Obama Advisor David Axelrod: Preventing Trump From Running in 2024 Would ‘Rip the Country Apart’

Edgetho in #54 15.04.05 wrote: Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong Republican. •¥¥¥• vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54

Were you old enough Saint Edgetho to watch the War in Vietnam on TV in April 1967 when MLK delivered a speech in opposition to the war that claimed 20,000 US lives by then?

to vdgvthv.15.04.05 #54
Well what do you know, Axelrod is using logic and common sense. Actually that's what Biden wants, to rip the country apart. It's already divided as it could be. Only thing missing is a trigger situation that will ignite the powder keg.

Tearing the country apart - that already happened. Say thank you to ONE needy orange old fuck
Well what do you know, Axelrod is using logic and common sense. Actually that's what Biden wants, to rip the country apart. It's already divided as it could be. Only thing missing is a trigger situation that will ignite the powder keg.

Democrats want to rip the country apart. Biden run on a campaign theme claiming he would unite the country but both he and the democrats never cared about that one bit.

Obama Advisor David Axelrod: Preventing Trump From Running in 2024 Would ‘Rip the Country Apart’​

Fuck Axelrod.
Axelrod was Obamas Handler. BettyLu Saltzman ( daughter of Phillip Klutznick) choose Obama to be the first Black president in 1992 and assigned Axelrod to Develop Obama into presidential material. His first step was to make Obama an Illinois politician. Rahm Immanuel was Obamas monitor and made sure the Barak did not stray from what they wanted him to do.

Bettylu Saltzman - KeyWiki
the minimalist version of democracy you actually have!

Good point.
We have no public health care, huge taxes, outrageous tuition, the highest imprisonment rate in the world, constant wars by lying politicians, etc., and yet we somehow feel smug about being a "democracy"?
BackAgain in #2 said: I don’t care much for Axelrod. But here he is at least being rational. He’s right. bckvgn.23.23.30 #2

What is rational about giving DJT another chance to shit on the Constitution knowing that when Trump took the oath of office in 2017 he had no intention to not shit on the Constitution?

Trump cannot divide the country more than he’s done it already whether he is on or off any state ballots .

The Supreme Court will decide if he is on or off.

If SCOTUS goes against MAGA and Trump the insurrectionist cannot be on any critical state ballots, then it’s settled.

What is MAGA gonna do / storm the Supreme Court to hang Justice Roberts?

Whoever does, with Trump orca Jesus flags, will be shot dead this time and the country will rejoice putting crazy white Trump trash down. And it’s over,

I expect MAGA extremists do Jack Shit.

IF SCOTUS rules against state’s rights and Trump had to be on all ballots, we are right we are right where we were a month ago.,

The divide among us stays the same.

Rationally it looks to me that a USSC decision that blocks an insurrectionist from running for President will unite us if MAGA gets violent again like it did in DJT’s first insurrection on J6.

nf.23.12.30 #10
to bckvgn.23.23.30 #2

That is foolish because the military and police tend to mostly be MAGA.
We need to split. I hope we avoid the war, but no longer care. Congrats, you killed America. Happy?

The US needed to split up centuries ago.
We are too big, too powerful, and too corrupt to be allowed to invade innocent countries like we do.
He's wrong. Nobody is going do squat about Trump getting barred from ballots, just a bunch of noisy drunks posturing for their bar buddies.

Just enjoy the slide down, and the shit show of these deviants and freaks eating their own over the power struggles and the racist civil war between black hood rats and latino barrio bums over turf and cheap housing. You bullshit artists can't even keep faggots out your school kids' pants; you're jokes.

This is the worst precedent ever, and no one is going to be safe if this is allowed.
Well what do you know, Axelrod is using logic and common sense. Actually that's what Biden wants, to rip the country apart. It's already divided as it could be. Only thing missing is a trigger situation that will ignite the powder keg.

Fuck Axelrod.
Good point.
We have no public health care, huge taxes, outrageous tuition, the highest imprisonment rate in the world, constant wars by lying politicians, etc., and yet we somehow feel smug about being a "democracy"?
There are good points too IMO.
I'm mostly concerned that the political divide with cause antother civil war.

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