[B]Yellowstone System Alert Just Announced The Massive Dome Shaped Uplift Is Still Increasing In Size[/B]

Ebb and flow of that region has been going on for years.
It will happen one day, but not in our lifetime.

Won't even happen period. It already blew up. Now a new caldera eruption is forming further to the east. When it happens you will have plenty of warning.

The entire region, tens of square miles will begin rising. It will rise several hundred feet before it blows.
Well, since many on this forum agree that scientists are liars and frauds, I'd be more interested in some random plumber's take on this complex scientific matter. A trucker would work too. Would any truckers like to weigh in? Maybe a shopping cart collector?
Whoa, man....Where did you score all that straw?
Well, since many on this forum agree that scientists are liars and frauds, I'd be more interested in some random plumber's take on this complex scientific matter. A trucker would work too. Would any truckers like to weigh in? Maybe a shopping cart collector?
Depends on which scientists you are talking about. Not all scientists have been coerced by the New Woke Order.
Scientists are concerned about an elevated dome and changes in Lake Jackson's levels, and can't agree if the deposits of lava were waning or getting bigger.The magma beneath could be adding up. The geysers have increased in numbers. Someone please round up the cute little chipmunks in the park and take them to a safe place. :eek: Love, beautress

If Yellowstone blows, there will be a lot more casualties than the chipmunks! :oops:
Won't even happen period. It already blew up. Now a new caldera eruption is forming further to the east. When it happens you will have plenty of warning.

The entire region, tens of square miles will begin rising. It will rise several hundred feet before it blows.
The scientists are worried because of 4-part helium molecules that are only seen in ancient times. Regular helium is 1 part. The idea is that where ancient molecules are identified, you're looking at some pretty old issues returning. At least that's what I gather by some reading and some looking at science-based you-tube explanations. If I'm mistaken it's because I misunderstood some very scientific language known efficiently by chemistry majors. I only took Chem 101 in premed, and that was long, long ago. I had to stop school in the 80s because I was worried about my kids' behaviors while I was studying 90 hours a week. They deserved to have a caring parent around when they may have opened the wrong door in their young lives. It was worth it. Both of them retired from their jobs recently, one was a top cop, the other a beloved computer consultant to large companies. :thup:
The scientists are worried because of 4-part helium molecules that are only seen in ancient times. Regular helium is 1 part. The idea is that where ancient molecules are identified, you're looking at some pretty old issues returning. At least that's what I gather by some reading and some looking at science-based you-tube explanations. If I'm mistaken it's because I misunderstood some very scientific language known efficiently by chemistry majors. I only took Chem 101 in premed, and that was long, long ago. I had to stop school in the 80s because I was worried about my kids' behaviors while I was studying 90 hours a week. They deserved to have a caring parent around when they may have opened the wrong door in their young lives. It was worth it. Both of them retired from their jobs recently, one was a top cop, the other a beloved computer consultant to large companies. :thup:

I'm a retired geologist. This subject is right in my wheelhouse. To get a giant calderic eruption takes millions of years of cooking. Plus you have to have the correct type of country rock to melt. High silica content is required, thus rhyolite/granite is the rock type needed for that type of eruption.

If all you have available is basalt/gabbro, there is no possibility of a calderic eruption.
If you live near the zones affected by an erruption, you might want to consider all you can in prep just in case, because the ashes raining down will turn your lungs to cement. Read up on solutions to any possible problems (special masks-sealing the house, covering outside a/c condensers etc) They've been expecting a possible erruption to spread ashes to many states.
If you live near the zones affected by an erruption, you might want to consider all you can in prep just in case, because the ashes raining down will turn your lungs to cement. Read up on solutions to any possible problems (special masks-sealing the house, covering outside a/c condensers etc) They've been expecting a possible erruption to spread ashes to many states.

Which is very good advice for earthquake country, hurricane country, tornado country, etc.

Everyone should be prepared for an emergency.
I used to like Chip and Dale until I visited Newberry Nat'l Volcanic Monument in OR. We had a bucket of KFC. Sat down at a picnic table and chipmunks came at us from every angle. Hundreds of them. We couldn't throw pine cones at them fast enough. Ended up grabbing our bucket and eating in the car. Reminded me of Ben, the movie.
They’re a nuisance. I had all kinds of problems with these rats on the Appalachian trail. The fuckers are fearless, and get into everything. Even had one eating my oatmeal while it was still cooking on my pack stove. Even the flame didn’t deter it. When I see the weekend warriors feeding these vermin because they think it’s cute, I just want to bust them in the fucking head…
The only day you’re guaranteed is yesterday…

eeyep. Pretty much.

Ah well. Coffee's finished brewing. I'm gonna go hang out on the porch and listen to the birds chirp. It's a glorious day for a change. Until tomorrow when it starts pouring again...
eeyep. Pretty much.

Ah well. Coffee's finished brewing. I'm gonna go hang out on the porch and listen to the birds chirp. It's a glorious day for a change. Until tomorrow when it starts pouring again...
Funny… I’m on the porch now, coffee in hand listening to the rain…
I don’t miss that shit one bit…

When it is coming down in the night, and all is silent except for the faint hiss of the snow, it's actually quite beautiful.

I have an old Aladdin lamp that I use on the patio so I get a good amount of warmth with the light, and I love that part of it.

But after shoveling 40 odd feet of it this year, yeah, I am over winter for sure!

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