Ayn Rand, the church, The GOP and Paul Ryan

This again? How many times does this idiocy have to be slapped down?
There could be a first time.

Here’s What Paul Ryan’s Latest Answer About Ayn Rand Really Means

Ryan concedes the economic influence, but plays it down: “I adored her novels when I was young, and in many ways they gave me an interest in economics.” What does he mean when he says “when I was young”? Ryan was elected to Congress at the age of 28. At the age of 29, he listedAtlas Shrugged as one of the books he rereads most often. At the age of 33, he told a reporter he still gives out copies of the tome and tries to make his interns read it. At the age of 35, he appeared at a society of Rand devotees and professed that Rand’s philosophy has motivated his entire career. At the age of 39, he described Rand as the prophet of the Obama era.

I'm talking about the claim the Rand admired a serial killer. Whether Paul Ryan is one of her fans is a concern only to scumbag traitor commies like you. Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot are your heroes.
What is wrong with your kind. This story has been around for decades.

How Ayn Rand became a big admirer of serial killer William Hickman

All kinds of bullshit has been around for decades, and your kind is the mostly likely to fall for it.
Fall for it???? Don't you know how to use Google? What is wrong with you? Why double down on tard?

Yes, I know it's possible to Google up a mountain of bullshit. Are implying that if something is found on the internet that it must be true? Talk about retarded.

Say, isn't the word "tard" an example of hate speech?
God I hope Ryan becomes speaker. It'll be so fun!

There could be a first time.

Here’s What Paul Ryan’s Latest Answer About Ayn Rand Really Means

Ryan concedes the economic influence, but plays it down: “I adored her novels when I was young, and in many ways they gave me an interest in economics.” What does he mean when he says “when I was young”? Ryan was elected to Congress at the age of 28. At the age of 29, he listedAtlas Shrugged as one of the books he rereads most often. At the age of 33, he told a reporter he still gives out copies of the tome and tries to make his interns read it. At the age of 35, he appeared at a society of Rand devotees and professed that Rand’s philosophy has motivated his entire career. At the age of 39, he described Rand as the prophet of the Obama era.

I'm talking about the claim the Rand admired a serial killer. Whether Paul Ryan is one of her fans is a concern only to scumbag traitor commies like you. Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot are your heroes.
What is wrong with your kind. This story has been around for decades.

How Ayn Rand became a big admirer of serial killer William Hickman

All kinds of bullshit has been around for decades, and your kind is the mostly likely to fall for it.
Fall for it???? Don't you know how to use Google? What is wrong with you? Why double down on tard?

Yes, I know it's possible to Google up a mountain of bullshit. Are implying that if something is found on the internet that it must be true? Talk about retarded.

Say, isn't the word "tard" an example of hate speech?
Not really.

From the Urban Dictionary:

Urban Dictionary: Tard

Adjective used to describe one so retarded, they do not deserve the 're'

See, no is talking about people who are mentally disabled. "Tard" is a determined ignorance.
I'm talking about the claim the Rand admired a serial killer. Whether Paul Ryan is one of her fans is a concern only to scumbag traitor commies like you. Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot are your heroes.
What is wrong with your kind. This story has been around for decades.

How Ayn Rand became a big admirer of serial killer William Hickman

All kinds of bullshit has been around for decades, and your kind is the mostly likely to fall for it.
Fall for it???? Don't you know how to use Google? What is wrong with you? Why double down on tard?

Yes, I know it's possible to Google up a mountain of bullshit. Are implying that if something is found on the internet that it must be true? Talk about retarded.

Say, isn't the word "tard" an example of hate speech?
Not really.

From the Urban Dictionary:

Urban Dictionary: Tard

Adjective used to describe one so retarded, they do not deserve the 're'

See, no is talking about people who are mentally disabled. "Tard" is a determined ignorance.

If a Republican had used that words tards like you would be all over him accusing him of being a hater.
What is wrong with your kind. This story has been around for decades.

How Ayn Rand became a big admirer of serial killer William Hickman

All kinds of bullshit has been around for decades, and your kind is the mostly likely to fall for it.
Fall for it???? Don't you know how to use Google? What is wrong with you? Why double down on tard?

Yes, I know it's possible to Google up a mountain of bullshit. Are implying that if something is found on the internet that it must be true? Talk about retarded.

Say, isn't the word "tard" an example of hate speech?
Not really.

From the Urban Dictionary:

Urban Dictionary: Tard

Adjective used to describe one so retarded, they do not deserve the 're'

See, no is talking about people who are mentally disabled. "Tard" is a determined ignorance.

If a Republican had used that words tards like you would be all over him accusing him of being a hater.
Ayn Rand: Sociopath Who Admired a Serial Killer?

Rand filled her early notebooks with worshipful praise of Hickman. According to biographer Jennifer Burns, author of Goddess of the Market, Rand was so smitten with Hickman that she modeled her first literary creation -- Danny Renahan, the protagonist of her unfinished first novel, The Little Street -- on him.

What did Rand admire so much about Hickman? His sociopathic qualities: "Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should," she wrote, gushing that Hickman had "no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel 'other people.'"

This echoes almost word for word Rand's later description of her character Howard Roark, the hero of her novel The Fountainhead: "He was born without the ability to consider others." (The Fountainhead is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' favorite book -- he even requires his clerks to read it.)


It's in writing.
What is wrong with your kind. This story has been around for decades.

How Ayn Rand became a big admirer of serial killer William Hickman

All kinds of bullshit has been around for decades, and your kind is the mostly likely to fall for it.
Fall for it???? Don't you know how to use Google? What is wrong with you? Why double down on tard?

Yes, I know it's possible to Google up a mountain of bullshit. Are implying that if something is found on the internet that it must be true? Talk about retarded.

Say, isn't the word "tard" an example of hate speech?
Not really.

From the Urban Dictionary:

Urban Dictionary: Tard

Adjective used to describe one so retarded, they do not deserve the 're'

See, no is talking about people who are mentally disabled. "Tard" is a determined ignorance.

If a Republican had used that words tards like you would be all over him accusing him of being a hater.
Many Republicans are tards. It's no a put down, just an accurate description of who they are and what they represent.

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