Avenatti is right-It's time to fight!

This is what I'm talking about.

ā€˜Not the enemy of the peopleā€™: 70 news organizations will blast Trumpā€™s attack on the media
Cleve Wootson

For most of the past 19 months, President Trumpā€™s war of words with American news organizations has been more of a one-sided barrage ā€” at least according to the Boston Globeā€™s editorial board.

Trump labeled the news media ā€œthe enemy of the American peopleā€ a month after taking the oath of office. In the year that followed, a CNN analysis concluded, he used the word ā€œfakeā€ ā€” as in ā€œfake news,ā€ ā€œfake stories,ā€ ā€œfake mediaā€ or ā€œfake pollsā€ ā€” more than 400 times. He once fumed, the New York Times reported, because a TV on Air Force One was tuned to CNN.

And last week, at a political rally in Pennsylvania, Trump told his audience that the media was ā€œfake, fake disgusting news.ā€

ā€œWhatever happened to honest reporting?ā€ he asked the crowd. Then he pointed to a group of journalists covering the event. ā€œThey donā€™t report it. They only make up stories.ā€

Now, the editorial board of the Boston Globe is proposing that newspapers across the nation express their disdain for the presidentā€™s rhetoric on Aug. 16 with the best weapon they have: their collective voice.

The rally calls for the opinion writers that staff newspaper editorial boards to produce independent opinion pieces about Trumpā€™s attacks on the media. So far, according to the Associated Press, 70 news organizations have agreed ā€” from large metropolitan daily newspapers such as the Miami Herald and Denver Post to small weekly newspapers with four-digit circulation numbers.

ā€˜Not the enemy of the peopleā€™: 70 news organizations will blast Trumpā€™s attack on the media
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Great. So YOU go out and do some of the fighting. Or are you waiting for someone else to start it and do the fighting?

YOu have nothing to lose? Maybe that is the problem.

I said WE and that means YOU. I am fighting, this is just a small part.

Exactly what am I fight for? Or against? A political party? Give me specifics. Unlike you, I have a LOT to lose. And unlike party sheeple, I see problems with both sides of the aisle. But exactly what sort of "fighting" are you talking about? Armed revolution? Beating up people with hats on with political slogans?

We both have the same things to lose. You talk that party sheeple shit. That's part of the problem. At this point we have a republican majority and president running amuck. The president is doing all manner of unconstitutional things, and the republicans in congress are not doing their jobs by performing oversight. Both sides are not doing this. I'm talking about fighting with the damn ballot. Fighting by being informed citizens and pressuring our representatives as we are constitutionally required to do. Trump is here because of people who thought that both sides were the same thing. And they were not.

Let me say this to you. I have far more to lose than you. My civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights just to name a few things, all are under attack because if this administration and the republicans in power and can be diminished or erased if we continue allowing this to happen. So don't tell me what I don't have to lose.

U don't tik Avenatti isqualfied to besident, but I do think he democats wo ae nedtoadpt the strategy he staes in his speech.

Wow, someone seemed to go from "we both have the same things to lose" to "I have more to lose than you" pretty darn quickly.....dumbass.

Avenatti is a piece of crap

Do we have to start explaining about him? hello black hat! hello!

If y'all don't know how twisted he is....well start researching....

I don't think a Trump supporter can talk about how twisted someone else is.
Avenatti is scum ok?

save your time

that's all you have to know about him...ok?

peace to you
And when they meaing Avenatti gets hit back he will cry like a little bitch. When there was a fight going on in school this guy reminds me of the kid who was always at the back of crowd yelling get him get him kick his ass very tough as long as he didn't have to do anything.

Donald Trump is the rich big mouth spoiled brat who was always protected by daddy's money.
Avenatti is scum ok?

save your time

that's all you have to know about him...ok?

peace to you

Trump is worse scum. And that we do know.
Yep, then the commiecrats got the feds involved in college financing and made everything better, RIGHT??????

Say thank you obama!

No, that happened long before maobama, maobama just got them more involved.

Obama took the college loan business out of the hands of private banks and put it in the hands of the government, said loans backed by taxpayers if the student defaulted. Soon as that happened the tuition prices started soaring.

Wrong, it started when the feds got into the student loan guarantee business back in the 60s, college costs started going up multiple times the rate of inflation and have continued to this day. maobama wanted the banks out of the loop, because he had every intention of forgiving the vast majority of the loans and couldn't do that if the money was owed to the banks.

Do you have a link?

Here is mine.

The federal government began guaranteeing student loans provided by banks and non-profit lenders in 1965, creating the program that is now called the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program. The first federal student loans, however, provided under the National Defense Education Act of 1958, were direct loans capitalized with U.S. Treasury funds, following a recommendation of economist Milton Friedman. But when Congress wanted to expand on that start, budget rules made the guarantee approach seem more attractive. Today, this system of guaranteed student loans has been entirely replaced, and all new loans are issued directly by the Department of Education.

Student Loan History

Now look at this article in conjunction with yours. It looks at 1960 to 2011.
There has been a truly mind-boggling increase in college tuition since 1960. For example, law school tuition has risen nearly 1,000 percent after adjusting for inflation: around 1960, "median annual tuition and fees at private law schools was $475 ... adjusted for inflation, that's $3,419 in 2011 dollars. The median for public law schools was $204 ... or $1,550 in 2011 dollars ... in 2009 the private law school median was $36,000; the public (resident) median was $16,546.ā€ Due to market distortions like the proliferation of unnecessary state licensing requirements that require useless paper credentials, and financial aid that directly encourages colleges to raise tuition, colleges can raise tuition year after year, consuming a larger and larger fraction of the increased lifetime earnings students hope to obtain by going to college.

Mind-boggling Increase in Tuition Since 1960 Even as Students Learn Less and Less

It's a simple concept, throw federal money at something and the cost will go through the roof. It happened with college costs with federal guarantees and with medical costs with medicare since the 1960s.

Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Trump said the same thing at one of his election rallies and everyone at CNN went crazy...

Unlike Michelle Obama, Michael Avenatti Doesnā€™t Want Democrats to Take the High Road
At the 2016 Democratic convention, just months before Donald Trump was elected to office, Michelle Obama delivered a searing but compassionate address to ...

Vanity Fair

Michael Avenatti's Message to Iowa Democrats 'When They Go Low...We Hit Harder'
Michael Avenatti, in exploring a presidential run, told Iowa Democrats that the party needs a fighter to take back the White House.


We took the high road and you guys picked Trump. You chose the low road.

Damn, you're even funnier than that slip and fall lawyer. LMAO

Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

America was made by free college, free healthcare....WTF?

These are two things that would help advance our nation and its people, unlike what money has been spent on in the past. How much money have we spent on wars that did nothing for us?

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Over $2 trillion wasted. That's a lot of college and a lot of healthcare.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Yet here you sit......typing.
And when they meaing Avenatti gets hit back he will cry like a little bitch. When there was a fight going on in school this guy reminds me of the kid who was always at the back of crowd yelling get him get him kick his ass very tough as long as he didn't have to do anything.

Donald Trump is the rich big mouth spoiled brat who was always protected by daddy's money.
And Avenatti is a Donald Trump wannabe who never will be like most Trump critics.
Avenatti is a piece of crap

Do we have to start explaining about him? hello black hat! hello!

If y'all don't know how twisted he is....well start researching....
he is an attorney;

equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our At-Will employment States, could be a routine business expense for him.

I don't have a petty cash fund for that purpose, yet.
Is Stormy still paying him with blowjobs?

Trolling. If I said something like this I'd be banned. This board is such a right wing bubble.
Stormy isn't paying him anything.
He's handling her case pro bono and now we're finding out why.
And I've vote for him.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see Trump wilt like the big pussy that he is in a debate with this guy.
He's much faster than Trump and better educated and better at Trump's game than Trump.
And Trump knows it.
And when they meaing Avenatti gets hit back he will cry like a little bitch. When there was a fight going on in school this guy reminds me of the kid who was always at the back of crowd yelling get him get him kick his ass very tough as long as he didn't have to do anything.

Donald Trump is the rich big mouth spoiled brat who was always protected by daddy's money.
And Avenatti is a Donald Trump wannabe who never will be like most Trump critics.

I guess you've never seen or heard Avenatti in debates on CNN, because you don't watch CNN since it's "fake news"
This guy is the proverbial barracuda.
In a debate he would rip Trump apart like a pirhana with a minnow.
And when they meaing Avenatti gets hit back he will cry like a little bitch. When there was a fight going on in school this guy reminds me of the kid who was always at the back of crowd yelling get him get him kick his ass very tough as long as he didn't have to do anything.

Donald Trump is the rich big mouth spoiled brat who was always protected by daddy's money.
And Avenatti is a Donald Trump wannabe who never will be like most Trump critics.

I guess you've never seen or heard Avenatti in debates on CNN, because you don't watch CNN since it's "fake news"
This guy is the proverbial barracuda.
In a debate he would rip Trump apart like a pirhana with a minnow.

Sounds like he's just your standard Cradle-to-Grave Socialist Commie to me. You heard one, you heard a thousand of them.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

America was made by free college, free healthcare....WTF?

These are two things that would help advance our nation and its people, unlike what money has been spent on in the past. How much money have we spent on wars that did nothing for us?

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Over $2 trillion wasted. That's a lot of college and a lot of healthcare.

Sanders plan (Medicare for all) was estimated to cost 3.2 trillion a year. College for all another 70 billion a year. Trump can't even get 25 billion for one year to build a wall from the Democrats.

Protection of the country is outlined in our US Constitution. Healthcare and college are not.
"Time to fight"? How about "time to vote"? The same people who ridiculed the "tea party" people for taking an active role in the political system now advocate violence. It boggles the mind how crazy the left can be when it's out of power

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