Baby killing, sodomy, running up debt, overregulating, endless war, hasn't worked for Democrats...

The proof is in the pudding...the democrat party is decimated, have lost any real power they had. America rejected their agenda

More than 2.8 million more people voted for Hilary than the Orange Buffoon. The GoP also lost seats in the Senate and congress. Yeah, that's a real rejection....

You keep right on believing that malarky....then look and see what party controls at the state and federal levels.

Silly loon.
You keep right on believing that malarky....then look and see what party controls at the state and federal levels.

Silly loon.

translation: "You're not wrong, grump, so I'll just attack you personally"

Hey, Silly Irish Moll....I'm not surprised...As I said, Trump has been rejected at every level. if not for the inadequacies of the US electoral system, he would be toast. But it is what it is. I give him 12 months. He will either be impeached or the right of the GoP party will get rid of him...

mark this post.
For the next four years, Democrats will have to eat, drink, breath, and shit out failure. Failure will run in their bloodstream. Failure will fill the air every time they exhale, and will fill their lungs every time they inhale. They will be failure, and failure will be them.

I'm guessing if the GoP are anything like you, it will be two years. And if Trump really ends up being like his personality, even the GoP in the house and senate will give him the finger.
The GOP Congress will love Trump as long as he does their bidding and conforms to their agenda

But I suspect it may be a short lived romance
You keep right on believing that malarky....then look and see what party controls at the state and federal levels.

Silly loon.

translation: "You're not wrong, grump, so I'll just attack you personally"

Hey, Silly Irish Moll....I'm not surprised...As I said, Trump has been rejected at every level. if not for the inadequacies of the US electoral system, he would be toast. But it is what it is. I give him 12 months. He will either be impeached or the right of the GoP party will get rid of him...

mark this post.

But I'm not wrong and your middle school antics won't change it. ....silly loon. You have no cred along now

These 3 maps show just how dominant Republicans are in America after Tuesday

When it comes to control of state government, Republicans dominated at record levels during the Obama years. On Tuesday, they somehow managed to become even more dominant.

In part because Americans like a check and balance on their president, in part because Republicans played their cards right, Republicans grabbed more of America's statehouses and governor's mansions during the Obama administration than at any time in the modern era. And they held onto those majorities Tuesday.

These 3 maps show just how dominant Republicans are in America after Tuesday
The point that

a) you don't understand that you live in a Republic and that the overall population votes are irrelevant?
b) that every single state is a sovereign entity and therefore entitled to meaninful votes via the EC?

1) I joined this board 10 years ago, and I am sick of repeating this, but I will for your sake. I am not American.
2) I know states are sovereign (to a degree). That does not negate my point that the EC is flawed. Terribly,...
Dr Grump

1) ah so you're a foreigner trying to influence American politics - better watch your ass the current admin is touchy about that right now...
2) Bullshit EC gives every state in the union a vote - without EC NYC and SoCal would rule this country. It is irrelevant either way /NO/ small state will ever hand over the power the FF built into this country's governmental system.
But I'm not wrong and your middle school antics won't change it. ....silly loon. You have no cred along now

no, you are not wrong. You are a moron though. Not much I can do about that....

You were saying....silly loon? See I provide just blabber away thinking I'll buy your BS....

When it comes to control of state government, Republicans dominated at record levels during the Obama years. On Tuesday, they somehow managed to become even more dominant.
But I'm not wrong and your middle school antics won't change it. ....silly loon. You have no cred along now

no, you are not wrong. You are a moron though. Not much I can do about that....

You were saying....silly loon? See I provide just blabber away thinking I'll buy your BS....

When it comes to control of state government, Republicans dominated at record levels during the Obama years. On Tuesday, they somehow managed to become even more dominant.

Actually you Moronicness , they didn't. The Repubs lost the popular vote and seats in Congress and the Senate. Fact. If that is dominance, you are dumber than I thought. And believe me, you are really, really, really dumb.
But I'm not wrong and your middle school antics won't change it. ....silly loon. You have no cred along now

no, you are not wrong. You are a moron though. Not much I can do about that....

You were saying....silly loon? See I provide just blabber away thinking I'll buy your BS....

When it comes to control of state government, Republicans dominated at record levels during the Obama years. On Tuesday, they somehow managed to become even more dominant.

Actually you Moronicness , they didn't. The Repubs lost the popular vote and seats in Congress and the Senate. Fact. If that is dominance, you are dumber than I thought. And believe me, you are really, really, really dumb.

Two links provided...silly just keep blabbering.

I've decimated you :)
For the next four years, Democrats will have to eat, drink, breath, and shit out failure. Failure will run in their bloodstream. Failure will fill the air every time they exhale, and will fill their lungs every time they inhale. They will be failure, and failure will be them.
Democrats will assume the role Republicans have held the last eight years

Stand on the outside and mock everything Republicans are trying to do. Everything that goes wrong at home and abroad will be the fault of Republicans

Unhappy with your life, blame Republicans
Two links provided...silly just keep blabbering.

I've decimated you :)

Saw the links.. doesn't negate a thing I've said. The FACT you can't see that is of no surprise. After all, you are as dumb as a sack of hammers.
Dr Grump - might want to look up some information before you open up a debate regarding what the US did to Alaska for nearly a god damn century because of the financial interests of San Francisco and Seattle...

Overcurious might want to look into what my actual point was. Nothing to do with what the US 'did' to Alaska.

The point that

a) you don't understand that you live in a Republic and that the overall population votes are irrelevant?
b) that every single state is a sovereign entity and therefore entitled to meaninful votes via the EC?

the so-called sovereignty of the states is subjugated to the power of the federal government. it's called the supremacy clause.

you should try looking at the constitution and reading with comprehension.
Dr Grump

1) ah so you're a foreigner trying to influence American politics - better watch your ass the current admin is touchy about that right now...
2) Bullshit EC gives every state in the union a vote - without EC NYC and SoCal would rule this country. It is irrelevant either way /NO/ small state will ever hand over the power the FF built into this country's governmental system.

Let this foreigner educate your ignorant arse.
1) Influence? You mean like Iraq? Vietnam? Chile? That kind of influence? Because, as we all know, the US NEVER tries to influence the elections of other sovereign nations. <sarcasm>
2) The EC does give every state a vote. However it is fatally flawed. As I have outlined on many posts recently, but will repeat for your ignorant arse - it is not fair and is skewed towards the smaller states. Currently Wyoming has three EC. It has a population of 590,000 people. That means there is 1 EC vote for every 195,000 people. California currently has almost 40 million people. There is 1 EC vote for every 713,000 Californians. If the EC vote was to be fair there would be 1 EC vote for every 195,000 Californians just like Wyoming. That would mean there are 201 EC votes in California. For some strange reason, most people to the right think this is okay. I do not. for some reason, most rural people think it okay that their vote is more important than city folk. How benevolent of them. Currently the 590,000 people of Wyoming get three EC votes. In California that equates to not even one EC vote because it takes 713,000 Californians get 1 EC vote. yet somehow, you right wing nuts think that is fair. Somehow, if you live in NY or Cali you should get punished for that.

3) Next time you want to interact with me, quote my post.
I never claimed the idiots in charge of the US weren't fucking around with other governments. I just said that our current administration is flipping shit over it (because they lost)

Your damn right it gives the power to the little states, else they wouldn't have joined. Why the hell should Alaska bend to the will of not related regional interests? (and 90% of the time that's financially biased against Alaska no less - proven by our history)

Yes you are correct, the idiots packed into CA like cattle have less "impact" - but their STATE as a whole has it's EC just like everyone else. There is no fatal flaw except when the losing party cries about it. And frankly I could care less about their tears because I'm neither a republican nor a democrat. Had you bothered to use your brain a little you may have noticed my signature that very plainly explains my exact political position - "I am 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist."

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