Baby killing, sodomy, running up debt, overregulating, endless war, hasn't worked for Democrats...

I never claimed the idiots in charge of the US weren't fucking around with other governments. I just said that our current administration is flipping shit over it (because they lost)

Your damn right it gives the power to the little states, else they wouldn't have joined. Why the hell should Alaska bend to the will of not related regional interests? (and 90% of the time that's financially biased against Alaska no less - proven by our history)

Yes you are correct, the idiots packed into CA like cattle have less "impact" - but their STATE as a whole has it's EC just like everyone else. There is no fatal flaw except when the losing party cries about it. And frankly I could care less about their tears because I'm neither a republican nor a democrat. Had you bothered to use your brain a little you may have noticed my signature that very plainly explains my exact political position - "I am 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist."

As I said before, quote my post, so I know you are talking to me...

So, at the end of the day, the majority of people should kowtow to the smaller states just so they feel okay? What a crock of shit. Taking my point to the nth degree. So the 40 million in Cali should 'bend to the will' of 600,000 Alaskans? That's cool by you? Of course that is a fatal flaw. The Alaskans have FAR MORE POWER than the Californians. Your argument seems to be - as I have already stated - that as long as the smaller states lord it over the bigger states that is okay. Bullshit.

And if you had used your brain, you might know that I have 'sigs' switched off in my preferences . So I can't see what your sig says. Why? Because I couldn't give a shit, that's why.
I never claimed the idiots in charge of the US weren't fucking around with other governments. I just said that our current administration is flipping shit over it (because they lost)

Your damn right it gives the power to the little states, else they wouldn't have joined. Why the hell should Alaska bend to the will of not related regional interests? (and 90% of the time that's financially biased against Alaska no less - proven by our history)

Yes you are correct, the idiots packed into CA like cattle have less "impact" - but their STATE as a whole has it's EC just like everyone else. There is no fatal flaw except when the losing party cries about it. And frankly I could care less about their tears because I'm neither a republican nor a democrat. Had you bothered to use your brain a little you may have noticed my signature that very plainly explains my exact political position - "I am 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist."

As I said before, quote my post, so I know you are talking to me...

So, at the end of the day, the majority of people should kowtow to the smaller states just so they feel okay? What a crock of shit. Taking my point to the nth degree. So the 40 million in Cali should 'bend to the will' of 600,000 Alaskans? That's cool by you? Of course that is a fatal flaw. The Alaskans have FAR MORE POWER than the Californians. Your argument seems to be - as I have already stated - that as long as the smaller states lord it over the bigger states that is okay. Bullshit.

And if you had used your brain, you might know that I have 'sigs' switched off in my preferences . So I can't see what your sig says. Why? Because I couldn't give a shit, that's why.

you're not missing anything. it's a vapid meme
I don't take orders from foreigners trying to meddle in American political processes.

The Founding Father's knew very well that some city/state populations out numbered other city/state populations and that is exactly why the EC was created, because the smaller populated states were not willing to become vassals to the rule of the larger.

You can bitch and whine about this provable fact all you wish, but the bottom line is that is the country and how it was designed from the beginning. If American's don't like it they are feel free to attempt to change it and make each persons vote equal - good luck the smaller states will not support it.
You do get more people voted against your guy than for him, right, and he's entering office as the most unpopular president in history.
This may be how he is entering, but the big question is, how will his exit turn out?

God bless you and our new leader always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. May a strong finish be what's at the end of his rainbow! :) :) :)
Maybe they should try something new?

What a mindless drone you are!

Bush started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and along with the help of Democratic Lawmakers both sides are at fault for the endless wars!

You're fear of someone sexual life is telling to me and tell me your closet is too small so come out and toe tap a little because you know you want too!

Women right to their body is their business and not mine and let God judge them and not me!

I know many Democrats that are tolerant Christians but to you a tolerant Christian that will deny other religions the same Constitutional Rights you enjoy!

So just maybe you should stop being the partisan drone you are or don't because your anti-gay threads are fun and I love pissing in them!
And yet he is entering office, and your lady isn't.

How does it feel to fail in such an epic way?

The only 'failure' is the US political system. How does it feel to know that 2.8 million more people wanted her in office?

Oh, and there is no evidence of a god existing. Only belief.
Our system worked quite well. Kept the crazy ideologues from putting that leftist criminal out if the White House
And yet he is entering office, and your lady isn't.

How does it feel to fail in such an epic way?

The only 'failure' is the US political system. How does it feel to know that 2.8 million more people wanted her in office?

Oh, and there is no evidence of a god existing. Only belief.

Has the Vote been audited?

In Michigan they found blue precincts that voted heavily for Clinton had more votes than voters.

Cook the books and you get the results you desire.

It's the Dems motto afterall.
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What hurts?

From your first link: "He blamed the discrepancies on the city’s decade-old voting machines, saying 87 optical scanners broke on Election Day."

Your second link says there were LESS votes than there should have been.

You might want to read your links before posting. You look silly otherwise.

Sure it does, quote from the link:

"Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday."
"Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday."

Could be one of a hundred reasons. Faulty scanners. Human error in counting. I could go on.
Maybe they should try something new?

No....they should redouble their efforts and try even harder to ram those things through on the American people...there are still 4 states that they control......and we need to get them kicked out of office there too.....
Also, hating God. How's that working for you, Democrats?

God doesn't exist... so it's kind of hard to hate him.

You do get more people voted against your guy than for him, right, and he's entering office as the most unpopular president in history.

Yeah....keep telling yourself that......after his second term.....and an America that is actually successful again you morons can lie about everything he actually achieved.
And yet he is entering office, and your lady isn't.

How does it feel to fail in such an epic way?

The only 'failure' is the US political system. How does it feel to know that 2.8 million more people wanted her in office?

Oh, and there is no evidence of a god existing. Only belief. feels the same way that it would feel if your team ran more yards and caught more passes....but the other team actually scored more touchdowns......
"Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday."

Could be one of a hundred reasons. Faulty scanners. Human error in counting. I could go on.

You wanted a link, you got it.

I find it odd that a precinct would not check the number of ballots vs. the number of voters. Should be the first thing cracked.
Best part is we can fill the prisons with libs who have lost their minds over his winning with their nationwide wave of crime and ensure a 1000yr Reich by "locking" up their vote

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