Ayelet Shaked


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
When she was Justice Minister she drafted important legislation. Now she opposes Bibi for not being conservative enough. If she were Prime Minister she believes in peace through strength but not sure of her diplomacy skills.
She would be a nightmare for Hamas and Iran but could she have brokered the Abraham Accords and peace/economic deals Bibi did? I do not know because she opposed canceling annexation plans for west bank but in exchange we got American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights and normalized relations with Bahrain and UAE which led to normalization with Sudan and Morocco.
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When she was Justice Minister she drafted important legislation. Now she opposes Bibi for not being conservative enough. If she were Prime Minister she believes in peace through strength but not sure of her diplomacy skills.

An interesting thought, never considered that.
Wallaq, from all the candidates, she actually might be the most firm character
to grab PM Netanyahu's position.

From the conversations online, I think in the coming days will be decided the relationship of the national camp to Naftali Bennet. But that still doesn't mean the Yaminah camp will go with Ayelet Shaked. If I was her, I'd seriously consider an alternative feminist campaign to attract Meirav Michaeli's voters, and try as much shift the map on the left towards its traditional stance.

The alternative to Likud is not Yaminah,
it's a conservative version of an 'Avodah style party.
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