Aye Carumba! The Police told the Navy that Alexis was going bye bye 6 weeks ago

You can't arrest every one who hears voices. I bet the nra would support letti.g this man get a gun even though he heard voices. :)

Oh heavens no. Not arrest him. Just deny him the secret security clearance. The Navy dropped the ball.

Seems like such a nice young man. Clearly troubled. I was reading how brave he was on 9/11 helping first responders rescuing people. Remarkable story.

I believe he truly did suffer from PTSD.


he wasnt issued secret security clearance. he either had clearance to the yard or stole someone elses card.

stop lying trash.

Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR
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Manchurian Candidate.Obama needed to take the public's attention from Syria and his EPIC failure there to something else...went back to his ole stomping ground of trying to ban guns.

Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.
Manchurian Candidate.Obama needed to take the public's attention from Syria and his EPIC failure there to something else...went back to his ole stomping ground of trying to ban guns.

Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.
Seems to me we had a thread here about a vet with a troubled past that was not allowed to buy a gun. And all the gunnuts here were up in arms about that 'terrible travesty'. It is time that we realize that someone with mental problems is a real menace armed with a weapon that can fire thirty rounds in under ten seconds.
Manchurian Candidate.Obama needed to take the public's attention from Syria and his EPIC failure there to something else...went back to his ole stomping ground of trying to ban guns.

Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

OK. You are an ignorant bigot. Too bad, your loss. You might note that the President has a degree in Constitutional law, whereas the degree you hold is that of an asshole.

And the Supreme Court has already stated that the nation has the right to control the types of weapons that citizens can own. Just what we need, a bunch of gang members with military grade hand grenades.
Manchurian Candidate.Obama needed to take the public's attention from Syria and his EPIC failure there to something else...went back to his ole stomping ground of trying to ban guns.

Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

You are a fucking idiot. Obama has done nothing to infringe on gun rights. In fact, he passed two pro-gun bills and got an F rating from the Brady campaign.

The right wingers need to have the constitution bitch-slapped across their faces over and over until they learn to honor it, instead of trying to destroy it.
Oh heavens no. Not arrest him. Just deny him the secret security clearance. The Navy dropped the ball.

Seems like such a nice young man. Clearly troubled. I was reading how brave he was on 9/11 helping first responders rescuing people. Remarkable story.

I believe he truly did suffer from PTSD.


he wasnt issued secret security clearance. he either had clearance to the yard or stole someone elses card.

stop lying trash.

Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

Apparently the background checks are not being done. Not for security clearance, not for buying weapons.
Oh heavens no. Not arrest him. Just deny him the secret security clearance. The Navy dropped the ball.

Seems like such a nice young man. Clearly troubled. I was reading how brave he was on 9/11 helping first responders rescuing people. Remarkable story.

I believe he truly did suffer from PTSD.


he wasnt issued secret security clearance. he either had clearance to the yard or stole someone elses card.

stop lying trash.

Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

2008....2008....then he left the navy...seriously?
Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

OK. You are an ignorant bigot. Too bad, your loss. You might note that the President has a degree in Constitutional law, whereas the degree you hold is that of an asshole.

And the Supreme Court has already stated that the nation has the right to control the types of weapons that citizens can own. Just what we need, a bunch of gang members with military grade hand grenades.

Hand grenades are not arms as defined by law and the Constitution under the 2nd Amendment. They are explosives.
he wasnt issued secret security clearance. he either had clearance to the yard or stole someone elses card.

stop lying trash.

Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

Apparently the background checks are not being done. Not for security clearance, not for buying weapons.

2 Background checks were done. The man had no police record because idiots did not do the paper work. As for mentally unstable again no one did the proper paper work.
He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

OK. You are an ignorant bigot. Too bad, your loss. You might note that the President has a degree in Constitutional law, whereas the degree you hold is that of an asshole.

And the Supreme Court has already stated that the nation has the right to control the types of weapons that citizens can own. Just what we need, a bunch of gang members with military grade hand grenades.

Hand grenades are not arms as defined by law and the Constitution under the 2nd Amendment. They are explosives.

You can buy .50 caliber BMG tracer ammo from Cabela's. Just the thing for taking out refinery tanks.

.50 BMG (.50 Browning Machine Gun, 12.7x99mm NATO) rifle ammo ammunition - AmmoSeek.com

.50 BMG APIT bullets;


APIT Armor Piercing Incindery Tracers.

Legal to buy. Apperantly not classified as explosives.

Seems to me that we have enough legal and insane access to weapons that have no real civilian use.

Yes, we do need some real controls on nonsense like this. And it is perfectly legal to do that, same as the laws concerning Thompson Machine Guns.
Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

Apparently the background checks are not being done. Not for security clearance, not for buying weapons.

2 Background checks were done. The man had no police record because idiots did not do the paper work. As for mentally unstable again no one did the proper paper work.

Well then, a Federal law holding the municipalities that fail to do the paper work legally responsible for the results of their failure. In terms of reparations to the victims of the crime.
Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

OK. You are an ignorant bigot. Too bad, your loss. You might note that the President has a degree in Constitutional law, whereas the degree you hold is that of an asshole.

And the Supreme Court has already stated that the nation has the right to control the types of weapons that citizens can own. Just what we need, a bunch of gang members with military grade hand grenades.
Would that be from Kenya State University? :D Ya know for such a smart guy he sure doesn't comprehend the SHALL NOT INFRINGE part of the 2nd amendment very well.

Obama agrees to an individual's right to bear arms, in principle, but does not take it as an absolute right and considers it as a negotiable subject. Um no its not negotiable. Constitution says shall not infringe. Not shall infringe a little bit or depending on the situation it says SHALL NOT INFRINGE.
He didn't buy a ar-15 he had a shotgun and even if you manage to restrict guns there is always ways around it...

Given his background, he should not have been able to buy a BB gun.
He could have bought it from a private seller...no matter how many laws are passed guns are never going away.
Incredibly stupid post. The President has never tried to ban guns. He has recommended that there be longer waiting periods, and more stringent background checks. Very reasonable recommendations in light of this horror.

He has done more than that. He is like most anti 2nd amendment retards. He can't comprehend the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED part. Only thing that sucks about the constitution is it should have been spelled out in ebonics for our negro in chief to understand.

You are a fucking idiot. Obama has done nothing to infringe on gun rights. In fact, he passed two pro-gun bills and got an F rating from the Brady campaign.

The right wingers need to have the constitution bitch-slapped across their faces over and over until they learn to honor it, instead of trying to destroy it.
Obama signed legislation this year that would allow guns in national parks and on Amtrak trains.
The two gun measures were attached as amendments to larger pieces of legislation — a bill cracking down on credit card companies and a transportation appropriations bill, respectively — that the president generally supported.

LOL seriously? He had no choice but to sign those...part of MUCH LARGER bills he needed to pass. Oh and the brady tards endorsed Obama in 2008...He thinks he can just sign an EO banning guns he has another thing coming...as far as waking white people up Obama and his racist cronies have done a wonderful job. Americans are now more armed and ready to rumble than ever...ya think he is dumb enough to try and start something? We know he has no back bone he was bitch slapped over Syria so....
he wasnt issued secret security clearance. he either had clearance to the yard or stole someone elses card.

stop lying trash.

Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

2008....2008....then he left the navy...seriously?

Seriously Plas. All kidding aside this guy fell thru every crack and beyond.

And back to my OP about the policeman then calling the Navy and informing them about this last incidentjust 6 weeks ago, well geeze louise someone dropped the ball big time.
Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

Apparently the background checks are not being done. Not for security clearance, not for buying weapons.

2 Background checks were done. The man had no police record because idiots did not do the paper work. As for mentally unstable again no one did the proper paper work.

so then the law actually works when you have people doing it properly. Glad we can agree on this.
Here you go. Now you can call NPR liars and trash as well I suppose. ETA: dipshits too :lol: Just read your other post.

....the suspected lone gunman who was killed by police in Monday's attack, was issued a "secret" level government clearance in March 2008, some three years before being discharged from the Navy, NPR's Tom Bowman said, citing Pentagon officials.

A secret clearance is normally good for 10 years, ...

Alleged Navy Yard Shooter Got Clearances Despite Troubled Past : The Two-Way : NPR

2008....2008....then he left the navy...seriously?

Seriously Plas. All kidding aside this guy fell thru every crack and beyond.

And back to my OP about the policeman then calling the Navy and informing them about this last incidentjust 6 weeks ago, well geeze louise someone dropped the ball big time.

seriously though, your information is out of context. So you are wrong about his clearance.

so laziness is to blame for this situation.
2008....2008....then he left the navy...seriously?

Seriously Plas. All kidding aside this guy fell thru every crack and beyond.

And back to my OP about the policeman then calling the Navy and informing them about this last incidentjust 6 weeks ago, well geeze louise someone dropped the ball big time.

seriously though, your information is out of context. So you are wrong about his clearance.

so laziness is to blame for this situation.

What is there to dispute? He had "secret security clearance".

If you have private information that he did not have this clearance, well hell's bells you better email the Senate right away because they are about to hold hearings on this on the Hill.

A simple email from you with your private information could save the taxpayers a fortune.
Seriously Plas. All kidding aside this guy fell thru every crack and beyond.

And back to my OP about the policeman then calling the Navy and informing them about this last incidentjust 6 weeks ago, well geeze louise someone dropped the ball big time.

seriously though, your information is out of context. So you are wrong about his clearance.

so laziness is to blame for this situation.

What is there to dispute? He had "secret security clearance".

If you have private information that he did not have this clearance, well hell's bells you better email the Senate right away because they are about to hold hearings on this on the Hill.

A simple email from you with your private information could save the taxpayers a fortune.

in 2008 which makes it irrelevant since he left the navy in 2011.

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