AZ Senator Kyrsten Sinema won't support $15 Minimum Wage

Senator Kyrsten Sinema has expressed her opposition to raising the federal minimum wage to $15, dealing a blow to the Biden administrationā€™s hopes of fulfilling a key campaign promise in the upcoming coronavirus relief package.

ā€œWhatā€™s important is whether or not itā€™s directly related to short-term COVID relief. And if itā€™s not, then I am not going to support it in this legislation,ā€ Sinema said in an interview with Politico.

ā€œThe minimum wage provision is not appropriate for the reconciliation process. It is not a budget item. And it shouldnā€™t be in there,ā€ the Arizona Democrat added.

Democrats are hoping to push through a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package using budget reconciliation, a parliamentary procedure that allows them to approve the legislation with a simple majority of 51 votes rather than the 60 votes normally required.

The Senate is currently split evenly with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If no Republican crosses party lines to vote for the relief bill, Democrats would need all Democrats to vote as a bloc, and Vice President Kamala Harris would cast the deciding vote in favor of the package.

Another moderate Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has also added to his partyā€™s travails regarding the relief billā€™s passage, saying he would not support including a federal $15 minimum wage either.

Sinema, the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Arizona in 30 years, is also reluctant to approve legislation with a simple majority of senators through the budget reconciliation process, rather than clearing the normal legislative hurdle.

ā€œI want to restore the 60-vote threshold for all elements of the Senateā€™s work,ā€ she said.

The Senate parliamentarian is supposed to rule on whether the M-Wage increase can be included in a reconciliation bill, but has yet to do so. Doesn't sound like it would pass anyway though. And it doesn't sound like she or Manchin will support efforts to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster either, and that was my main worry. If I'm not mistaken, the Senate can only push through one reconciliation bill per year, according to their rules. So most of that weird Far Left Green New Deal crap isn't going to happen, unless Biden get creative with his EOs. Which I'm sure the Repubs will challenge in court, same as the Dems did for Trump's EOs. Good on her and Manchin, but they're going to face a lot of heat for not giving the Far Left what they want.

Biden says he'll push for the $15 M-Wage in a separate bill, which I doubt will get though the Senate either.
AZ is a right to work state anyways.

I don't know if that makes a difference to a federally-mandated minimum wage, although I guess it's going to be rather consequential to those who will suddenly be unemployed because of it.
Lets censure her! LOL

While I disagree with her on I think some senatorial independence is a good thing. Republicans should embrace it as well.
You disagree that covid and minimum wage laws are unrelated? lol
I disagree with not raising the federal minimum wage.
She didnt say she was against it. She said she was against it being in a covid relief package.
If all congressmen were like her, we wouldnt have such ridiculous legislation. Like PORK. I commend her for it. Its how its SUPPOSED to be done.
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hey, wow, advice on how we should feel about the running of our country from someone who has no dog in the fight whatsoever. I'll get right on treating that with the respect it deserves.

The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hey, wow, advice on how we should feel about the running of our country from someone who has no dog in the fight whatsoever. I'll get right on treating that with the respect it deserves.

View attachment 456338

Where did I tell anyone how to "feel" about anything, oh butthurt one? I just pointed out that that whining a lack of stimulus cheques, when Republicans spent 6 months giving him nothing, and were still refusing to approve further stimulus cheques, makes him look dumber than a sack of hammers.

Of course, you've adopted being dumber than a sack of hammers as a way of life. Better stock up on Preparation H. It's gonna be a long 4 years for you.
I hope she holds up when the AOC squad types start applying the screws to her which they will.
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hey, wow, advice on how we should feel about the running of our country from someone who has no dog in the fight whatsoever. I'll get right on treating that with the respect it deserves.

View attachment 456338

Where did I tell anyone how to "feel" about anything, oh butthurt one? I just pointed out that that whining a lack of stimulus cheques, when Republicans spent 6 months giving him nothing, and were still refusing to approve further stimulus cheques, makes him look dumber than a sack of hammers.

Of course, you've adopted being dumber than a sack of hammers as a way of life. Better stock up on Preparation H. It's gonna be a long 4 years for you.
We shouldnā€™t be sending any checks, we simply donā€™t have the money. All they do is print money and devalue what we already earned through hard work.
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hush and go intern yourself at Trudeau's Covid Camps.

Positive tests yesterday 3,200 - down from 11,800 January 3rd. Total active cases - Under 38,000, down from 83,000 in early January. Re-opening has begun. Vaccination rollout back on track after supply shortages in January. Toronto getting ready to vax the whole city, other urban areas following the model.

Congratulations, this week the USA has seen it's first decline in the number of active cases since the pandemic began. From a high of 9.8 million active cases on January 30th, you are down to 9.5 million cases today. For the past year, your active case numbers have risen steadily. The rate of increase has slowed, but the numbers have never come down before this week. New cases are down to 100,000 per day, instead of the 300,000 per day peak.

These numbers are horrific. Especially when you consider that 9.8 million sick means a probable loss of up to 250,000 more American lives, before these cases are resolved. Canada is looking at a loss of 1000 more souls before our cases are resolved.
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hush and go intern yourself at Trudeau's Covid Camps.

Positive tests yesterday 3,200 - down from 11,800 January 3rd. Total active cases - Under 38,000, down from 83,000 in early January. Re-opening has begun. Vaccination rollout back on track after supply shortages in January. Toronto getting ready to vax the whole city, other urban areas following the model.

Congratulations, this week the USA has seen it's first decline in the number of active cases since the pandemic began. From a high of 9.8 million active cases on January 30th, you are down to 9.5 million cases today. For the past year, your active case numbers have risen steadily. The rate of increase has slowed, but the numbers have never come down before this week. New cases are down to 100,000 per day, instead of the 300,000 per day peak.

These numbers are horrific. Especially when you consider that 9.8 million sick means a probable loss of up to 250,000 more American lives, before these cases are resolved. Canada is looking at a loss of 1000 more souls before our cases are resolved.

Got it, you LOVE your totalitarian system
The democratic party has discussed censuring her because she crosses the isle to much.

And she is completely right in her statement that it has nothing to do with the objectives of the bill.

I applaud her.

It's to bad Manchin can't see that he should be doing the same thing.

Look at all of that unity
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.

Hey, wow, advice on how we should feel about the running of our country from someone who has no dog in the fight whatsoever. I'll get right on treating that with the respect it deserves.

View attachment 456338

Where did I tell anyone how to "feel" about anything, oh butthurt one? I just pointed out that that whining a lack of stimulus cheques, when Republicans spent 6 months giving him nothing, and were still refusing to approve further stimulus cheques, makes him look dumber than a sack of hammers.

Of course, you've adopted being dumber than a sack of hammers as a way of life. Better stock up on Preparation H. It's gonna be a long 4 years for you.
We shouldnā€™t be sending any checks, we simply donā€™t have the money. All they do is print money and devalue what we already earned through hard work.

Then let's just take it out of the money we send to China and every other damn nation on earth...
The Democrats are holding your relief hostage until they get what they want. They don't give a shit that your family ran out of food yesterday...

At least the Democrats are providing relief. That's more than Republicans have done for you throughout the pandemic.
Of course you are simply lying again. The millions of Americans who got one of those checks with Donald Trump's signature on it all know that.
Increased mw bad, sick time paid bad, lunch break bad, fmla bad, unions bad, vacation time bad, breaks for workers bad, and there are actually people who believe paying time and a half for overtime is bad. Oh I forgot today's generation is lazy, afraid of hard work (laughable)
Senator Kyrsten Sinema has expressed her opposition to raising the federal minimum wage to $15, dealing a blow to the Biden administrationā€™s hopes of fulfilling a key campaign promise in the upcoming coronavirus relief package.

ā€œWhatā€™s important is whether or not itā€™s directly related to short-term COVID relief. And if itā€™s not, then I am not going to support it in this legislation,ā€ Sinema said in an interview with Politico.

ā€œThe minimum wage provision is not appropriate for the reconciliation process. It is not a budget item. And it shouldnā€™t be in there,ā€ the Arizona Democrat added.

Democrats are hoping to push through a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package using budget reconciliation, a parliamentary procedure that allows them to approve the legislation with a simple majority of 51 votes rather than the 60 votes normally required.

The Senate is currently split evenly with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If no Republican crosses party lines to vote for the relief bill, Democrats would need all Democrats to vote as a bloc, and Vice President Kamala Harris would cast the deciding vote in favor of the package.

Another moderate Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has also added to his partyā€™s travails regarding the relief billā€™s passage, saying he would not support including a federal $15 minimum wage either.

Sinema, the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Arizona in 30 years, is also reluctant to approve legislation with a simple majority of senators through the budget reconciliation process, rather than clearing the normal legislative hurdle.

ā€œI want to restore the 60-vote threshold for all elements of the Senateā€™s work,ā€ she said.

The Senate parliamentarian is supposed to rule on whether the M-Wage increase can be included in a reconciliation bill, but has yet to do so. Doesn't sound like it would pass anyway though. And it doesn't sound like she or Manchin will support efforts to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster either, and that was my main worry. If I'm not mistaken, the Senate can only push through one reconciliation bill per year, according to their rules. So most of that weird Far Left Green New Deal crap isn't going to happen, unless Biden get creative with his EOs. Which I'm sure the Repubs will challenge in court, same as the Dems did for Trump's EOs. Good on her and Manchin, but they're going to face a lot of heat for not giving the Far Left what they want.

Biden says he'll push for the $15 M-Wage in a separate bill, which I doubt will get though the Senate either.
We can only hope that more democrats will cross the aisle and disavow this communist lunacy.

Only Democrats in precarious seats, like Sinema, would ever even consider it.
That is your opinion and you're entitled to it.
Lets censure her! LOL

While I disagree with her on I think some senatorial independence is a good thing. Republicans should embrace it as well.

The democratic party has discussed censuring her because she crosses the isle to much.

And she is completely right in her statement that it has nothing to do with the objectives of the bill.

I applaud her.

It's to bad Manchin can't see that he should be doing the same thing.

I think the party is ignorant and shortsighted on that subject. Sinema has shitty fashion sense, but I don't think she's a complete idiot. She's crossing the aisle and taking the public stands she is because she's trying to navigate her way to re-election in a state that's very far from being a secure Democrat stronghold (at least, at the moment). If she comes off as a crazed left-wing radical, Arizona will have her replaced with a Republican - virtually ANY Republican - in a heartbeat, and she knows it.
Can you believe it, instead of the UNITED States of America, we have become the DIVIDED Republican and Democrat States of America. Welcome to China. Mandarin lessons will be compulsory.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema has expressed her opposition to raising the federal minimum wage to $15, dealing a blow to the Biden administrationā€™s hopes of fulfilling a key campaign promise in the upcoming coronavirus relief package.

ā€œWhatā€™s important is whether or not itā€™s directly related to short-term COVID relief. And if itā€™s not, then I am not going to support it in this legislation,ā€ Sinema said in an interview with Politico.

ā€œThe minimum wage provision is not appropriate for the reconciliation process. It is not a budget item. And it shouldnā€™t be in there,ā€ the Arizona Democrat added.

Democrats are hoping to push through a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package using budget reconciliation, a parliamentary procedure that allows them to approve the legislation with a simple majority of 51 votes rather than the 60 votes normally required.

The Senate is currently split evenly with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If no Republican crosses party lines to vote for the relief bill, Democrats would need all Democrats to vote as a bloc, and Vice President Kamala Harris would cast the deciding vote in favor of the package.

Another moderate Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has also added to his partyā€™s travails regarding the relief billā€™s passage, saying he would not support including a federal $15 minimum wage either.

Sinema, the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Arizona in 30 years, is also reluctant to approve legislation with a simple majority of senators through the budget reconciliation process, rather than clearing the normal legislative hurdle.

ā€œI want to restore the 60-vote threshold for all elements of the Senateā€™s work,ā€ she said.

The Senate parliamentarian is supposed to rule on whether the M-Wage increase can be included in a reconciliation bill, but has yet to do so. Doesn't sound like it would pass anyway though. And it doesn't sound like she or Manchin will support efforts to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster either, and that was my main worry. If I'm not mistaken, the Senate can only push through one reconciliation bill per year, according to their rules. So most of that weird Far Left Green New Deal crap isn't going to happen, unless Biden get creative with his EOs. Which I'm sure the Repubs will challenge in court, same as the Dems did for Trump's EOs. Good on her and Manchin, but they're going to face a lot of heat for not giving the Far Left what they want.

Biden says he'll push for the $15 M-Wage in a separate bill, which I doubt will get though the Senate either.
We can only hope that more democrats will cross the aisle and disavow this communist lunacy.

Have you ever read any world history? It seems not, given the ignorance in your post.
Dems will PURCHASE HER VOTE watch and see. That's how they got Obamacare passed.

I get the sense that she wants the position more than she wants cash. If she plays herself as a sensible moderate right now, Arizonans will likely keep voting for her. And she has a lot of power right now, because the Democrats can't afford to lose even a single seat by pushing someone to flip to Independent and start caucusing with the Republicans. Some of the younger idealistic morons might not realize who really holds the whip hand right now, but I guarantee you the Democrat leadership knows it very well.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema has expressed her opposition to raising the federal minimum wage to $15, dealing a blow to the Biden administrationā€™s hopes of fulfilling a key campaign promise in the upcoming coronavirus relief package.

ā€œWhatā€™s important is whether or not itā€™s directly related to short-term COVID relief. And if itā€™s not, then I am not going to support it in this legislation,ā€ Sinema said in an interview with Politico.

ā€œThe minimum wage provision is not appropriate for the reconciliation process. It is not a budget item. And it shouldnā€™t be in there,ā€ the Arizona Democrat added.

Democrats are hoping to push through a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package using budget reconciliation, a parliamentary procedure that allows them to approve the legislation with a simple majority of 51 votes rather than the 60 votes normally required.

The Senate is currently split evenly with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If no Republican crosses party lines to vote for the relief bill, Democrats would need all Democrats to vote as a bloc, and Vice President Kamala Harris would cast the deciding vote in favor of the package.

Another moderate Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has also added to his partyā€™s travails regarding the relief billā€™s passage, saying he would not support including a federal $15 minimum wage either.

Sinema, the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Arizona in 30 years, is also reluctant to approve legislation with a simple majority of senators through the budget reconciliation process, rather than clearing the normal legislative hurdle.

ā€œI want to restore the 60-vote threshold for all elements of the Senateā€™s work,ā€ she said.

The Senate parliamentarian is supposed to rule on whether the M-Wage increase can be included in a reconciliation bill, but has yet to do so. Doesn't sound like it would pass anyway though. And it doesn't sound like she or Manchin will support efforts to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster either, and that was my main worry. If I'm not mistaken, the Senate can only push through one reconciliation bill per year, according to their rules. So most of that weird Far Left Green New Deal crap isn't going to happen, unless Biden get creative with his EOs. Which I'm sure the Repubs will challenge in court, same as the Dems did for Trump's EOs. Good on her and Manchin, but they're going to face a lot of heat for not giving the Far Left what they want.

Biden says he'll push for the $15 M-Wage in a separate bill, which I doubt will get though the Senate either.
We can only hope that more democrats will cross the aisle and disavow this communist lunacy.

Only Democrats in precarious seats, like Sinema, would ever even consider it.
That is your opinion and you're entitled to it.

Considering that it's correct, I should think so.

Democrats are known for their lockstep cohesiveness. It's what makes them so effective and dangerous. Can you honestly think of a single Democrat Senator who isn't in an "iffy" seat that you think would ever buck the party line in a million years?

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