Bachmann - Candidate without a church

When I first started posted regularly about a year a lot of posters appeared to be independents.

Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.
Agreed. However, she'll guarantee an Obama reelection :)

Of course she will, so you of the hate machine might as well stay home and smoke your bong. Your Messiah® is beloved by all of his subjects and will rule for a thousand years. All this politics of personal destruction is wasted effort - Dear Leader is guaranteed to win.

Relax, Scheiß Maus, you can't lose.
When I first started posted regularly about a year a lot of posters appeared to be independents.

Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.

No I attack people who I think would do the same thing as Obama once in office, which includes the people you listed.

Yes I'll attack someone who praises a pastor who equates gays to Hitler, as any rational person who isn't bigotted would.

You're a card carrying republican hack who rushes to the defense of any republican. I've never rushed to the defense of a single democrat and never will.

Of course you didn't address my comment about Obama being a bigot, a well calculated dodge.
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When I first started posted regularly about a year a lot of posters appeared to be independents.

Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.

If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?
Alright, your choice Uncensored.

1.) You can admit you were wrong and being stupid when you said I've haven't said a bad thing about democrats.

2.) I can post a link to a thread on this very politics board where I bashed Obama literally minutes before I made the post on here that caused you to reply and say I never bash democrats.

Your call, either one works for me.

Well, 1 is out since I wasn't wrong - so, by all means post the link.
When I first started posted regularly about a year a lot of posters appeared to be independents.

Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.

If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?
Anyone but Obama. The man is a disaster on parade.
Alright, your choice Uncensored.

1.) You can admit you were wrong and being stupid when you said I've haven't said a bad thing about democrats.

2.) I can post a link to a thread on this very politics board where I bashed Obama literally minutes before I made the post on here that caused you to reply and say I never bash democrats.

Your call, either one works for me.

Well, 1 is out since I wasn't wrong - so, by all means post the link.

Already been done, check the last page, took me all of 2 seconds to find it as it was right on page 1 of the politics board.
Regardless - you posted your usual, partisan bluff and bluster; when called on it, you folded like the mindless hack you are.

Hey, with Obama as your little tin god, you're bound to be a fuckup - we expect it from you. (And you don't disappoint.)

Called on what? You have no idea what you're talking about. Learn to read. It's really not that hard.

I can smell you from here. When is the last time you took a bath? Have you been making love to goats again? I thought you were over that.

I like pizza.
Called on what? You have no idea what you're talking about. Learn to read. It's really not that hard.

You smoke a LOT of dope, don't you?

I can't believe you would openly admit to being a Nazi sympathizer like that. Pretty ballsy.
What is it with freaks as ou and the Nazi references?

Your first problem is that you lack basic historical concept. You should really learn history before willy-nilly throwing around such references.

I get really sick of jackasses as you using such things when you have not fucking clue as to the ramifications of the term.

No I attack people who I think would do the same thing as Obama once in office, which includes the people you listed.

None of the people I listed would follow the Obama agenda. We can argue whether they would be substantially better, but I did not list Romney or McCain.

Yes I'll attack someone who praises a pastor who equates gays to Hitler, as any rational person who isn't bigotted would.

You'll attack them for LEAVING the church of that pastor...

You're a card carrying republican hack who rushes to the defense of any republican.


Of course you didn't address my comment about Obama being a bigot, a well calculated dodge.

What about it would you like me to address? It's good that you criticize Obama.

Tit for tat? Bachmann is a neo-con who would pursue the disastrous Bush "world policeman" policies. I oppose this about Bachmann - enough that I would not vote for her under any circumstance.
If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?

When George HW Bush won the GOP nomination, I got a lot of pressure to support him, despite virtually everyone knowing he was a shit-heel. The logic was that Bush was the "lesser of two evils." Problem is, the lesser of two evils is still evil. I will not support that which is evil. I changed my party to Libertarian and haven't voted for the GOP since. I didn't vote for Dubya and sure didn't vote for Open Borders McCain.

So to answer your question, no - I would not vote for Bachmann, I would vote Libertarian as I nearly always do. The ONLY Republican I will cast my vote in favor of is Herman Cain. I'm a registered Libertarian, so I don't get to vote in the GOP primary. If the Republicans nominate Cain, I'll vote for him. But I honestly view him as the only person worthy of support among the Republicans.
No I attack people who I think would do the same thing as Obama once in office, which includes the people you listed.

None of the people I listed would follow the Obama agenda. We can argue whether they would be substantially better, but I did not list Romney or McCain.

Yes I'll attack someone who praises a pastor who equates gays to Hitler, as any rational person who isn't bigotted would.

You'll attack them for LEAVING the church of that pastor...

You're a card carrying republican hack who rushes to the defense of any republican.


Of course you didn't address my comment about Obama being a bigot, a well calculated dodge.

What about it would you like me to address? It's good that you criticize Obama.

Tit for tat? Bachmann is a neo-con who would pursue the disastrous Bush "world policeman" policies. I oppose this about Bachmann - enough that I would not vote for her under any circumstance.

1.) I disagree, I think they'd follow the Obama agenda, which is the same as the Bush agenda. Spend spend spend, debt debt debt, warmonger warmonger warmonger.

2.) I don't care if she leaves or joins a million churches. I care that she praises a pastor who equates gays to Hitler.

3.) It's true

4.) You called me a partisan for democrats, I was proving you wrong as roughly 30 seconds before you called me that I was calling Obama a bigot.
  • Thanks
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When I first started posted regularly about a year a lot of posters appeared to be independents.

Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.

If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?

i wouldn't vote for bachmann if the other candidate was teddy kennedy, with pol pot as his running mate.
Ain't that the truth?

Back at AWE, I had you pegged as a little left of center, independent. But as Obama slips in the polls, you've become as hyper as the others in the incessant attacks on the GOP.

Bachmann is just today's target because she leads the GOP pack at the moment. Prior to her, you attacked Palin, Cain, Perry, etc. Anyone who you view as a threat to Obama.

Notice that you don't attack the political or economic positions of any of these, it's pure ad hom - Libel is the lifeblood of the left.

I wouldn't vote for Bachmann and have repeatedly stated this - but the politics of personal destruction, the incessant venom spewed by the leftist hate machine needs to be called on the carpet.

If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?

i wouldn't vote for bachmann if the other candidate was teddy kennedy, with pol pot as his running mate.

People on this forum give way too much power to the president. To me the makeup of the house and the senate is what matters.

I would vote for Bachman if I knew there were more moderate republicans controlling the house and/or the senate....and DEFINITELY vote for Bachman if I knew both houses were controlled by liberals.

I do NOT like a super majority on either side of the aisle.
If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?

i wouldn't vote for bachmann if the other candidate was teddy kennedy, with pol pot as his running mate.

People on this forum give way too much power to the president. To me the makeup of the house and the senate is what matters.

I would vote for Bachman if I knew there were more moderate republicans controlling the house and/or the senate....and DEFINITELY vote for Bachman if I knew both houses were controlled by liberals.

I do NOT like a super majority on either side of the aisle.

i wouldn't vote for her for tree warden.

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