Bachman Says Obama Wrong...Waterboarding Uncomfortable

Nice strawman you're building there.

When the US starts applying electrical shock to testicles you may have a point. But until then you have nothing.

My, you really do set the bar pretty low don't you?

Anything less than electric shock to the testicles is not torture. As long as there are no marks afterwards, we can do what we want. These are not really people that we torture.....they are terrorists and they deserve it. If we can save lives, torture is justified

The same excuses have been used by those committing torture for centuries

America should be above all that......we used to be

Nice try at putting words in my mouth.

Would you consider any one of the following torture.

  • Long Time Standing: This technique is described as among the most effective. Prisoners are forced to stand, handcuffed and with their feet shackled to an eye bolt in the floor for more than 40 hours. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation are effective in yielding confessions.
  • The Cold Cell: The prisoner is left to stand naked in a cell kept near 50 degrees. Throughout the time in the cell the prisoner is doused with cold water.

As a kid, I once saw a movie "Stalag 17"

In that movie, an American officer accused of espionage was forced to stand indefinitely and deprived of sleep by the wicked Nazis. American audiences were appalled that one of our soldiers would be treated that way.
Bachmann? she's the one that god told her to run? :eusa_eh:


Please provide the direct quote where Bachman made this claim.
You're not going to erase your shame by lashing out, Swallow (although you might consider spitting out once in a while). Go and educate yourself if you want to avoid further embarrassment.

I know it's been a tough life for ya little girl, but sucking off old men is not the way to go. Find a cheap dentist..and maybe a drug clinic little girl.

There's always hope.
Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that least after there are no lasting physical effects is what I mean by not that bad.

Whether waterboarding "is" torture or not really is not the important question. At the very least, it's meant to simulate torture, right? So then, the fact remains that such methods are NOT effective for obtaining information. Torture, nor anything designed to simulate it, is most likely to get a person to say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get you to stop. The Pope would "confess" to being an atheist if you waterboarded him enough.

Yep...the defining moment to me was when John McCain flat declared that it is torture. That man should know what he's talking about. A war hero in the Republican party these days is as rare as a 30 ct diamond. Come to think of it war heroes in either party have gotten to be as rare as hen's teeth. I guess when the rich folks stopped going to war the picture changed.
No doubt.

That's when those war-heroes (who never spent a DAY in the mud-and-blood of ACTUAL-COMBAT) decided the Chickenhawks were his best guarantee of avoiding an actual job.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

I would consider hitting someone with a bat to get information far more torture than waterboarding.....cracked skull, bruising, cuts, concussion, death all can/do result from batting someone in the head, waterboarding on the other hand leaves no physical damage.

I'm sure getting hit in the eye with a tire iron and being stabbed are just as bad if not worse than the bat thing.

^^^^^ to this post. I agree with Bachmann and only if there is a strongly suspected reason to do so.

I do not take issue with our military using waterboarding on enemy combatants. I personally volunteered to be waterboarded in the past, to find out what it was like....


Do yourself a favor, Swallow, and take that course I recommended. A full brain is better than a full mouth, really.
^^^^^ to this post. I agree with Bachmann and only if there is a strongly suspected reason to do so.

I do not take issue with our military using waterboarding on enemy combatants. I personally volunteered to be waterboarded in the past, to find out what it was like, and it is some seriously scary stuff....but it doesn't do any physical damage so I'm not as against it as I would be against say beating someone to get some info.



Is that ALL you can muster?

Man you totally SUCK at having a debate with someone.
I loved how the audience cheered in support of water boarding

Only Paul and Huntsman had the guts to call it what it is......torture

Torture is subjective.

It sure is......those committing torture always find a way to claim the victim deserves it
....Especially if their home-state is legendary for it.....​

"A decision by the University of Wyoming to name a new center for international students for former Vice President Dick Cheney is drawing criticism from people who say Cheney's support for the Iraq war and harsh interrogation techniques should disqualify him from the distinction."



My, you really do set the bar pretty low don't you?

Anything less than electric shock to the testicles is not torture. As long as there are no marks afterwards, we can do what we want. These are not really people that we torture.....they are terrorists and they deserve it. If we can save lives, torture is justified

The same excuses have been used by those committing torture for centuries

America should be above all that......we used to be

Nice try at putting words in my mouth.

Would you consider any one of the following torture.

  • Long Time Standing: This technique is described as among the most effective. Prisoners are forced to stand, handcuffed and with their feet shackled to an eye bolt in the floor for more than 40 hours. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation are effective in yielding confessions.
  • The Cold Cell: The prisoner is left to stand naked in a cell kept near 50 degrees. Throughout the time in the cell the prisoner is doused with cold water.

As a kid, I once saw a movie "Stalag 17"

In that movie, an American officer accused of espionage was forced to stand indefinitely and deprived of sleep by the wicked Nazis. American audiences were appalled that one of our soldiers would be treated that way.

Is that a yes?
Torture is subjective.

It sure is......those committing torture always find a way to claim the victim deserves it

Good liberal answer. Mere opinion and no evidence.
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh??

How unfortunate/inconvenient (actual) interrogators say....people, like him, are FULL O' SHIT!!

[ame=]Countdown: "Matthew Alexander" on Torture - YouTube[/ame]​
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It sure is......those committing torture always find a way to claim the victim deserves it

Good liberal answer. Mere opinion and no evidence.
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh??

How unfortunate/inconvenient (actual) interrogators say....people, like him, are FULL O' SHIT!!

[ame=]Countdown: "Matthew Alexander" on Torture - YouTube[/ame]​

More opinion.
Torture is subjective.

It sure is......those committing torture always find a way to claim the victim deserves it
....Especially if their home-state is legendary for it.....​

"A decision by the University of Wyoming to name a new center for international students for former Vice President Dick Cheney is drawing criticism from people who say Cheney's support for the Iraq war and harsh interrogation techniques should disqualify him from the distinction."



What does the war on terror have to do with your boyfriend getting beat up?
You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Stupidest post of the month.

You must be so proud, Shallow....
Gee, I remember the days when people went to the lake, got a huge specialized surfboard to ride behind a powerboat and skimmed the surface of the lake all day long and called it "waterboarding."

Once again you condescendingly tell blacks they are incapable of knowing what is in their best interests

So you figure that since you have nothing to stand on, you might as well just fucking lie, huh?

You have zero ethics and no shame.
I guess Liberals are more concerned with the torture of Islamic terrorists than American troops, because I never heard them complaining when we were waterboarding our troops.

Liberals are so devout to their liberal religion, that they're willing to put themselves and other Americans at risk, if it makes for an opportunity to tells us how evil America is.
Save it, Skippy.

The term Evil (primarily used by "conservatives") is....and, always was....a fairy-tale concept.

You are, of course, being deliberately illogical and dishonest. Typical.

Seems logical to me. This is the current US policy towards water boarding ..

"“Waterboarding is torture. It’s contrary to America’s traditions, it’s contrary to our ideals, it’s not who we are, it’s not how we operate,” Obama told reporters at a press conference of the interrogation technique."

The fact that candidates for the presidency of the united states would believe otherwise is an embarrassment to this great nation

Obama said it so it must be true.

A big.....

....are you??

And what case is that? That waterbaording is scary stuff but doesn't leave any physical damage? How does the video hurt that case?

Also, you need to phrase the question with a different premise if you want me to answer it, i'll help:

"Do the men we are interrogating have the same option?" I would hope not, if they did it wouldn't actually work.

Where do Conservatives get this definition of torture being "if you don't leave physical damage it is not torture"?

Does electric shock to the testicles leave physical damage? Does psychological damage mean anything?

Water boarding is against the principles that made this country a great nation. We should be ashamed that we actually have presidential candidates who support it

First off I'm a libertarian and by no means a social conservative.

Secondly, in my opinion, after having personally experienced waterboarding...



And yes, interrogations are supposed to psychologically drain people to a point that weakens their mind into releasing information.


[ame=]Keith & The Torture Timeline - Former Interrogator Matthew Alexander Interview 4/23/09 - YouTube[/ame]

You're bogus, PLYMCO_PILGRIM.

You (quite) obviously don't know what-the-fuck you're talkin' about.

Go back to gaming.


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