Axelrod: Government ‘So Vast,‘ Obama Can't Know About Wrongdoing

Consider how out of touch Obama is with the worlds of economics and health care when he states...
Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
First if there is a "single payer" what happens to the 1,300 payers i.e. health insurance companies?
If they are no longer payers what happens to the $100 billion these payers pay in taxes every year? Or the 400,000 employees?
Second... Obama evidently you assume countries with 1/10th the population should be the model for the 310 million Americans.
Obviously he has never studied the demographics and economies of these countries compared to USA and he doesn't see any differences!

So it is this ignorance that should never have been the catalyst for Obamacare and the destruction of health care as we know it!

It's an ignorant statement to say that the President is out of touch on economics when Europe and Australia went into a tailspin with their austerity-only plans.

We did the right thing by mixing stimulus with tax cuts with spending cuts. It's the right recipe, and we need more stimulus right now, particularly because our deficit is actually beginning to shrink now to about a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

We got a fragile recovery while austerity-only caused a double-dip recession in Europe. Obama was right.
I assume then you favor a single payer system?
You see what a debacle Obamacare is becoming WHEN Sebelius hitting up health executives for help financing ObamaCare!
Why if Obamacare was to do what is was suppose to do lower by $2,500 a family insurance cost are insurance companies' actuaries predicting 400% increase?
Again I used his preference of single payer as ignorance that using European countries with single payer is NOT a valid comparison to the USA!
NOW maybe Romneycare is working fine in Mass. BUT that's why we have 50 state laboratories and NOT mass injection all at one time a total transformation of health care!
It will NOT work when idiots like Obama has NO idea of how health insurance works as evidence he can't even figure out how many are truly "uninsured" which was the
showcase the number one reason for passing Obamacare!
When you have 10 million NOT citizens counted as uninsured, 14 million counted BUT ELIGIBLE for Medicaid and you bogusly count 18 million that don't want or need
health insurance... If Obama had just not overextended and recognized reality... 4 million truly uninsured.
Tax lawyers which I for the life don't know why people like you are defending these ambulance chasing millionaires... tax them 10% like he stupidly showing his ignorance
and the reality he was paid off by the $300 million in campaign donations by lawyers.. use that to pay the premiums for the truly 4 million!

Again... why are you not responding to that idea that would cut the $850 billion in defensive medicine eliminate hospitals padding and passing sometime with 6,000% markups!

Why are you against that???
Obama's ONLY competence is fooling people and he admits it from his book..
Obama depends on "tricking" people to do things or use "tactics" to get you to like him.

From his book:"Dreams from My Father" It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Why are so many supposedly intelligent people so fooled by this To me Obama is worse the Chancy Garder played by Peter Sellers in "Being There" where idiots praised the idiotic statements the simpleton Chauncy made!

Obama is like the Emperor wearing no clothes but idiots are telling him oh such finery.. such great looking clothes.. when a little kid says "He's naked!"
One thing we learned to say in the military if asked about something we did not know about....even in our own shop/division/department/command was "Sir, I do not know but I will find out."

It is understandable for the President of the United States to NOT know everything that goes on in his Administration every minute. However it IS his responsibility to FIND OUT what the heck is going on when he finds out one way or another that something or someone messed up.

Is that an unreasonable expectation? Of any President?

It starts with Obama. He had friends, employees around him that believe the same way Obama does. Those people have the same ideas about the economy. Obama has people around him that don't like capitalism and want to do away with it.
So when you look at the entire AGENDA of Obama you see continued plans to completely alter the USA into their/Obama's image.

So while he definitely can't know exactly he gives them the directions. He hires people with his mind set.

So no matter who does it, these "rogue" employees as they are now calling the IRS violators obviously think this is ok with Obama because HE knows they are hired in his image!

So by your calculus, everyone who died after the landfall of Katrina is Bush's responsibility? I don't think it is myself but if your saying that the appointees are an extension of the President, then their blood would be on his hands, right? And that would mean that the lies the military told to Pat Tillman's grieving parents are Bush's fault too (I don't feel it is but I do hold him accountable for not apologizing).

And of course the SBA loan I once wanted to take out took so long to get that I gave up, I should blame Bush for that as well? After all, he's responsible for the actions of every one of the 300,000 employees right?
One thing we learned to say in the military if asked about something we did not know about....even in our own shop/division/department/command was "Sir, I do not know but I will find out."

It is understandable for the President of the United States to NOT know everything that goes on in his Administration every minute. However it IS his responsibility to FIND OUT what the heck is going on when he finds out one way or another that something or someone messed up.

Is that an unreasonable expectation? Of any President?

And you'd think he'd be informed of the big stuff that happens, like the IRS targeting his opposition. I'm sure Jarrett knows everything, but maybe she only tells Obama things on a need to know basis. I don't trust that woman and wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with the IRS targeting the right.

Obama's assertion that the first he heard of the IRS scandal on the news doesn't seem believable.
One thing we learned to say in the military if asked about something we did not know about....even in our own shop/division/department/command was "Sir, I do not know but I will find out."

It is understandable for the President of the United States to NOT know everything that goes on in his Administration every minute. However it IS his responsibility to FIND OUT what the heck is going on when he finds out one way or another that something or someone messed up.

Is that an unreasonable expectation? Of any President?

He knew. He's full of shit. Look if all this was going on and he didnt know, he should be impeached for incompetence

And it will be up to any investigators to PROVE that he knew from the beginning and either ordered such things (if they are even found to be illegal) and/or did nothing to correct them. Right've got no proof of any of that. But you are measuring the ropes already, aren't you?

Well, two days later EVERYONE KNEW! Well at least everyone who didn't have their head up ZERO's rump knew ---- and still the phony movie excuse was the narrative for the entire next week... then there was no official view at all - they just scrapped all talking points on topic. Their mantra became - investigation (8 months long - with no real outcome).

They really thought everyone was just going to ignore the entire thing until it just... went away. Shows how big of a narcissist O really is.
One thing we learned to say in the military if asked about something we did not know about....even in our own shop/division/department/command was "Sir, I do not know but I will find out."

It is understandable for the President of the United States to NOT know everything that goes on in his Administration every minute. However it IS his responsibility to FIND OUT what the heck is going on when he finds out one way or another that something or someone messed up.

Is that an unreasonable expectation? Of any President?

He knew. He's full of shit. Look if all this was going on and he didnt know, he should be impeached for incompetence

And it will be up to any investigators to PROVE that he knew from the beginning and either ordered such things (if they are even found to be illegal) and/or did nothing to correct them. Right've got no proof of any of that. But you are measuring the ropes already, aren't you?

No, Im a realist....but if he didnt know, he's the most clueless president ever
What a LEADER, doesn't know shit about what his administration is doing and evidently doesn't care...that would interfere with his golf, vacations and his continuous running all over the country for his lavish fundraisers and hateful speeches at high schools and colleges

Yup for being the leader of the free world he's remarkable "unaware" of whats going on in his own administration.

God. I know I have loads of confidence in the man. NOT.
What a LEADER, doesn't know shit about what his administration is doing and evidently doesn't care...that would interfere with his golf, vacations and his continuous running all over the country for his lavish fundraisers and hateful speeches at high schools and colleges

Yup for being the leader of the free world he's remarkable "unaware" of whats going on in his own administration.

God. I know I have loads of confidence in the man. NOT.

Remember these exact words...
"he’s [Obama] probably the smartest guy ever to become President." historian Michael Beschloss
" I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – NewsWeek Editor Evan Thomas..
[Obama during 2008 campaign] "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
What a LEADER, doesn't know shit about what his administration is doing and evidently doesn't care...that would interfere with his golf, vacations and his continuous running all over the country for his lavish fundraisers and hateful speeches at high schools and colleges

Yup for being the leader of the free world he's remarkable "unaware" of whats going on in his own administration.

God. I know I have loads of confidence in the man. NOT.

Do you honestly think it's the president's responsibility to know everything that goes on on a day to day basis in every office of every federal government operation in the entire country, not to mention overseas?

Are you really that stupid?
I hate to disappoint you inmates again but President Obama will be 100% unscathed by the IRS matter.
What a LEADER, doesn't know shit about what his administration is doing and evidently doesn't care...that would interfere with his golf, vacations and his continuous running all over the country for his lavish fundraisers and hateful speeches at high schools and colleges

Yup for being the leader of the free world he's remarkable "unaware" of whats going on in his own administration.

God. I know I have loads of confidence in the man. NOT.

Do you honestly think it's the president's responsibility to know everything that goes on on a day to day basis in every office of every federal government operation in the entire country, not to mention overseas?

Are you really that stupid?

Presidents appoint the people THAT HE THINKS will best execute his policies. His agenda.
People then do what they THINK after discussions with Obama what they think he would approve.

Are you really that stupid to think Obama would appoint people that he felt would investigate Liberal 501cs? Are you that stupid to think Obama would appoint people who wanted to see
capitalism flourish? Do you think Obama would appoint people that did NOT agree with his agenda, his philosophy?

Are you that stupid and ignorant of how organizations work with a new President? And of course remember voters put Obama in BASED on what Obama told them!
He told voters that he felt the USA was the major contributor to the world's woes and after elected he went on his apology tour!

So unless you are so stupid to not recognize pleasing Obama is their first objective, every one of Obama's underling minions use this as a guideline:
WWOD? What Would Obama Do?

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