienced labor be $15:

(1) Employers cut hours of unskilled, inexperienced workers (Experienced, capable workers are required to pick up the slack).

(2) Automation and outsourcing are implemented where possible.

(3) Employers employ "undocumented" workers.

Bottom line?

The current version of capitalism is only benefitting a small segment of our society.

If that continues, then people will deep six it.

The current system of crony socialism is doing that ….capitalism can't survive without the free exchange of goods and services...
Basic Economic Facts:

When the price of any commodity is increased by Government mandate above the economic value of that commodity, the consumers of that commodity will do three things:

(1) Use less of it.

(2) Seek out alternatives, and if the discrepancy between value and price is great enough,

(3) Support a black market for the over-priced commodity.

Government mandates that the price of a bag of potato chips be $10.00:

(1) People eat fewer potato chips.

(2) People seek out other salty snacks.

(3) Entrepreneurs start making potato chips in their garages, and selling them out of the trunks of their cars for $8. (Still making a killing).

Government mandates that the minimum price of an hour of unskilled, inexperienced labor be $15:

(1) Employers cut hours of unskilled, inexperienced workers (Experienced, capable workers are required to pick up the slack).

(2) Automation and outsourcing are implemented where possible.

(3) Employers employ "undocumented" workers.

Bottom line?

The current version of capitalism is only benefitting a small segment of our society.

If that continues, then people will deep six it.

The current system of crony socialism is doing that ….capitalism can't survive without the free exchange of goods and services...

No, actually it's "free market" capitalism. The natural inclination of this is to form monopolies and usurp the government.

And that's exactly what's going on.

Such dire predictions. It will never, ever, pay to automate the work performed by low wage workers. The going in costs are far to high, and mostly limited to repetitive motion type work..

Touch screens in restaurants? Don't make me laugh.

Self check out lanes available at most stores ? The hourly sales necessary to make the darn things worthwhile are rarely if ever seen. The software necessary make for that shit to run often times exceeds the cost of buying & installing the registers. And that's the fer shit software that makes every customer look like an idiot & requiring the services of store personnel to complete the transaction. Don't even ask how much the good software is..

Are you ready to laugh?

View attachment 54645

Sorry bud, but no can do. An image of a touch screen in a restaurant that appears to be out of business says nothing

Touch screens installed in venues very similar to restruants all met with failure and were ultimately removed. Ease of use was good, the technology tried and true. So what went wrong? The list was long but, a complete lack of legit test marketing was a biggie. To the customer, the touch screen was nothing more than an obstical to the products & services they wanted. So they took their biz elsewhere.

Sorry bud, but no can do. An image of a touch screen in a restaurant that appears to be out of business says nothing

Touch screens installed in venues very similar to restruants all met with failure and were ultimately removed. Ease of use was good, the technology tried and true. So what went wrong? The list was long but, a complete lack of legit test marketing was a biggie. To the customer, the touch screen was nothing more than an obstical to the products & services they wanted. So they took their biz elsewhere.

Walmart, Home Depot, Kroger, Publix, McDonalds and Yum Brands clearly have no idea what they are doing. All have started to transition to automated checkout. I'm sure that when they hear that YOU say it will fail, they will change direction. People will go back to the personal service offered by Amazon.
I find it almost insulting that we can sit here and rage on about increasing the min. wage to a decent living level for millions of workers in this country, that not only would DECREASE the burden on the federal gov. and tax payers, but will also boost this economy and grow MORE jobs, because spending will INCREASE, that we can debate....BUT NEVER EVER EVER TO TALK ABOUT THE BILLIONS WE'RE WASTING TO stabelizing the middle east and nobody gives a fuck about that!!
I find it almost insulting that we can sit here and rage on about increasing the min. wage to a decent living level for millions of workers in this country, that not only would DECREASE the burden on the federal gov. and tax payers, but will also boost this economy and grow MORE jobs, because spending will INCREASE, that we can debate....BUT NEVER EVER EVER TO TALK ABOUT THE BILLIONS WE'RE WASTING TO stabelizing the middle east and nobody gives a fuck about that!!
Two points:
1. A wage is the amount earned for work rendered. If a person can't live on minimum wage, work 2 jobs, go to school and better your life. I had to work two jobs to make it through college. I come from an extremely poor family. I now have a great job and my family is very comfortable. I DID THAT. I didn't bitch and moan about how unfair it was that my single mother didn't have enough money to pay for things like cable, cell phones and even food at times. You get paid for the work you do not for the need you have.

2. If you want to have a discussion about wasting money in the Middle East then start a thread about that. Stop raging off topic in other threads. This is not a thread regarding government waste. It is a thread about minimum wage and automation.

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