B/F police recruit fails shooting test; calls her gun racist

Ok so half of you will respond predictably to this because its heresy. Oh well. This is for the other half....

So as many here know...my neighbor is an active police officer and I am a retired one. I was talking to him today after he went to an continuing education course at the SC police academy last week. And he shared a story that the instructors there told him while at lunch.

Last month they had a black female recruit fail her shooting quals. They get 3 chances to pass these days. She was so bad...that at 15 yards.she bounced a few rounds off the ground. At 25...not a single shot out of 30 hit the paper..much less the silhouette.

After failing her final attempt...she became irate, threw her empty Glock 22 down and called the gun racist. Its heresy. ...but he says the instructors said they recovered the gun and removed her from the range. During her discharge interview from the academy her host agency training officer picked her up and they couldnt get her to clarify how a gun could be racist?

He says she left the academy threatening to get a lawyer. But he doesnt know what came of it.

So we have racist guns now folks.

Couldn't she see the gun was black?
The story isn't about what bad shots women are because many are excellent shots. The story is the excuse given for failure.
I think the whole point is that its a story....Not something to actually believe.
I would have not believed it before a group of black students called the rules of grammar racist.
They are if you think about it. I wouldnt go as far as calling them racist as they existed before people were enslaved but hey do contribute to racism.
When I ran the Navy small arms range on the base in Groton CT. We would get female sailors to qualify for the .45 cal and the 870 shotgun. Most could not hit the board side of a barn with the .45 and the shotgun would knock them over if you did not have your hand on the back of their shoulder.

Hmm, I have found women to be good shots when trained. They have fewer preconceived notions about shooting and less ego involved.

My 1st wife is one of the best shots with a pistol that I have ever been shooting with. And my g/f is almost as good.
Never had any problems with women qualifying with the pistol in the Marine Corps.
Nor in the Navy after they went through instruction. It was the ones that were there to qualify for watch, all they got was the safety course before shooting.

Oh, well that explains a lot. Not being taught to shoot probably makes most people a lousy shot.
I guess a positive note is they didnt pass her. A more politically correct state academy may have passed her or lowered the standard to help their diversity numbers.

Not SC. Standards is the same for all. Even those who got issued a racist Glock.

Its funny tho...they didn't pass her but you maintain the bullshit story to complain about other blacks someone, somewhere who WOULD'VE been passed if only *blah blah make up rant about affirmative action ya da ya da*
I guess a positive note is they didnt pass her. A more politically correct state academy may have passed her or lowered the standard to help their diversity numbers.

Not SC. Standards is the same for all. Even those who got issued a racist Glock.

Its funny tho...they didn't pass her but you maintain the bullshit story to complain about other blacks someone, somewhere who WOULD'VE been passed if only *blah blah make up rant about affirmative action ya da ya da*
You are aware that the military is facing just such a problem. Since women can not pass the military standard for Combat officer course there are demands the qualifications be lowered.
I guess a positive note is they didnt pass her. A more politically correct state academy may have passed her or lowered the standard to help their diversity numbers.

Not SC. Standards is the same for all. Even those who got issued a racist Glock.

Its funny tho...they didn't pass her but you maintain the bullshit story to complain about other blacks someone, somewhere who WOULD'VE been passed if only *blah blah make up rant about affirmative action ya da ya da*
You are aware that the military is facing just such a problem. Since women can not pass the military standard for Combat officer course there are demands the qualifications be lowered.

They're facing the problems from demands? Oh the OP said it like it's already happening....weird.
This has all the hallmarks of pure bullshit.

It happened to a "friend", it perfectly fulfills the racist stereotypes that you already feel, and it doesn't really make any sense.
This has all the hallmarks of pure bullshit.

It happened to a "friend", it perfectly fulfills the racist stereotypes that you already feel, and it doesn't really make any sense.

Ah. So you idiots take as gospel the account of what some Ferguson low life says they saw a cop do...but wont take my account of what a cop saw a cop recruit do? Interesting.

A black potential employee claimed racism when she couldnt meet a standard.

Yep. Thats SOOOOOO unrealistic these days!

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