Baby murder clinic that was firebombed is broken into and vandalized

This person took meticulous time destroying EVERYTHING that was important to me; everything that I have worked very hard for all my life.

Awww he took away her way to murder babies! How sad!

You support Christian terrorism?

You support Christian terrorism?

no. he supports terrorism. there is nothing christian about it.

You support Christian terrorism?

Yup, he does.

He also doesn't know what a baby is.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.
I bet there are people in your life who are wondering if it's not time for another psych eval. :thup:
Baby murder clinic that was firebombed is broken into and vandalized
Although I am a staunch pro-Lifer, I do not condone violent acts like the firebombing of an abortion clinic.

I agree with peaceful protesting outside the clinic, and distributing flyers is fine as well. I also don't have a problem with getting court orders to shut down the clinic by using whatever legal means available (petitions, change in zoning laws, rent increases ...etc).
I bet there are people in your life who are wondering if it's not time for another psych eval. :thup:
Doubtful. Everyone in my family love babies and don't want to murder them. :)

Baby murder clinic that was firebombed is broken into and vandalized
Although I am a staunch pro-Lifer, I do not condone violent acts like the firebombing of an abortion clinic.

I agree with peaceful protesting outside the clinic, and distributing flyers is fine as well. I also don't have a problem with getting court orders to shut down the clinic by using whatever legal means available (petitions, change in zoning laws, rent increases ...etc).

Sometimes those lengths just ain't far enough.
It doesn't matter how opposed to abortion you are, firebombing the clinic is not the answer.
To you maybe not. To me absolutely it is. The lesson wasn't learned the first time.

You support Christian terrorism?

You support Christian terrorism?

Yup, he does.

He also doesn't know what a baby is.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.
Gotta say if vandalizing an empty abortion clinic results in x amount of damage costing more to repair than the owners have and they let it fold, then such tactics DO actually work. That said, I can't in good faith support or condone such tactics because they're illegal. I think killing your own baby is abhorrent and detestable. But legal solutions work if you're patient enough. If it costs x dollars each month to keep a place open and sustained legal protests out front discourages enough patronage that the place is loosing money, it'll eventually fold and have to close down.

Rather spend my energy trying to get Roe repealled than fighting the symptoms though. Laws come and go by virtue of public support or opposition. Put social pressure where it'll have the greatest effect, on the judges and politicians. But protesting a single clinic isn't gonna close every clinic.

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