Screw the people Democrats SCREAM....Axelrod Warns: Trump Leading in Virus Crisis Will Help in Elect

Well the sitting Potus has an 80% chance of getting re-elected. Also he found out the market is going down, and he changed his tune about Covid 19. The first day he took it seriously was March16th, before that he said it was a hoax by the democrats.

I wrote it on the calendar the first time he seemed to take its seriously, and the day he started, Pence is no longer in charge.

They must of had a good sitting down heart to heart talk with him.

TRUMP took this serious when he stoped travel from China which he did while democrats were focused on impeachment.
Are you expecting an argument about CNN being fake news and 95% negative on Trump?
CNN and MSDNC rarely have a conservative on their discussion panels to speak the truth.
Why even watch DNC talking points all day and all night?

Clearly you have never watched CNN or MSNBC. I don't watch CNN but I do have MSNBC and all of their panels seem to be disaffected Republicans who want someone other than Trump in the WH. Even the few times I have watched CNN, there are always Republicans on the panels.
Republicans have been screaming "Let them die" through their health care policies forever. A few days of acting like they give a shit does not make up for that.

Democrats want to give us a single payer system, they have in Italy? How's that working out for the Italians right now? Amazing how bad things can get when you have rationed healthcare...isn't it?
As far as the left goes it's working out well in Italy. The head US doctor at WHO is Eziekiel Emanuel brother of Rahm Emanuel. Zeke has been working toward a mandatory life span of 75 years his entire career.
Well the sitting Potus has an 80% chance of getting re-elected. Also he found out the market is going down, and he changed his tune about Covid 19. The first day he took it seriously was March16th, before that he said it was a hoax by the democrats.

I wrote it on the calendar the first time he seemed to take its seriously, and the day he started, Pence is no longer in charge.

They must of had a good sitting down heart to heart talk with him.
Shit happens, we have you!
President Trump's win will be legendary and epic.
Compared to the Surrender Monkey who now appears to have been working with the Chinese, it certainly will be!

I think CNN and MSNBC are like unhealthy addictions. I've seen how they can transform a regular person, looking for answers, into a screaming, bigoted hater who needs to be reassured daily that Trump is close to being led out in handcuffs. I know two people who have developed high blood pressure from obsessing on the MSMs promises. The liberal haters need anti Trump input so bad that the media knows they can get away with telling these people blatant lies, and that's exactly what they do.

Funny, That kind of describes Right Wingers watching Fox during Clinton and Obama.

FXN always has democrats on every discussion panel to discuss both sides fairly.
Don't want to brag, but FXN is "fair & balanced" news.

No, it isn't. It never has been. And I've been watching Fox since the late 90's. Sure, they run out a token left winger for the rest of the right wingnuts to shout down and talk over, but that's just good marketing. Keeps base satiated with red meat.

FOX has been driving you CRAZY since the late 90's...hasn't it, Jack! That lone outpost of the main stream media that hasn't been controlled by you on the left? A place that didn't bash W night and day? A site that challenged Obama's bullshit when his policies failed miserably? Somewhere that Hillary's lies were exposed? As the rest of the main stream media veered hard left...FOX has simply remained what they've always been...conservatively biased...and you HATE that...don't you?

Wow, someones got a bee in their bonnet. :) You should really relax. Fox is what it is. I used to watch Hannity and Colmes regularly..and found a lot of it enjoyable. But somewhere in the sea of hatred that the loonies washed up on the right wing shores between 9/11 and Obama, it stop being anything close to "Fair and Balance"..which let's face facts, it never was.

The myth of a liberal media is just that. A myth perpetrated by the right wing to convey some sort of extreme bias against conservatives. We have four decades of largely failed conservative policies to point to that we can be biased against. All I have to do is scan the Internet for websites, blogs, podcasts and look at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram groups to tell me that the right wing FAR outnumbers anything that can be considered "left".

But given your Obama/Clinton everything left is bad screed above, I suspect what really chaps you is the fact those people will be remembered as professionals. And also the fact that the breed of people you support are slowly but surely being phased out of evolution.

So it's a "myth" that the main stream media is liberally biased? I hate to break this to you, TT but even the editor of The New York Times admitted that their coverage was biased towards a liberal viewpoint! The "breed" of people I support are being phased out of existence by evolution? What the heck does that even mean? That may be one of the weirdest things anyone will say on this forum today!
Democrats want to give us a single payer system, they have in Italy? How's that working out for the Italians right now? Amazing how bad things can get when you have rationed healthcare...isn't it?

Better than it's working out here... we aren't even seeing the start of this and our economy is already wrecked thanks to Trump.
More like in a time of crisis the perils of socialized medicine are being exposed, Occupied! We'll come through this better than Italy because they have the system you on the left want us to have.

Uh, buddy, Trump is trying to get government to spend another Trillion Dollars we don't have. We are all socialists now.

Where are the market solutions you guys keep talking about?
So it's a "myth" that the main stream media is liberally biased? I hate to break this to you, TT but even the editor of The New York Times admitted that their coverage was biased towards a liberal viewpoint! The "breed" of people I support are being phased out of existence by evolution? What the heck does that even mean? That may be one of the weirdest things anyone will say on this forum today!

Reality has a liberal bias.

Conservatism has "alternative facts".
Everything ELSE is polluted by ugly, party-over-country partisan politics, why not this?

No one is actually SURPRISED, are they? Really?
Everything ELSE is polluted by ugly, party-over-country partisan politics, why not this?

No one is actually SURPRISED, are they? Really?

No, no one is surprised that a guy who is anti-scientist, anti-government professional and racist ignored a major threat until it was too late.

But you keep making excuses for him, Stormy, that's what you do best.
Funny, That kind of describes Right Wingers watching Fox during Clinton and Obama.

FXN always has democrats on every discussion panel to discuss both sides fairly.
Don't want to brag, but FXN is "fair & balanced" news.

No, it isn't. It never has been. And I've been watching Fox since the late 90's. Sure, they run out a token left winger for the rest of the right wingnuts to shout down and talk over, but that's just good marketing. Keeps base satiated with red meat.

FOX has been driving you CRAZY since the late 90's...hasn't it, Jack! That lone outpost of the main stream media that hasn't been controlled by you on the left? A place that didn't bash W night and day? A site that challenged Obama's bullshit when his policies failed miserably? Somewhere that Hillary's lies were exposed? As the rest of the main stream media veered hard left...FOX has simply remained what they've always been...conservatively biased...and you HATE that...don't you?

Wow, someones got a bee in their bonnet. :) You should really relax. Fox is what it is. I used to watch Hannity and Colmes regularly..and found a lot of it enjoyable. But somewhere in the sea of hatred that the loonies washed up on the right wing shores between 9/11 and Obama, it stop being anything close to "Fair and Balance"..which let's face facts, it never was.

The myth of a liberal media is just that. A myth perpetrated by the right wing to convey some sort of extreme bias against conservatives. We have four decades of largely failed conservative policies to point to that we can be biased against. All I have to do is scan the Internet for websites, blogs, podcasts and look at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram groups to tell me that the right wing FAR outnumbers anything that can be considered "left".

But given your Obama/Clinton everything left is bad screed above, I suspect what really chaps you is the fact those people will be remembered as professionals. And also the fact that the breed of people you support are slowly but surely being phased out of evolution.

So it's a "myth" that the main stream media is liberally biased? I hate to break this to you, TT but even the editor of The New York Times admitted that their coverage was biased towards a liberal viewpoint! The "breed" of people I support are being phased out of existence by evolution? What the heck does that even mean? That may be one of the weirdest things anyone will say on this forum today!

Yes, it's a myth. Same myth that's been perpetrated for almost three decades by right wingers who just make excuses that news organizations call them out for their pitching the same constant policy failures. For example, CNN and MSNBC report the news whether you like it or not. MSNBC might lean left (as Fox leans right) but from what I can see, their editorials are clearly labeled OPINION. Just because they point out the critical failings of politicians (most of whom seem to be on the Republican side of the aisle), doesn't make it left leaning. Contrast to pulling any of the alt-right publications out of thin air and trying to dress their "opinion" pieces up as journalism.

I apologize for the last comment. You're right, that does seem weird. Happens when stuff just pours out of my brain and I break my rule of not proof-reading. What I meant was the middle to older age baby boomer voters who barely squeaked Trump into office 3.5 years ago are slowly dying off, replaced by younger voters who are tired of seeing what their previous generations have left them in the way of economic, environmental, and political wreckage.
FXN always has democrats on every discussion panel to discuss both sides fairly.
Don't want to brag, but FXN is "fair & balanced" news.

No, it isn't. It never has been. And I've been watching Fox since the late 90's. Sure, they run out a token left winger for the rest of the right wingnuts to shout down and talk over, but that's just good marketing. Keeps base satiated with red meat.

FOX has been driving you CRAZY since the late 90's...hasn't it, Jack! That lone outpost of the main stream media that hasn't been controlled by you on the left? A place that didn't bash W night and day? A site that challenged Obama's bullshit when his policies failed miserably? Somewhere that Hillary's lies were exposed? As the rest of the main stream media veered hard left...FOX has simply remained what they've always been...conservatively biased...and you HATE that...don't you?

Wow, someones got a bee in their bonnet. :) You should really relax. Fox is what it is. I used to watch Hannity and Colmes regularly..and found a lot of it enjoyable. But somewhere in the sea of hatred that the loonies washed up on the right wing shores between 9/11 and Obama, it stop being anything close to "Fair and Balance"..which let's face facts, it never was.

The myth of a liberal media is just that. A myth perpetrated by the right wing to convey some sort of extreme bias against conservatives. We have four decades of largely failed conservative policies to point to that we can be biased against. All I have to do is scan the Internet for websites, blogs, podcasts and look at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram groups to tell me that the right wing FAR outnumbers anything that can be considered "left".

But given your Obama/Clinton everything left is bad screed above, I suspect what really chaps you is the fact those people will be remembered as professionals. And also the fact that the breed of people you support are slowly but surely being phased out of evolution.

So it's a "myth" that the main stream media is liberally biased? I hate to break this to you, TT but even the editor of The New York Times admitted that their coverage was biased towards a liberal viewpoint! The "breed" of people I support are being phased out of existence by evolution? What the heck does that even mean? That may be one of the weirdest things anyone will say on this forum today!

Yes, it's a myth. Same myth that's been perpetrated for almost three decades by right wingers who just make excuses that news organizations call them out for their pitching the same constant policy failures. For example, CNN and MSNBC report the news whether you like it or not. MSNBC might lean left (as Fox leans right) but from what I can see, their editorials are clearly labeled OPINION. Just because they point out the critical failings of politicians (most of whom seem to be on the Republican side of the aisle), doesn't make it left leaning. Contrast to pulling any of the alt-right publications out of thin air and trying to dress their "opinion" pieces up as journalism.

I apologize for the last comment. You're right, that does seem weird. Happens when stuff just pours out of my brain and I break my rule of not proof-reading. What I meant was the middle to older age baby boomer voters who barely squeaked Trump into office 3.5 years ago are slowly dying off, replaced by younger voters who are tired of seeing what their previous generations have left them in the way of economic, environmental, and political wreckage.

MSNBC might lean left? Dude, you're embarrassing yourself!
When someone says something THAT clueless they out themselves as one of the truly brainwashed!
As for the "wreckage" you think have been left to future generations? Why is that the fault of conservatives? Where are things the most screwed up in this country? Does it not register with you that cities and States controlled by liberals have some serious issues at the moment? If you guys are supposedly the "cure" to what ails all of us...then kindly explain why you can't fix things in the places you already hold sway over?
Democrats want to give us a single payer system, they have in Italy? How's that working out for the Italians right now? Amazing how bad things can get when you have rationed healthcare...isn't it?

Better than it's working out here... we aren't even seeing the start of this and our economy is already wrecked thanks to Trump.

Our economy will be in better shape than almost any other nation on the planet by summer, Joey and that will be because of Donald Trump's handling of this issue. Would you care to guess when the Italian economy will recover? My guess is sometime around "never"!
Are you expecting an argument about CNN being fake news and 95% negative on Trump?
CNN and MSDNC rarely have a conservative on their discussion panels to speak the truth.
Why even watch DNC talking points all day and all night?

It's a shame. I can only watch FoxNews for the latest on the virus. Every time I put CNN or MSNBC on they can't go 30 seconds without playing politics and egging on their guests to bash the President. No wonder my Liberals friends and family are so misinformed. In a time like this you would the media would set aside it's bias and just report the news.

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