B/F police recruit fails shooting test; calls her gun racist

Where is your PROOF of either account??? Other than an extremely bias criminal friend of Brown...who was previously charged with lying to cops?

No cop would pull a suspect INTO their open window. Dumbest thing ive ever heard.

The criminal thug tried his luck and lost.
I have my proof right here. Yes cops do attempt to intimidate people by doing exactly what Johnson testified to. I saw it many times growing up around neanderthal cops bred to kill Black people.

Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

You saw it from a biased viewpoint.

Dropping sandbags on them makes you a punk.
What viewpoint is that? There is no viewpoint that makes the cop pull someone into their car to intimidate them not be pulling them into the car like Buc claimed never happened.

Dropping the sand bags made the cops back off harassing us. The punks would be the ones that needed guns to harass teenagers.

The one you expressed that you saw growing up. The viewpoint you have is that whenever a cop pulls over someone of color, it's because of color.

The punks are the ones that think anything a cop does to them is harassment.
I have my proof right here. Yes cops do attempt to intimidate people by doing exactly what Johnson testified to. I saw it many times growing up around neanderthal cops bred to kill Black people.

Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.
Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.
Your judgement is irrelevant. I was just informing you of how wrong you were.
I have my proof right here. Yes cops do attempt to intimidate people by doing exactly what Johnson testified to. I saw it many times growing up around neanderthal cops bred to kill Black people.

Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

You saw it from a biased viewpoint.

Dropping sandbags on them makes you a punk.
What viewpoint is that? There is no viewpoint that makes the cop pull someone into their car to intimidate them not be pulling them into the car like Buc claimed never happened.

Dropping the sand bags made the cops back off harassing us. The punks would be the ones that needed guns to harass teenagers.

The one you expressed that you saw growing up. The viewpoint you have is that whenever a cop pulls over someone of color, it's because of color.

The punks are the ones that think anything a cop does to them is harassment.
You must have missed the post by Buc. He said cops dont pull people into their cars. I debunked that by saying I have seen it with my own two eyes.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.
Your judgement is irrelevant. I was just informing you of how wrong you were.

Your inforning me has no validity unless you can prove it.
Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

You saw it from a biased viewpoint.

Dropping sandbags on them makes you a punk.
What viewpoint is that? There is no viewpoint that makes the cop pull someone into their car to intimidate them not be pulling them into the car like Buc claimed never happened.

Dropping the sand bags made the cops back off harassing us. The punks would be the ones that needed guns to harass teenagers.

The one you expressed that you saw growing up. The viewpoint you have is that whenever a cop pulls over someone of color, it's because of color.

The punks are the ones that think anything a cop does to them is harassment.
You must have missed the post by Buc. He said cops dont pull people into their cars. I debunked that by saying I have seen it with my own two eyes.

You can't debunk it unless you can prove it. Hate to break it to you but stating it isn't proof of it.
Your personal situation is nothing more than what happened to you. I'd bet you were a smartass then wondered why the cops treated you like a punk.
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.

I think hes making it up.

Notice how in the left wing these days its "cool" to have been oppressed? They WANT to be victims of some sort of oppression.

Almost like street cred for liberals. Like "you havent even been oppressed, what would YOU know about anything".

Being harrassed by cops is the new street cred for hipsters. They actually want it. And likely claim it when false.

Old generations lied about war stories or how big their fish was they caught.

The new hipster badge of honor is being a victim of oppression. You arent cool unless you've experienced it man!
Never happened to me. I just saw it day in and day out where I grew up. I stayed far away from the cops as possible except for the weekly harassment of being searched for nothing.. Dropped a sandbag or two on their heads but thats the extent of my dealings with them as a youth.

Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.

I think hes making it up.

Notice how in the left wing these days its "cool" to have been oppressed? They WANT to be victims of some sort of oppression.

Almost like street cred for liberals. Like "you havent even been oppressed, what would YOU know about anything".

Being harrassed by cops is the new street cred for hipsters. They actually want it. And likely claim it when false.

Old generations lied about war stories or how big their fish was they caught.

The new hipster badge of honor is being a victim of oppression. You arent cool unless you've experienced it man!

He tends to do that. He'll tell you al this happened yet has no objective proof to back it up.
Aww...how cute.

And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.

I think hes making it up.

Notice how in the left wing these days its "cool" to have been oppressed? They WANT to be victims of some sort of oppression.

Almost like street cred for liberals. Like "you havent even been oppressed, what would YOU know about anything".

Being harrassed by cops is the new street cred for hipsters. They actually want it. And likely claim it when false.

Old generations lied about war stories or how big their fish was they caught.

The new hipster badge of honor is being a victim of oppression. You arent cool unless you've experienced it man!

He tends to do that. He'll tell you al this happened yet has no objective proof to back it up.

Yep. Its the new trend in liberal hipster world. They crave that badge of honor of being a victim of oppression. ..especially the gold standard of police harrassment. Its their street cred.

Deep down..they envy the black people of the civil rights era..victims of true oppression. ..because they wish they had such a cause to fight for.

Its almost like they want to create their own oppressors so they'll have a cause to fight. Because just getting a boring 40 hour a week job and settling down is so...ugh....white and suburban!!
This has all the hallmarks of pure bullshit.

It happened to a "friend", it perfectly fulfills the racist stereotypes that you already feel, and it doesn't really make any sense.

Ah. So you idiots take as gospel the account of what some Ferguson low life says they saw a cop do...but wont take my account of what a cop saw a cop recruit do? Interesting.

A black potential employee claimed racism when she couldnt meet a standard.

Yep. Thats SOOOOOO unrealistic these days!

This isn't about Ferguson this is about your bullshit story. ..own it
This has all the hallmarks of pure bullshit.

It happened to a "friend", it perfectly fulfills the racist stereotypes that you already feel, and it doesn't really make any sense.

Ah. So you idiots take as gospel the account of what some Ferguson low life says they saw a cop do...but wont take my account of what a cop saw a cop recruit do? Interesting.

A black potential employee claimed racism when she couldnt meet a standard.

Yep. Thats SOOOOOO unrealistic these days!

This isn't about Ferguson this is about your bullshit story. ..own it

Own my story? Ummmm....ok. I posted it. Its true. I...um...own it. Happy?
And he calls being searched harassment.
Yes being searched for walking to school is harassment if done on a weekly basis..

Since we are only getting your side of the story and you have a biased view of police, I'll reserve judgment of whether or not your were harassed after talking to them.

I think hes making it up.

Notice how in the left wing these days its "cool" to have been oppressed? They WANT to be victims of some sort of oppression.

Almost like street cred for liberals. Like "you havent even been oppressed, what would YOU know about anything".

Being harrassed by cops is the new street cred for hipsters. They actually want it. And likely claim it when false.

Old generations lied about war stories or how big their fish was they caught.

The new hipster badge of honor is being a victim of oppression. You arent cool unless you've experienced it man!

He tends to do that. He'll tell you al this happened yet has no objective proof to back it up.

Yep. Its the new trend in liberal hipster world. They crave that badge of honor of being a victim of oppression. ..especially the gold standard of police harrassment. Its their street cred.

Deep down..they envy the black people of the civil rights era..victims of true oppression. ..because they wish they had such a cause to fight for.

Its almost like they want to create their own oppressors so they'll have a cause to fight. Because just getting a boring 40 hour a week job and settling down is so...ugh....white and suburban!!

If they stir the pot enough, they can claim things happen to them because of some bullshit reason. It's like trying to cross a busy highway blindfolded then blaming cars for being on it while you do it.
Ok so half of you will respond predictably to this because its heresy. Oh well. This is for the other half....

So as many here know...my neighbor is an active police officer and I am a retired one. I was talking to him today after he went to an continuing education course at the SC police academy last week. And he shared a story that the instructors there told him while at lunch.

Last month they had a black female recruit fail her shooting quals. They get 3 chances to pass these days. She was so bad...that at 15 yards.she bounced a few rounds off the ground. At 25...not a single shot out of 30 hit the paper..much less the silhouette.

After failing her final attempt...she became irate, threw her empty Glock 22 down and called the gun racist. Its heresy. ...but he says the instructors said they recovered the gun and removed her from the range. During her discharge interview from the academy her host agency training officer picked her up and they couldnt get her to clarify how a gun could be racist?

He says she left the academy threatening to get a lawyer. But he doesnt know what came of it.

So we have racist guns now folks.
So my neighbor came over the other day and he bought this bullshit story of mine hook line and sinker. Some people will believe anything you tell them.
Correct. Why would someone believe you and your bullshit story but not believe a person that saw someone get killed?

Well...for one forensic evidence disproved THEIR bullshit.

Mine? I said half of you wont believe it because there is no video or link of it. This story isnt for you then. But many will believe it...because stories like this happen everywhere everyday. The PC media rarely covers it. In my LEO days...you'd be shocked at what some claimed racism over. Actually. ..maybe not bc you'd probably agree with them.
The forensic evidence didnt disprove anything. The prosecutor let the killer off.

Keep convincing yourself of that.

Gentle Giant attacked a cop. Tried to take his gun. Lost that fight and ran. Then his drug intoxicated fat ass came back for Round 2. And Ofc Wilson wasnt playing that thug game.
The forensics cant tell you that. Thats how we know Wilson was lying.

Gentle Giants blood was in the car. Which means his fat ass was in the cop car. His blood was on the gun. Which means his fat ass was near the gun.

He wasnt shot from behind. Fact.

If he wasnt a violent low life criminal who attacked a cop he'd be alive. Fact.
He was probably shot at from behind, though, as the graze mark on his arm showed.

But, hey! Some imaginary black bitch claimed a gun was racist so it's all good.
Well...for one forensic evidence disproved THEIR bullshit.

Mine? I said half of you wont believe it because there is no video or link of it. This story isnt for you then. But many will believe it...because stories like this happen everywhere everyday. The PC media rarely covers it. In my LEO days...you'd be shocked at what some claimed racism over. Actually. ..maybe not bc you'd probably agree with them.
The forensic evidence didnt disprove anything. The prosecutor let the killer off.

Keep convincing yourself of that.

Gentle Giant attacked a cop. Tried to take his gun. Lost that fight and ran. Then his drug intoxicated fat ass came back for Round 2. And Ofc Wilson wasnt playing that thug game.
The forensics cant tell you that. Thats how we know Wilson was lying.

Gentle Giants blood was in the car. Which means his fat ass was in the cop car. His blood was on the gun. Which means his fat ass was near the gun.

He wasnt shot from behind. Fact.

If he wasnt a violent low life criminal who attacked a cop he'd be alive. Fact.
He was probably shot at from behind, though, as the graze mark on his arm showed.

But, hey! Some imaginary black bitch claimed a gun was racist so it's all good.
Ya cause after all he wasn't shot in the patrol car after all.
When I ran the Navy small arms range on the base in Groton CT. We would get female sailors to qualify for the .45 cal and the 870 shotgun. Most could not hit the board side of a barn with the .45 and the shotgun would knock them over if you did not have your hand on the back of their shoulder.

Bullshit. I have watched a 95lb woman handle a 12-bore shotgun with no trouble. Hell, I have met 12-year-olds who can handle a shotgun!

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