Baby murder clinic that was firebombed is broken into and vandalized

Gotta say if vandalizing an empty abortion clinic results in x amount of damage costing more to repair than the owners have and they let it fold, then such tactics DO actually work. That said, I can't in good faith support or condone such tactics because they're illegal. I think killing your own baby is abhorrent and detestable. But legal solutions work if you're patient enough. If it costs x dollars each month to keep a place open and sustained legal protests out front discourages enough patronage that the place is loosing money, it'll eventually fold and have to close down.

Rather spend my energy trying to get Roe repealled than fighting the symptoms though. Laws come and go by virtue of public support or opposition. Put social pressure where it'll have the greatest effect, on the judges and politicians. But protesting a single clinic isn't gonna close every clinic.

what "legal solutions"?

violating women's rights?

you don't believe in reproductive choice? don't have an abortion.

the o/p is an abhorrent little toad no different from islamic or palestinian terrorists.
Gotta say if vandalizing an empty abortion clinic results in x amount of damage costing more to repair than the owners have and they let it fold, then such tactics DO actually work. That said, I can't in good faith support or condone such tactics because they're illegal. I think killing your own baby is abhorrent and detestable. But legal solutions work if you're patient enough. If it costs x dollars each month to keep a place open and sustained legal protests out front discourages enough patronage that the place is loosing money, it'll eventually fold and have to close down.

Rather spend my energy trying to get Roe repealled than fighting the symptoms though. Laws come and go by virtue of public support or opposition. Put social pressure where it'll have the greatest effect, on the judges and politicians. But protesting a single clinic isn't gonna close every clinic.

what "legal solutions"?

violating women's rights?

you don't believe in reproductive choice? don't have an abortion.

the o/p is an abhorrent little toad no different from islamic or palestinian terrorists.

While I respect opposition, abortion is literally killing your own baby. Can call it more pleasing things, but everyone knows what it in fact is. Killing your own baby isn't then 'reproductive choice,' 'a woman's issue,' 'a feminist issue' or anything else. It's swirling a probe around ripping your own child to bits killing it. And for the rest of the would-be mother's life she'll have that act on her conscious. And heaven help her if we eventually discover babie in the womb can feel pain, have neural activity and emotions, and are infact quite alive.

Legal solutions include lobbying, protesting politician's directly, etc. Same as advocating or opposing any issue.
You support Christian terrorism?

Yup, he does.

He also doesn't know what a baby is.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.

To you maybe not. To me absolutely it is. The lesson wasn't learned the first time.

Would you support violence against protestors who abuse woman entering?

You hypocrite.

What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.
There's not much said about all the Churches that have been vandalized. That's acceptable. It's free speech.

Vandalize the altar of murder though, and it's a whole different story.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.

To you maybe not. To me absolutely it is. The lesson wasn't learned the first time.

Would you support violence against protestors who abuse woman entering?

You hypocrite.

What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

You quoted my post but did not address it. The fact that people want women to have a choice (in varied circumstances) does not mean they want babies to be aborted. I celebrate each birth. But I am also against forcing a victim of rape or incest from being forced to go thru the pregnancy and the additional trauma of giving up the baby. In the case of a danger to the life of the mother, I think only the mother should be making the choice.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.

To you maybe not. To me absolutely it is. The lesson wasn't learned the first time.

Would you support violence against protestors who abuse woman entering?

You hypocrite.

What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

Here we go again.

None of this addresses the fact that a woman's body is her own to do with as she wishes.

If she wishes to reproduce, her business.
If she does not, that's HER business.

No discussion necessary.

You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.

Would you support violence against protestors who abuse woman entering?

You hypocrite.

What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

You quoted my post but did not address it. The fact that people want women to have a choice (in varied circumstances) does not mean they want babies to be aborted. I celebrate each birth. But I am also against forcing a victim of rape or incest from being forced to go thru the pregnancy and the additional trauma of giving up the baby. In the case of a danger to the life of the mother, I think only the mother should be making the choice.
Yea saw that now. I meant to. There is no choice involved. You either take responsibility for the child you made or you murder it. How is that a choice?I am also for allowing abortion in certain circumstances much like yours...other than that absolutely not.
You seem to be operating under the misconception that most pro-choice people want women to have abortions. That is utter nonsense. Every single one I have ever known wants women to have a choice, to some degree or other.

Personally, I am not a fan of late term abortions, unless it is to save the life of the mother. I am also not a fan of abortions as retroactive birth control. But for incest, rape, and the safety of the mother, I think it should be their choice.

Would you support violence against protestors who abuse woman entering?

You hypocrite.

What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

Here we go again.

None of this addresses the fact that a woman's body is her own to do with as she wishes.

If she wishes to reproduce, her business.
If she does not, that's HER business.

No discussion necessary.

So because my wife gave birth to our kids we can murder them just because? Interesting view point there sparky. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. Either get sterilized or just don't have sex. Its very very simple.A baby is not a choice its a human being and its being murdered at an astounding rate. Only a nation which has lost its moral compass could POSSIBLY think murdering a baby is OK.
Bully? No. I am doing what it takes to save lives in this case and when the rule of law allows murders of babies to happen because they say so then absolutely I don't believe in it.
What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

You quoted my post but did not address it. The fact that people want women to have a choice (in varied circumstances) does not mean they want babies to be aborted. I celebrate each birth. But I am also against forcing a victim of rape or incest from being forced to go thru the pregnancy and the additional trauma of giving up the baby. In the case of a danger to the life of the mother, I think only the mother should be making the choice.
Yea saw that now. I meant to. There is no choice involved. You either take responsibility for the child you made or you murder it. How is that a choice?I am also for allowing abortion in certain circumstances much like yours...other than that absolutely not.
What abuse? Showing pictures of dead babies from abortion? BEGGING them to choose another route? ANY woman can give birth and give the baby up for adoption if she doesn't want the baby. There are MILLIONS of people out there that would gladly adopt the baby including me and my wife! We can have babies just fine and we want more but we would gladly adopt a baby if it saved it from being murdered in some factory where its tossed out like a piece of trash.

Here we go again.

None of this addresses the fact that a woman's body is her own to do with as she wishes.

If she wishes to reproduce, her business.
If she does not, that's HER business.

No discussion necessary.

So because my wife gave birth to our kids we can murder them just because? Interesting view point there sparky. Don't want a baby? Don't get pregnant. Either get sterilized or just don't have sex. Its very very simple.A baby is not a choice its a human being and its being murdered at an astounding rate. Only a nation which has lost its moral compass could POSSIBLY think murdering a baby is OK.

And, this is what I mean by, "here we go again".

Around and around, dragging out the usual misinformation and outright lies in order to sidestep the real issue.

This posters knows that babies are not fetuses and fetuses are not babies. He knows that birth control can and does fail. And, he knows that women's choices are none of his business.

If orion really cared about unwanted babies, he would not have had more. Nope. He would have adopted some of those unwanted babies and kept his nose out of other people's business.

Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.
Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

The words in bold speak volumes. But at least you are honest about it.
Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

Abortion = legal and none of your business.

The rest of your post shows just how ignorant and backward you really are.

I'm done with you.

Bully? No. I am doing what it takes to save lives in this case and when the rule of law allows murders of babies to happen because they say so then absolutely I don't believe in it.

So you are placing your own feelings above the law of the land. And what makes your personal feelings more 'valid' than the next person's?
Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

You appear to be laboring under the delusion that your feelings are somehow more important that other people's feelings. The reality is, when people read your words about how you hate so many broad categories of other human beings created in GOD's Image just like yourself - they are much LESS likely to see your POV as moral, reasonable, or valid.

I'm assuming that since you love babies so - if your daughter became pregnant by a 'negro', you'd welcome that baby into your family, right?

You support Christian terrorism?

You support Christian terrorism?

Yup, he does.

He also doesn't know what a baby is.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

What if other people followed your reasoning:

Many people believe "ALL executions to be murder" the way you see "ALL abortions as murder." If you don't agree that "all executions are murder," not all people agree with you either that "all abortions are murder."

Would you still agree with abolitions attacking execution chambers, and destroying all the chemical supplies and equipment necessary for executions?

Or would you say, now wait a minute, that promotes lawlessness; surely there is a better way to solve the problem than by vandalizing the equipment
(which is only used AFTER the decisions have already been made, which is what these protestors have a problem with -- the DECISION to end life this way).

NOTE 1: On faith based arguments and equal rights to beliefs until there is a public consensus.

More people might agree that IN SOME CASES, but not all, it is possible for some unjust executions to be unlawful as murder and forced abortions or killing of an unborn baby who is wanted by the mother can be murder.

I believe it is possible for pregnancies not to contain the soul of the child which can remain detached and not inside the womb. It is not clear at what point in the process the consciousness of the person actually enters the physical body. If this can be proven by science "when the soul of the person enters the body" then that can be shown as the starting point. Otherwise it is a faith-based argument, and not all cases may be the same. Many people believe the soul can enter later, after conception or in one case I met someone who believed the soul could enter after physical birth, or the soul can be transferred and born in a different body because it is not attached to the baby's body yet.
Since the existence and process of the soul entering the body is faith based until proven by science and agreed to by consensus, then these arguments are outside govt jurisdiction.)

NOTE 2: On Civil Obedience and disobedience

If you are Christian and bound by Biblical law, the Scriptures instruct believers to respect human institutions and civil authority. So the proper way to petition for redress of grievances is by democratic due process, which is protected by law under the Constitution. We have guaranteed God-given free speech and press to speak and write out our petitions, protests, corrections and demands for restitution; but this must be done in the spirit of Christ Jesus which is "Restorative Justice" or Justice with Mercy.

The most destructive acts Jesus ever did mentioned in the Bible are turning over the tables of moneychangers defiling the temple, and admonishing a fig tree until it shriveled and died. You may consider that to be vandalism or disruptive protest, but he turned the tables within the facilities of "fellow believers and worshippers" -- so this would be the equivalent of going to Christian churches and confronting them if they have defiled their own grounds.
He did not go into the facilities of "nonbelievers" and disrupt what they were doing wrong.

If the secular gentiles are under natural, civil and Constitutional laws, then respecting civil authority means to petition for redress of grievances using the civil procedures in that system. under that system, if you decide to commit "civil disobedience": when I consulted with a longterm activist about the proper civilized use of this method, he would consult with the police and govt authorities IN ADVANCE, and agree on the terms of the protest and what would take place, including the charges and confinement and prosecution process. This gives the govt the chance to REDRESS GRIEVANCES to prevent the need to protest.
The person and the authorities all agree on the process, and the person does not deny or resist any of the steps, but follows through; they certainly do not run and hide and avoid prosecution for their actions, but come forward and do so OPENLY so it is all by consent.

It is NOT about springing a disruptive action, without giving any opportunity to address issues in advance, which is the purpose of protesting and petitioning. See also Matthew 18:15-20, where rebukes and redressing grievances are supposed to be conducted for the purpose of establishing truth, resolving conflict, and restoring good faith relations with neighbors. In the spirit of governance of Christ Jesus, all wrongs can be made right.
But adding additional wrongs to the table just doubles the burdens that need correction.

Your defense of the right to life is worthy, but it must be defended in keeping with the spirit of the laws and NOT violating the very laws and principles you wish to enforce.
Otherwise you lose moral ground and standing and the right to invoke Constitutional authority in defense of life and liberty.

I believe civil obedience trumps civil disobedience, and adhering to commitment to follow the laws by conscience, by agreement in Christ, empowers us to enforce laws civilly.

There is a proper way to rebuke our neighbors, by addressing the wrongs one-on-one, and establishing the truth by consensus until the whole body of people is united in agreement.
Since the Constitution and natural laws represented thereunder are self-existent rights given by God as part of human nature,
we have the right and responsibility to exercise these to resolve grievances civilly "by consent of the governed" if we are going to enforce equal protections and justice for all.
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Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

Dear Orion: If you wait until after the conception/pregnancy, then any laws made about abortion affect the WOMEN more than the men. So it will always be discriminatory in putting more legal burden and responsibility on the woman while the man could get away with rape, incest, or other sexual abuse and not face the consequences.

If you really want to prevent abortion by unwanted pregnancy,
the point of making the decision to have sex
is where BOTH partners are equally responsible (unless one partner is coercing the other, where case of rape, incest,
and pedophilia show more males coercing females than the other way around).

So if you would support laws making it a degree of "rape" and hold MEN EQUALLY responsible for acts of sex which lead to UNWANTED pregnancy, children or abortion,
at least that would be more fair. And again, since more cases of unlawful coercion are done by males than females, this would address where more of the coercion is coming from.

Are you equally willing to go after MEN for the responsibility of preventing abortion,
including preventing rape, incest, and other forms of sexual or relationship abuse?

If you solve THAT problem, you will get rid of abortion as a result.
Hold all men and women equally responsible for avoiding ANY relationship abuse
or sex that could potentially lead to unwanted pregnancy, children, or abortion.

And don't wait until conception/pregnancy occurs to argue "after the fact."
You will be much more effective that way, and save a lot more lives and relationships from ruin.
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Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

Abortion = legal and none of your business.

The rest of your post shows just how ignorant and backward you really are.

I'm done with you.

Abortion is merely legal because some tyrants in robes say it is. Murder is illegal murder stops a beating heart abortion is just another word for murder. Good go away. :)

Bully? No. I am doing what it takes to save lives in this case and when the rule of law allows murders of babies to happen because they say so then absolutely I don't believe in it.

So you are placing your own feelings above the law of the land. And what makes your personal feelings more 'valid' than the next person's?
Murder is murder. It can't get much more simple than that. Murder stops a beating heart....
Murder=stopping a beating heart. A babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks. THAT IS MURDER. Scum that allow or are "pro choice" are more disgusting than pretty much any other being in this country...I hate a lot of people jews,negro's,politicians,race traitors etc. I would damn near leave them alone if I could just erase all scum that think murdering a baby is OK from this world.

You appear to be laboring under the delusion that your feelings are somehow more important that other people's feelings. The reality is, when people read your words about how you hate so many broad categories of other human beings created in GOD's Image just like yourself - they are much LESS likely to see your POV as moral, reasonable, or valid.

I'm assuming that since you love babies so - if your daughter became pregnant by a 'negro', you'd welcome that baby into your family, right?
god doesn't exist so we can end that crap there. My "feelings" have nothing to do with it. Common sense tells you a murder stops a beating heart well a babies heart starts beating at 6 weeks yet abortion can be performed up to 20 weeks. Oh and if my daughter decided to throw common sense,thousands of years of European genes and her future out the door she can go right ahead and absolutely not I would not accept her mongrel or her. Raise kids right they will marry someone within their species.aka white person. Negro's aren't human they never fully evolved IMO.

You support Christian terrorism?

Yup, he does.

He also doesn't know what a baby is.
3 baby murdering POS! Wonderful! I support defense of the unborn ABSOLUTELY! Without apology! Oh and thanks for the neg rep it made me feel warm inside! Pissing off pro baby murdering scum is wonderful news.

What if other people followed your reasoning:

Many people believe "ALL executions to be murder" the way you see "ALL abortions as murder." If you don't agree that "all executions are murder," not all people agree with you either that "all abortions are murder."

Would you still agree with abolitions attacking execution chambers, and destroying all the chemical supplies and equipment necessary for executions?

Or would you say, now wait a minute, that promotes lawlessness; surely there is a better way to solve the problem than by vandalizing the equipment
(which is only used AFTER the decisions have already been made, which is what these protestors have a problem with -- the DECISION to end life this way).

NOTE 1: On faith based arguments and equal rights to beliefs until there is a public consensus.

More people might agree that IN SOME CASES, but not all, it is possible for some unjust executions to be unlawful as murder and forced abortions or killing of an unborn baby who is wanted by the mother can be murder.

I believe it is possible for pregnancies not to contain the soul of the child which can remain detached and not inside the womb. It is not clear at what point in the process the consciousness of the person actually enters the physical body. If this can be proven by science "when the soul of the person enters the body" then that can be shown as the starting point. Otherwise it is a faith-based argument, and not all cases may be the same. Many people believe the soul can enter later, after conception or in one case I met someone who believed the soul could enter after physical birth, or the soul can be transferred and born in a different body because it is not attached to the baby's body yet.
Since the existence and process of the soul entering the body is faith based until proven by science and agreed to by consensus, then these arguments are outside govt jurisdiction.)

NOTE 2: On Civil Obedience and disobedience

If you are Christian and bound by Biblical law, the Scriptures instruct believers to respect human institutions and civil authority. So the proper way to petition for redress of grievances is by democratic due process, which is protected by law under the Constitution. We have guaranteed God-given free speech and press to speak and write out our petitions, protests, corrections and demands for restitution; but this must be done in the spirit of Christ Jesus which is "Restorative Justice" or Justice with Mercy.

The most destructive acts Jesus ever did mentioned in the Bible are turning over the tables of moneychangers defiling the temple, and admonishing a fig tree until it shriveled and died. You may consider that to be vandalism or disruptive protest, but he turned the tables within the facilities of "fellow believers and worshippers" -- so this would be the equivalent of going to Christian churches and confronting them if they have defiled their own grounds.
He did not go into the facilities of "nonbelievers" and disrupt what they were doing wrong.

If the secular gentiles are under natural, civil and Constitutional laws, then respecting civil authority means to petition for redress of grievances using the civil procedures in that system. under that system, if you decide to commit "civil disobedience": when I consulted with a longterm activist about the proper civilized use of this method, he would consult with the police and govt authorities IN ADVANCE, and agree on the terms of the protest and what would take place, including the charges and confinement and prosecution process. This gives the govt the chance to REDRESS GRIEVANCES to prevent the need to protest.
The person and the authorities all agree on the process, and the person does not deny or resist any of the steps, but follows through; they certainly do not run and hide and avoid prosecution for their actions, but come forward and do so OPENLY so it is all by consent.

It is NOT about springing a disruptive action, without giving any opportunity to address issues in advance, which is the purpose of protesting and petitioning. See also Matthew 18:15-20, where rebukes and redressing grievances are supposed to be conducted for the purpose of establishing truth, resolving conflict, and restoring good faith relations with neighbors. In the spirit of governance of Christ Jesus, all wrongs can be made right.
But adding additional wrongs to the table just doubles the burdens that need correction.

Your defense of the right to life is worthy, but it must be defended in keeping with the spirit of the laws and NOT violating the very laws and principles you wish to enforce.
Otherwise you lose moral ground and standing and the right to invoke Constitutional authority in defense of life and liberty.

I believe civil obedience trumps civil disobedience, and adhering to commitment to follow the laws by conscience, by agreement in Christ, empowers us to enforce laws civilly.

There is a proper way to rebuke our neighbors, by addressing the wrongs one-on-one, and establishing the truth by consensus until the whole body of people is united in agreement.
Since the Constitution and natural laws represented thereunder are self-existent rights given by God as part of human nature,
we have the right and responsibility to exercise these to resolve grievances civilly "by consent of the governed" if we are going to enforce equal protections and justice for all.

Executions kill guilty people. Abortions murder innocent babies.
Dear Emily:

I regret to inform you that your family name was probably sufficient excuse in the OP's mind to ignore anything you might say.

You see, dear Emily, that family name of yours suggests that your skin is 'yellow' and your eyes nor the right shape for the OP to understand that you are as fully human as himself.

In the democracy which the USA seeks to be, you and I and all the rest are forced to tolerate such hate as his being spoken..... But in the USA which the OP *wishes for*, ah! - there he would be a 'king' simply because of the color of his skin.

What a terribly sad existence his must be, to have only some minor genetic deficiency of melanin upon which to hang one's pride! The OP has little more congnitive ability than does a fetus of six weeks' gestation - or he would comprehend that there cannot BE cognitive ability without functional neurological tissue, which said six week fetus hasn't yet developed.

The truly pathetic aspect of this situation is that even after some decades subsequent to birth, the OP has still been unable to develop enough cognitive function to realize that there is only ONE human species, and only ONE subspecies. We are all, Emily - you, I and even the OP and the !Kung of the Kalahari - biologically described as "H. Sap. sap." Genus 'Homo', species 'sapiens', subspecies (or 'race') 'sapiens'.

As I read the OP's posts, a metal image keeps forming of Hitler in a pink tu-tu shrieking 'I am the greatest!'........

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