AVENNATI's ominous warning on CNN: We're coming for him

Hate to burst your bubble. If Cohen's testimony is so damning, why didn't Cohen work out a deal that prevents him from going to jail? Prosecutors do that all the time. The fact is he doesn't have proof.
Yes prosecutors do that all the time. The special master has only finished his work last week though. Meaning that the prosecution only recently gotten all the relevant information. This means chances are the prosecution doesn't even know at the moment what questions, if any they want Cohen to answer. Nothing about this is unusual, or signals that Cohen won't cooperate. Neither do you know if he has proof or not. He's a lawyer so that means he more then likely has documents and we already know he has tapes. Even more, the 1 that has been released, shows Trump discussing Stormy Daniels with Cohen. Are you unaware of it, or simply dishonest?

This kind of rubbish is only fit for tabloids; but it certainly is up to the usual Democratic Party spin since they lost in 2016 and in fact another Nothing Burger.
Sure, pleading guilty to EIGHT felonies and implicating the President Of The United States in two of those felonies is a big nothing burger. By the way, Clinton got impeached over a blowjob. I don't think you found that a nothing burger over just as much tabloid bullshit. And nobody admitted to committing felonies in that little escapade. But I forgot, Trump by virtue of being a known asshole doesn't have to be held accountable for anything up to an including being a criminal.

It's a load of innuendo and rubbish. Some weasel trying to extort perjury from flunkies indeed doesn't mean squat, it just means they aren't going to bankrupt themselves fighting a deep pockets Federal official who is himself dirty as hell, and it means his testimony on anything is compromised and worthless, just like your fake 'investigation' is.

You're just low life scum is all, no different than the vermin who filed fake charges on Zimmerman; it is a giant billboard on what kind of tactics scum you people are fond of and how you intend to use government power to railroad people, especially little people, who offend your sicko shitbird loser 'leaders' when you get back in power.

You are making an analogy between ZIMMERMAN and COHEN? WOW. Both trash and CRIMINALS. Of course only 1 is a murderer.
Hate to burst your bubble. If Cohen's testimony is so damning, why didn't Cohen work out a deal that prevents him from going to jail? Prosecutors do that all the time. The fact is he doesn't have proof.

You can't have proof of a crime that doesn't exist.

The hope of the deep state is to let the fake media create so much noise that Trump will resign.
Hate to burst your bubble. If Cohen's testimony is so damning, why didn't Cohen work out a deal that prevents him from going to jail? Prosecutors do that all the time. The fact is he doesn't have proof.
Yes prosecutors do that all the time. The special master has only finished his work last week though. Meaning that the prosecution only recently gotten all the relevant information. This means chances are the prosecution doesn't even know at the moment what questions, if any they want Cohen to answer. Nothing about this is unusual, or signals that Cohen won't cooperate. Neither do you know if he has proof or not. He's a lawyer so that means he more then likely has documents and we already know he has tapes. Even more, the 1 that has been released, shows Trump discussing Stormy Daniels with Cohen. Are you unaware of it, or simply dishonest?

This kind of rubbish is only fit for tabloids; but it certainly is up to the usual Democratic Party spin since they lost in 2016 and in fact another Nothing Burger.
Sure, pleading guilty to EIGHT felonies and implicating the President Of The United States in two of those felonies is a big nothing burger. By the way, Clinton got impeached over a blowjob. I don't think you found that a nothing burger over just as much tabloid bullshit. And nobody admitted to committing felonies in that little escapade. But I forgot, Trump by virtue of being a known asshole doesn't have to be held accountable for anything up to an including being a criminal.

He pled guilty by the advice of an idiot lawyer.

Alan Dershowitz, a man 10 times more brilliant than any lawyer I know who is a Harvard Law School professor, says what he did was no crime and he was an idiot to plea.

Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled To Pay Hush Money, Committed No Election Crime

And for those who say "well if it wasn't a crime why did the judge allow the plea?" Simple. The judge doesn't decide what is and isn't a crime based on the evidence, that's up to the jury. When you plea guilty you waive your right to a jury trial so at that point the judge's only job is to make sure you're of sound mind when making the plea.

It is highly illegal, however, to misrepresent what you're using campaign funds for, such as the Hillary campaign paying Fusion GPS to hire a Kremlin connected British agent to dig up crap on Trump. That was never reported by the Hillary campaign and nobody questions it. Why is that?
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