AZ Sheriff: 'Obama Has Led The Largest Prison Break In U.S. History'

How the fuck does any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY allow this DICTORIAL poser in the White House to do this..... How many LAWS have been broken here? Why aren't you fucking LIBERALS up in arms also.... Do you condone the release of 67,000 CRIMINAL ILLEGALS onto the streets of America?

Truth Revolt ^ | 9/11/15 | Caleb Howe
VIDEO: On Fox Business Network on Friday, Sheriff of Arizona's Pinal County Paul Babeu was on to discuss illegal immigration and illegal immigrant crime, when he dropped a rhetorical bomb on the President's policies to date: "A lot people talk about the 12 to 20 million illegals who are here. Let's talk about the 67,000, the smaller portion of criminal illegals who've committed serious, violent crimes in our country who have been released. President Obama has led the largest prison break in U.S. history releasing these criminals." A hard line indeed. Babeu points out the common sense and obvious point...
Obama sounds he is trying to be like your Messiah Ronnie Raygun, who granted 6+ Millions of them "so called" illegals amnesty in the 80's..

Them "so called" Illegals WON'T EVER STOP COMING HERE, as long the GREEDY BIG BAD USA, stop their lust for drugs, and cheap labor to fatten the Employers profits, funny how i never see white meth head crackers climbing on a roof, or picking fruit??

Hispanics are the fastest growing race in the USA, old whites are dying off, and more Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks are being born, compared to Whites, WHITEY WILL BE A MINORITY IN 30 YEARS:party:BUT the party has already started we have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 national elections, and Obama won in 08, and 12 by a LANDSLIDE!!

To be blunt your party is Fucked:lol:
Have you noticed that blacks have held steady for the last 30+ years at about 14% of the population? Perhaps PP SHOULD continue to kill your race, as the DemocRATS want, as your people are useless now that they can get all these illegal Hispanics in. They work much cheaper... or I should say, they work PERIOD as so many of your young don't even try. They seem to be easily bought off for their vote, as blacks start to realize that the few crumb's thrown to them by the DemocRATS mean little, even Charles Barclay sees what has happened to your people...


He's nailed blacks problems, and the Hispanics are going to keep blacks in the same condition they are in now, for the foreseeable future.

Of course we then have this.....

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported
A recently conducted poll revealed that 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back ... voter base using illegal immigrants. ... the law, which when ...

2/3 of legal Hispanics don't want illegals here to take what little pieces of the pie they currently have! They are realizing that FREE SHIT, ISN'T free shit, it ALWAYS has something attached to it, and most of the time, it's detrimental to their betterment.

So you just keep on spouting DemocRAT lies and talking points, but THINKING PEOPLE know what the story is!
You dumb ass Goons are so Obsessed with Hispanics, and especially Blacks:cuckoo:, probably because you Nazi's FINALLY REALIZE, they hate you just as much as you hate them, probably more :clap2:..

Southern poor ass white trash, inbred meth heads, have been voting for the Repugs, for over 40 years now and STILL THE POOREST PART OF THE COUNTRY, funny how you stupid fucks keep voting for the same assholes that are killing you, AND KEEPING YOU POOR..

You Maggots are white slaves to your Master down in the White trash Bible belt, you have the lowest life expectancy, the most welfare dependents, the lowest wages, shittiest jobs, and more that lack Health Insurance, and the most meth addicts, "SURPRISE"..

Why did Romney win the South, when he said he hates the poor, and wears shoes that cost more than most of you dumb fucks make in a year:cuckoo:

Only one question, for a dumb black man.... what is the life expectancy of a black in America today, as compared to a white? Even a dumbass, black thug should be able to answer that! :ahole-1:
How the fuck does any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY allow this DICTORIAL poser in the White House to do this..... How many LAWS have been broken here? Why aren't you fucking LIBERALS up in arms also.... Do you condone the release of 67,000 CRIMINAL ILLEGALS onto the streets of America?

Truth Revolt ^ | 9/11/15 | Caleb Howe
VIDEO: On Fox Business Network on Friday, Sheriff of Arizona's Pinal County Paul Babeu was on to discuss illegal immigration and illegal immigrant crime, when he dropped a rhetorical bomb on the President's policies to date: "A lot people talk about the 12 to 20 million illegals who are here. Let's talk about the 67,000, the smaller portion of criminal illegals who've committed serious, violent crimes in our country who have been released. President Obama has led the largest prison break in U.S. history releasing these criminals." A hard line indeed. Babeu points out the common sense and obvious point...
Obama sounds he is trying to be like your Messiah Ronnie Raygun, who granted 6+ Millions of them "so called" illegals amnesty in the 80's..

Them "so called" Illegals WON'T EVER STOP COMING HERE, as long the GREEDY BIG BAD USA, stop their lust for drugs, and cheap labor to fatten the Employers profits, funny how i never see white meth head crackers climbing on a roof, or picking fruit??

Hispanics are the fastest growing race in the USA, old whites are dying off, and more Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks are being born, compared to Whites, WHITEY WILL BE A MINORITY IN 30 YEARS:party:BUT the party has already started we have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 national elections, and Obama won in 08, and 12 by a LANDSLIDE!!

To be blunt your party is Fucked:lol:
Have you noticed that blacks have held steady for the last 30+ years at about 14% of the population? Perhaps PP SHOULD continue to kill your race, as the DemocRATS want, as your people are useless now that they can get all these illegal Hispanics in. They work much cheaper... or I should say, they work PERIOD as so many of your young don't even try. They seem to be easily bought off for their vote, as blacks start to realize that the few crumb's thrown to them by the DemocRATS mean little, even Charles Barclay sees what has happened to your people...


He's nailed blacks problems, and the Hispanics are going to keep blacks in the same condition they are in now, for the foreseeable future.

Of course we then have this.....

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported
A recently conducted poll revealed that 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back ... voter base using illegal immigrants. ... the law, which when ...

2/3 of legal Hispanics don't want illegals here to take what little pieces of the pie they currently have! They are realizing that FREE SHIT, ISN'T free shit, it ALWAYS has something attached to it, and most of the time, it's detrimental to their betterment.

So you just keep on spouting DemocRAT lies and talking points, but THINKING PEOPLE know what the story is!
You dumb ass Goons are so Obsessed with Hispanics, and especially Blacks:cuckoo:, probably because you Nazi's FINALLY REALIZE, they hate you just as much as you hate them, probably more :clap2:..

Southern poor ass white trash, inbred meth heads, have been voting for the Repugs, for over 40 years now and STILL THE POOREST PART OF THE COUNTRY, funny how you stupid fucks keep voting for the same assholes that are killing you, AND KEEPING YOU POOR..

You Maggots are white slaves to your Master down in the White trash Bible belt, you have the lowest life expectancy, the most welfare dependents, the lowest wages, shittiest jobs, and more that lack Health Insurance, and the most meth addicts, "SURPRISE"..

Why did Romney win the South, when he said he hates the poor, and wears shoes that cost more than most of you dumb fucks make in a year:cuckoo:

Only one question, for a dumb black man.... what is the life expectancy of a black in America today, as compared to a white? Even a dumbass, black thug should be able to answer that! :ahole-1:
:fu:, Goes to show how fucking Retarded you inbreds on the right are, to assume what ones race is on the Internet, you are a real serious dumbfuck..

Im not Black, you goofy cocksucker..

You fucks have Black derangement syndrome, Whites may outlive Blacks BY A FEW YEARS, but Asians outlive you white motherfuckers too, so they are a superior race to you:clap2:..

A thug is a White Whore (according to you white male pigs who are trying to act like Black men by wearing their pants by their ankles) who switches to Black men, because your baby dicks, can't do the job..
How the fuck does any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY allow this DICTORIAL poser in the White House to do this..... How many LAWS have been broken here? Why aren't you fucking LIBERALS up in arms also.... Do you condone the release of 67,000 CRIMINAL ILLEGALS onto the streets of America?

Truth Revolt ^ | 9/11/15 | Caleb Howe
VIDEO: On Fox Business Network on Friday, Sheriff of Arizona's Pinal County Paul Babeu was on to discuss illegal immigration and illegal immigrant crime, when he dropped a rhetorical bomb on the President's policies to date: "A lot people talk about the 12 to 20 million illegals who are here. Let's talk about the 67,000, the smaller portion of criminal illegals who've committed serious, violent crimes in our country who have been released. President Obama has led the largest prison break in U.S. history releasing these criminals." A hard line indeed. Babeu points out the common sense and obvious point...
Obama sounds he is trying to be like your Messiah Ronnie Raygun, who granted 6+ Millions of them "so called" illegals amnesty in the 80's..

Them "so called" Illegals WON'T EVER STOP COMING HERE, as long the GREEDY BIG BAD USA, stop their lust for drugs, and cheap labor to fatten the Employers profits, funny how i never see white meth head crackers climbing on a roof, or picking fruit??

Hispanics are the fastest growing race in the USA, old whites are dying off, and more Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks are being born, compared to Whites, WHITEY WILL BE A MINORITY IN 30 YEARS:party:BUT the party has already started we have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 national elections, and Obama won in 08, and 12 by a LANDSLIDE!!

To be blunt your party is Fucked:lol:
Have you noticed that blacks have held steady for the last 30+ years at about 14% of the population? Perhaps PP SHOULD continue to kill your race, as the DemocRATS want, as your people are useless now that they can get all these illegal Hispanics in. They work much cheaper... or I should say, they work PERIOD as so many of your young don't even try. They seem to be easily bought off for their vote, as blacks start to realize that the few crumb's thrown to them by the DemocRATS mean little, even Charles Barclay sees what has happened to your people...


He's nailed blacks problems, and the Hispanics are going to keep blacks in the same condition they are in now, for the foreseeable future.

Of course we then have this.....

POLL: 64% of Hispanics Want Illegals Deported
A recently conducted poll revealed that 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back ... voter base using illegal immigrants. ... the law, which when ...

2/3 of legal Hispanics don't want illegals here to take what little pieces of the pie they currently have! They are realizing that FREE SHIT, ISN'T free shit, it ALWAYS has something attached to it, and most of the time, it's detrimental to their betterment.

So you just keep on spouting DemocRAT lies and talking points, but THINKING PEOPLE know what the story is!
So you think Charles Barkley is a great sage huh? :lol:
That is called deporting. Do you have other definition? That sends a lot of messages to Mexican people that our borders are not open like it used to be. This is also a big reason why Obama is not popular in Mexico.

Who gives a FUCK what Mexicans think? He isn't deporting HALF of what he says, check out the ICE court reports! Besides that ....

Twenty-five American lives are lost each day in the United States at the hands of criminal and illegal aliens, according to the latest released information culled from the FBI, General Accounting Office (GAO), Western States Sheriff Association (WSSA), the Coalition of Sheriffs’ Organizations, and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Congressional Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.

Law enforcement strained as 25 Americans are killed each day by illegal aliens
You are talking about illegals that are inside this country. I am talking about illegals getting caught at the border then deported ASAP.
You don't give a FOCK what Mexican think but I do. That way they know that we are sending a clear message that our borders are not like it used to be.
Do you want me to give YOU a tour at our borders how we deport illegals? Send me an email here if you are interested. Texas or Arizona border whatever you prefer.

Yes, that will STOP the drug runners and dealers, the rapists, robbers, and burglars.... There are large parts of the border NOT PATROLLED who are you trying to kid, yourself perhaps, and some LOW information voter with your crap, but most people that THINK and actually search the news know what is happening!

Nope. Your wrong. I have far more information and access more than you can imagine. That is why I offer you a tour at our borders so you don't act ignorant. There are no such part of the border that are not patrolled. Our borders are dotted with thousands and thousands of sensors. Just exactly as I said. I'm offering you a live tour at our borders so you get education of how our border agent work. So how about it?

Then asshat, if we have so many fucking sensors, why do we have 20 million illegals? You know anything at all about this?

Border Patrol's hiring blitz not enough to counter hands-off policies, say critics

Let me repeat it again. You are talking 20 millions that are inside. I'm talking about the illegals that are caught at the borders and deported ASAP.

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